#' read a text file(s)
#' Read texts and (if any) associated document-level meta-data from one or more source files.
#' The text source files
#' come from the textual component of the files, and the document-level
#' metadata ("docvars") come from either the file contents or filenames.
#' @param file the complete filename(s) to be read. This is designed to
#' automagically handle a number of common scenarios, so the value can be a
# single filename, a vector of file names a remote URL, or a file "mask" using a
#' "glob"-type wildcard value. Currently available filetypes are:
#' **Single file formats:**
#' \describe{
#' \item{`txt`}{plain text files:
#' So-called structured text files, which describe both texts and metadata:
#' For all structured text filetypes, the column, field, or node
#' which contains the the text must be specified with the `text_field`
#' parameter, and all other fields are treated as docvars.}
#' \item{`json`}{data in some form of JavaScript
#' Object Notation, consisting of the texts and optionally additional docvars.
#' The supported formats are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item a single JSON object per file
#' \item line-delimited JSON, with one object per line
#' \item line-delimited JSON, of the format produced from a Twitter stream.
#' This type of file has special handling which simplifies the Twitter format
#' into docvars. The correct format for each JSON file is automatically detected.}}
#' \item{`csv,tab,tsv`}{comma- or tab-separated values}
#' \item{`html`}{HTML documents, including specialized formats from known
#' sources, such as Nexis-formatted HTML. See the `source` parameter
#' below.}
#' \item{`xml`}{XML documents are supported -- those of the
#' kind that can be read by [xml2::read_xml()] and navigated through
#' [xml2::xml_find_all()]. For xml files, an additional
#' argument `collapse` may be passed through `...` that names the character(s) to use in
#' appending different text elements together.}
#' \item{`pdf`}{pdf formatted files, converted through \pkg{pdftools}.}
#' \item{`odt`}{Open Document Text formatted files.}
#' \item{`doc, docx`}{Microsoft Word formatted files.}
#' \item{`rtf`}{Rich Text Files.}
#' **Reading multiple files and file types:**
#' In addition, `file` can also not be a path
#' to a single local file, but also combinations of any of the above types, such as:
#' \item{a wildcard value}{any valid
#' pathname with a wildcard ("glob") expression that can be expanded by the
#' operating system. This may consist of multiple file types.}
#' \item{a URL to a remote}{which is downloaded then loaded}
#' \item{`zip,tar,tar.gz,`}{archive file, which is unzipped. The
#' contained files must be either at the top level or in a single directory.
#' Archives, remote URLs and glob patterns can resolve to any of the other
#' filetypes, so you could have, for example, a remote URL to a zip file which
#' contained Twitter JSON files.}
#' }
#' @param text_field,docid_field a variable (column) name or column number
#' indicating where to find the texts that form the documents for the corpus
#' and their identifiers. This must be specified for file types `.csv`,
#' `.json`, and `.xls`/`.xlsx` files. For XML files, an XPath
#' expression can be specified.
#' @param docvarsfrom used to specify that docvars should be taken from the
#' filenames, when the `readtext` inputs are filenames and the elements
#' of the filenames are document variables, separated by a delimiter
#' (`dvsep`). This allows easy assignment of docvars from filenames such
#' as `1789-Washington.txt`, `1793-Washington`, etc. by `dvsep`
#' or from meta-data embedded in the text file header (`headers`).
#' If `docvarsfrom` is set to `"filepaths"`, consider the full path to the
#' file, not just the filename.
#' @param dvsep separator (a regular expression character string) used in
#' filenames to delimit docvar elements if `docvarsfrom="filenames"`
#' or `docvarsfrom="filepaths"` is used
#' @param docvarnames character vector of variable names for `docvars`, if
#' `docvarsfrom` is specified. If this argument is not used, default
#' docvar names will be used (`docvar1`, `docvar2`, ...).
#' @param encoding vector: either the encoding of all files, or one encoding
#' for each files
#' @param ignore_missing_files if `FALSE`, then if the file
#' argument doesn't resolve to an existing file, then an error will be thrown.
