Man pages for readrba
Download and Tidy Data from the Reserve Bank of Australia

browse_rbaBrowse available RBA data series
check_if_rba_tsPerform a minimal check to see if a dataframe is formatted in...
latest_forecast_monthObtain the month of the latest RBA SMP forecasts
load_rba_sheetLoad the data sheet(s) from an RBA Excel file
pipePipe operator
rba_forecastsCompile the RBA's public forecasts of key economic variables...
read_cashrateConvenience function to get the RBA's cash rate.
read_excel_noguessDrop-in replacement for 'readxl::read_excel()' that does not...
read_rbaDownload, import, and tidy statistical tables from the RBA
read_rba_localLoad and tidy local RBA Excel sheets
readrba-packagereadrba: Download and Tidy Data from the Reserve Bank of...
rename_excelThis function checks to see if an Excel file's extension...
safely_read_html'read_html()' safely.
scrape_table_listScrape the RBA site to obtain links to tables
tables_from_seriesidGiven series ID(s), find the corresponding table number(s)
tidy_rbaTidy a statistical table from the RBA
readrba documentation built on Aug. 13, 2023, 9:06 a.m.