show_available_files: Helper function to show the files available in a particular...

View source: R/show_available_files.r

show_available_filesR Documentation

Helper function to show the files available in a particular catalogue number.


[Experimental] To be used in conjunction with download_abs_data_cube().

This function lists the possible files that are available in a catalogue. The filename (or an unambiguous part of the filename) must be specified as a string as an argument to download_abs_data_cube.


show_available_files(catalogue_string, refresh = FALSE)

get_available_files(catalogue_string, refresh = FALSE)



character string specifying the catalogue, e.g. "labour-force-australia-detailed". You can use show_available_catalogues() see all the possible catalogues, or search_catalogues() to find catalogues that contain a given string.


logical; FALSE by default. If FALSE, an internal table of the available ABS catalogues is used. If TRUE, this table is refreshed from the ABS website.


get_available_files() is an alias for show_available_files().


A tibble containing the title of the file, the filename and the complete url.

See Also

Other data cube functions: download_abs_data_cube(), search_catalogues(), show_available_catalogues()

Other data cube functions: download_abs_data_cube(), search_catalogues(), show_available_catalogues()


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readabs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:48 a.m.