#' Note that this can happen in a number of ways, including passing a path
#' to a file that does not exist, to an empty archive file, or to a glob
#' pattern that matches no files.
#' @param source used to specify specific formats of some input file types, such
#' as JSON or HTML. Currently supported types are `"twitter"` for JSON and
#' `"nexis"` for HTML.
#' @param cache if `TRUE`, save remote file to a temporary folder. Only used
#' when `file` is a URL.
#' @param verbosity \itemize{
#' \item 0: output errors only
#' \item 1: output errors and warnings (default)
#' \item 2: output a brief summary message
#' \item 3: output detailed file-related messages
#' }
#' @param ... additional arguments passed through to low-level file reading
#' function, such as [file()], [fread()], etc. Useful
#' for specifying an input encoding option, which is specified in the same was
#' as it would be give to [iconv()]. See the Encoding section of
#' [file] for details.
#' @return a data.frame consisting of a columns `doc_id` and `text`
#' that contain a document identifier and the texts respectively, with any
#' additional columns consisting of document-level variables either found
#' in the file containing the texts, or created through the
#' `readtext` call.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils unzip type.convert
#' @importFrom httr GET write_disk
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## get the data directory
#' if (!interactive()) pkgload::load_all()
#' DATA_DIR <- system.file("extdata/", package = "readtext")
#' ## read in some text data
#' # all UDHR files
#' (rt1 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/txt/UDHR/*")))
#' # manifestos with docvars from filenames
#' (rt2 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/txt/EU_manifestos/*.txt"),
#' docvarsfrom = "filenames",
#' docvarnames = c("unit", "context", "year", "language", "party"),
#' encoding = "LATIN1"))
#' # recurse through subdirectories
#' (rt3 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/txt/movie_reviews/*"),
#' docvarsfrom = "filepaths", docvarnames = "sentiment"))
#' ## read in csv data
#' (rt4 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/csv/inaugCorpus.csv")))
#' ## read in tab-separated data
#' (rt5 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/tsv/dailsample.tsv"), text_field = "speech"))
#' ## read in JSON data
#' (rt6 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/json/inaugural_sample.json"), text_field = "texts"))
#' ## read in pdf data
#' # UNHDR
#' (rt7 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/pdf/UDHR/*.pdf"),
#' docvarsfrom = "filenames",
#' docvarnames = c("document", "language")))
#' Encoding(rt7$text)
#' ## read in Word data (.doc)
#' (rt8 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/word/*.doc")))
#' Encoding(rt8$text)
#' ## read in Word data (.docx)
#' (rt9 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/word/*.docx")))
#' Encoding(rt9$text)
#' ## use elements of path and filename as docvars
#' (rt10 <- readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/pdf/UDHR/*.pdf"),
#' docvarsfrom = "filepaths", dvsep = "[/_.]"))
#' }
readtext <- function(file, ignore_missing_files = FALSE, text_field = NULL,
docid_field = NULL,
docvarsfrom = c("metadata", "filenames", "filepaths"), dvsep = "_",
docvarnames = NULL, encoding = NULL, source = NULL, cache = TRUE,
verbosity = readtext_options("verbosity"),
...) {
args <- list(...)
if ("textfield" %in% names(args)) {
warning("textfield is deprecated; use text_field instead.")
text_field <- args[["textfield"]]
# # in case the function was called without attaching the package,
# # in which case the option is never set
# if (is.null(verbosity))
# verbosity <- 1
if (!verbosity %in% 0:3)
stop("verbosity must be one of 0, 1, 2, 3.")
if (!all(is.character(file)))
stop("file must be a character (specifying file location(s)).")
if (!is.null(source) && !is.character(source))
stop("source must be a character.")
docvarsfrom <- match.arg(docvarsfrom)
# # just use the first, if both are specified?
# if (is.missing(docvarsfrom))
# if (!all(docvarsfrom %in% c( c("metadata", "filenames"))))
# stop("illegal docvarsfrom value")
if (is.null(text_field))
text_field <- 1
if (length(encoding) < 2 && is.null(encoding))
encoding <- getOption("encoding")
if (is.null(source))
source <- "auto"
if (verbosity >= 2)
message("Reading texts from ", file)
# TODO: files need to be imported as they are discovered. Currently
# list_files() uses a lot of storage space for temporary files when there
# are a lot of archives.
files <- list_files(file, ignore_missing_files, FALSE, cache, verbosity)
if (length(encoding) == 1) {
encoding <- rep(encoding, length(files))
} else {
if (length(encoding) != length(files))
stop("Encoding parameter must be length 1, or as long as the number of files")
sources <- mapply(function(x, e) {
get_source(x, text_field = text_field, docid_field = docid_field,
encoding = e, source = source, verbosity = verbosity, ...)
