Man pages for reader
Suite of Functions to Flexibly Read Data from Files

cat.pathSimple and robust way to create full-path file names.
classify.extClassify file types readable by standard R I/O functions.
column.salvageChange column name in different form to desired form.
conv.fixed.widthConvert a matrix or dataframe to fixed-width for nice file...
file.ncolFind the number of columns (lines) in a file.
file.nrowFind the number of rows (lines) in a file.
find.fileSearch for a directory to add to the path so that a file... which column in a dataframe contains a specified set of...
force.framereturns a dataframe if '' can in anyway relate to...
force.vecreturns a vector if '' can in anyway relate to...
get.delimDetermine the delimiter for a text data file.
get.extGet the file extension from a file-name.
is.fileTest whether a file exists in a target directory, or...
n.readLinesRead 'n' lines (ignoring comments and header) from a file.
parse.argsFunction to collect arguments when running R from the command...
readerFlexibly load from a text or binary file, accepts multiple...
reader-internalInternal reader Functions
reader-packageSuite of Functions to Flexibly Read Data from Files
rmv.extRemove the file extension from a file-name.
shift.rownamesShift the first column of a dataframe to rownames() if...
reader documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:27 a.m.