redist_ci: Confidence Intervals for SMC and MCMC Estimates

View source: R/confint.R

redist_ciR Documentation

Confidence Intervals for SMC and MCMC Estimates


Builds a confidence interval for a quantity of interest. If multiple runs are available, uses the between-run variation to estimate the standard error. If only one run is available, uses information on the SMC particle/plan genealogy to estimate the standard error, using a variant of the method of Olson & Douc (2019). The multiple-run estimator is more reliable, especially for situations with many districts, and should be used when parallelism is available. All reference plans are ignored.


redist_ci(plans, x, district = 1L, conf = 0.9, by_chain = FALSE)

redist_smc_ci(plans, x, district = 1L, conf = 0.9, by_chain = FALSE)

redist_mcmc_ci(plans, x, district = 1L, conf = 0.9, by_chain = FALSE)



a redist_plans object.


the quantity to build an interval for. Tidy-evaluated within plans.


for redist_plans objects with multiple districts, which district to subset to. Set to NULL to perform no subsetting.


the desired confidence level.


Whether the confidence interval should indicate overall sampling uncertainty (FALSE) or per-chain sampling uncertainty (TRUE). In the latter case the intervals will be wider by a factor of sqrt(runs).


A tibble with three columns: X, X_lower, and X_upper, where X is the name of the vector of interest, containing the mean and confidence interval. When used inside summarize() this will create three columns in the output data.


  • redist_smc_ci(): Compute confidence intervals for SMC output.

  • redist_mcmc_ci(): Compute confidence intervals for MCMC output.


Lee, A., & Whiteley, N. (2018). Variance estimation in the particle filter. Biometrika, 105(3), 609-625.

Olsson, J., & Douc, R. (2019). Numerically stable online estimation of variance in particle filters. Bernoulli, 25(2), 1504-1535.

H. P. Chan and T. L. Lai. A general theory of particle filters in hidden Markov models and some applications. Ann. Statist., 41(6):2877–2904, 2013.



iowa_map <- redist_map(iowa, existing_plan = cd_2010, pop_tol = 0.05)
plans <- redist_mergesplit_parallel(iowa_map, nsims = 200, chains = 2, silent = TRUE) %>%
    mutate(dem = group_frac(iowa_map, dem_08, dem_08 + rep_08)) %>%
redist_smc_ci(plans, dem)

redist documentation built on June 24, 2024, 9:10 a.m.