}, files, encoding, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# combine all of the data.frames returned
result <- data.frame(doc_id = "",
data.table::rbindlist(sources, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# this is in case some smart-alec (like AO) globs different directories
# for identical filenames
ids <- lapply(sources, row.names)
id <- unlist(ids, use.names = FALSE)
if (any(duplicated(id))) {
prefix <- rep(basename_unique(files, path_only = TRUE), lengths(ids))
#if (lengths(prefix) > 1)
id <- paste(prefix, id, sep = "/")
if (docvarsfrom %in% c("filepaths", "filenames")) {
docvar <- get_docvars_filenames(files, dvsep, docvarnames, docvarsfrom == "filepaths", verbosity)
result <- cbind(result, impute_types(docvar))
# change rownames to doc_id
result$doc_id <- id
rownames(result) <- NULL
if (verbosity >= 2)
message(" ... read ", nrow(result), " document", if (nrow(result) == 1) "" else "s.")
class(result) <- c("readtext", "data.frame")
## Read each file as appropriate, calling the get_* functions for recognized
## file types
get_source <- function(path, text_field, docid_field, replace_specialchar = FALSE, verbosity = 1, ...,
# deprecated arguments
textfield) {
ext <- tolower(file_ext(path))
if (ext %in% extensions()) {
if (dir.exists(path)) {
call <- deparse(
call <- sub(path, paste0(sub("/$", "", path), "/*"), call, fixed = TRUE)
stop("File '", path, "' does not exist, but a directory of this name does exist. ",
"To read all files in a directory, you must pass a glob expression like ", call, ".")
} else {
if (verbosity >= 1)
warning("Unsupported extension ", sQuote(ext), " of file ", path , " treating as plain text.")
ext <- "txt"
if (verbosity >= 3)
message(" ... reading (", ext, ") file: ", path)
result <- switch(ext,
txt = get_txt(path, ...),
csv = get_csv(path, text_field, docid_field, sep = ",", ...),
tsv = get_csv(path, text_field, docid_field, sep = "\t", ...),
tab = get_csv(path, text_field, docid_field, sep = "\t", ...),
json = get_json(path, text_field, docid_field, verbosity = verbosity, ...),
xml = get_xml(path, text_field, verbosity = verbosity, ...),
html = get_html(path, verbosity = verbosity, ...),
pdf = get_pdf(path, ...),
odt = get_odt(path, ...),
docx = get_docx(path, ...),
doc = get_doc(path, ...),
rtf = get_rtf(path, ...),
xls = get_excel(path, text_field, docid_field, ...),
xlsx = get_excel(path, text_field, docid_field, ...),
ods = get_ods(path, text_field, docid_field, ...)
# assign filename (variants) unique text names
len <- nrow(result)
# TODO: stop using row.names as it errors when duplicated
if (len > 1) {
if (is.null(docid_field))
row.names(result) <- paste(basename(path), seq_len(len), sep = ".")
} else {
row.names(result) <- basename(path)
if (replace_specialchar)
result$text <- replace_charclass(result$text)
replace_charclass <- function (text) {
mapping <- c(
"\\p{Dash_Punctuation}" = "-",
"\\p{Space_Separator}" = " ",
"\\p{Initial_Punctuation}" = "'",
"\\p{Final_Punctuation}" = "'",
"\\p{Private_Use}" = "",
"\\p{Unassigned}" = ""
for (i in seq_along(mapping))
text <- stri_replace_all(text, names(mapping[i]), regex = mapping[i])
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.