Man pages for readabs
Download and Tidy Time Series Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

abs_apiABS.Stat API functions
check_latest_dateGet date of most recent observation(s) in ABS time series
check_lfs_grossflowsInternal function to check if the data frame returned by...
download_abs_data_cubeExperimental helper function to download ABS data cubes that...
download_previous_payrollsThis function is temporarily necessary while the readabs...
extract_abs_sheetsExtract data sheets from an ABS timeseries workbook saved...
fast_str_squishVery slightly faster version of stringr's str_squish()
read_absDownload, extract, and tidy ABS time series spreadsheets
read_abs_dataExtracts ABS time series data from local Excel spreadsheets...
read_abs_localRead and tidy locally-saved ABS time series spreadsheet(s)
read_abs_metadataExtracts ABS series metadata directly from Excel spreadsheets...
read_abs_urlDownload and import an ABS time series spreadsheet from a...
read_cpiDownload a tidy tibble containing the Consumer Price Index...
read_job_mobilityDownload and tidy ABS Job Mobility tables
read_lfs_grossflowsDownload, import and tidy 'gross flows' data cube from the...
read_payrollsDownload and tidy ABS payroll jobs and wages data
scrape_abs_cataloguesHelper function for 'download_abs_data_cube' to scrape the...
search_cataloguesSearch for ABS catalogues that match a string
search_filesSearch for a file within an ABS catalogue
separate_seriesSeparate the series column in a tidy ABS time series data...
show_available_cataloguesHelper function for 'download_abs_data_cube' to show the...
show_available_filesHelper function to show the files available in a particular...
tidy_absTidy ABS time series data.
tidy_abs_listTidy multiple dataframes of ABS time series data contained in...
tidy_aweInternal function to tidy a dataframe from ABS 6302
readabs documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 9:06 a.m.