API for readtext
Import and Handling for Plain and Formatted Text Files

Global functions
.onAttach Source code
add_docid Man page Source code
as.character.readtext Man page Source code
basename_unique Man page Source code
cache_remote Man page Source code
clean_text Source code
data_char_encodedtexts Man page
data_files_encodedtexts Man page
encoding Man page Source code
encoding.character Source code
encoding.readtext Source code
extensions Source code
extract_archive Source code
extract_attrs Source code
fix_html Source code
format.trunc_mat_tibble Source code
get_csv Source code
get_doc Source code
get_docvars_filenames Source code
get_docx Source code
get_excel Source code
get_html Source code
get_json Source code
get_json_lines Source code
get_json_object Source code
get_json_tweets Source code
get_nexis_html Man page Source code
get_ods Source code
get_odt Source code
get_options_default Source code
get_pdf Source code
get_rtf Source code
get_source Source code
get_temp Man page Source code
get_txt Source code
get_xml Source code
impute_types Man page Source code
is_probably_xpath Source code
list_file Source code
list_files Source code
print.readtext Man page Source code
print.trunc_mat_tibble Source code
readtext Man page Source code
readtext-package Man page
readtext_initialize Source code
readtext_options Man page Source code
readtext_reset Source code
set_option_value Source code
sort_fields Man page Source code
texts Man page Source code
texts.readtext Man page Source code
trunc_mat_tibble Source code
xml2_to_dataframe Source code
readtext documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:13 a.m.