
Defines functions redis_connection

Documented in redis_connection

##' Create a Redis connection.  This function is designed to be used
##' in other packages, and not directly by end-users.  However, it is
##' possible and safe to use.  See the \code{\link{hiredis}} package
##' for the user friendly interface.
##' This function creates a list of functions, appropriately bound to
##' a pointer to a Redis connection.  This is designed for package
##' authors to use so without having to ever deal with the actual
##' pointer itself (which cannot be directly manipulated from R
##' anyway).
##' The returned list has elements, all of which are functions:
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{config()}}{The configuration information}
##' \item{\code{reconnect()}}{Attempt reconnection of a connection
##' that has been closed, through serialisation/deserialisation or
##' through loss of internet connection.}
##' \item{command(cmd)}{Run a Redis command.  The format of this
##' command will be documented elsewhere.}
##' \item{pipeline(cmds)}{Run a pipeline of Redis commands.}
##' \item{subscribe(channel, pattern, callback, envir)}{Subscribe to a
##' channel or pattern specifying channels.  Here, \code{channel} must
##' be a character vector, \code{pattern} a logical indicating if
##' \code{channel} should be interpreted as a pattern, \code{callback}
##' is a function to apply to each received message, returning
##' \code{TRUE} when subscription should stop, and \code{envir} is the
##' environment in which to evaluate \code{callback}.  See below.}
##' }
##' @section Subscriptions:
##'   The callback function must take a single argument; this will be
##'   the received message with named elements \code{type} (which will
##'   be message), \code{channel} (the name of the channel) and
##'   \code{value} (the message contents).  If \code{pattern} was
##'   \code{TRUE}, then an additional element \code{pattern} will be
##'   present (see the Redis docs).  The callback must return
##'   \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}; this indicates if the client should
##'   continue quit (i.e., \code{TRUE} means return control to R,
##'   \code{FALSE} means keep going).
##'   Because the \code{subscribe} function is blocking and returns
##'   nothing, so all data collection needs to happen as a side-effect
##'   of the callback function.
##'   There is currently no way of interrupting the client while it is
##'   waiting for a message.
##' @title Create a Redis connection
##' @param config Configuration parameters as generated by
##'   \code{\link{redis_config}}
##' @useDynLib redux, .registration = TRUE
##' @export
redis_connection <- function(config = redis_config()) {
  config <- redis_config(config)
  ptr <- redis_connect(config)
  ret <-
      config = function() {

      reconnect = function() {
        ptr <<- redis_connect(config)

      command = function(cmd) {
        redis_command(ptr, cmd)

      pipeline = function(cmds) {
        redis_pipeline(ptr, cmds)

      subscribe = function(channel, pattern, callback, envir = parent.frame()) {
        redis_subscribe(ptr, channel, pattern, callback, envir)
  attr(ret, "type") <- "redux"
  class(ret) <- "redis_connection"

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

redux documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:15 a.m.