API for reader
Suite of Functions to Flexibly Read Data from Files

Global functions
add.dir.if.not Man page Source code
as.df Man page Source code
assess.dat.type Man page Source code
cat.path Man page Source code
classify.ext Man page Source code
column.salvage Man page Source code
conv.fixed.width Man page Source code
dir.force.slash Man page Source code
file.ncol Man page Source code
file.nrow Man page Source code
find.file Man page Source code
find.id.col Man page Source code
force.frame Man page Source code
force.vec Man page Source code
get.delim Man page Source code
get.ext Man page Source code
is.ch Man page Source code
is.file Man page Source code
n.readLines Man page Source code
parse.args Man page Source code
reader Man page Source code
reader-package Man page Man page
rmv.ext Man page Source code
shift.rownames Man page Source code
vec.extract.mat Man page Source code
wc.windows Man page Source code
reader documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:27 a.m.