##' Support for iterating with \code{SCAN}. Note that this will
##' generalise soon to support collecting output, \code{SSCAN} and
##' other variants, etc.
##' The functions \code{scan_del} and \code{scan_find} are example
##' functions that delete and find all keys corresponding to a given
##' pattern.
##' @title Iterate over keys using SCAN
##' @param con A \code{redis_api} object
##' @param callback Function that takes a character vector of keys and
##' does something useful to it. \code{con$DEL} is one option here
##' to delete keys that match a pattern. Unlike R's *apply
##' functions, callback is called for its side effects and its
##' return values will be ignored.
##' @param pattern Optional pattern to use.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed through to \code{callback}.
##' Note that if used, \code{pattern} must be provided (at least as
##' \code{NULL}).
##' @param count Optional step size (default is Redis' default which
##' is 10)
##' @param type Type of SCAN to run. Options are \code{"SCAN"} (the
##' default), \code{"HSCAN"} (scan through keys of a hash),
##' \code{"SSCAN"} (scan through elements of a set) and
##' \code{"ZSCAN"} (scan though elements of a sorted set). If
##' \code{type} is not \code{"SCAN"}, then \code{key} must be
##' provided. HSCAN and ZSCAN currently do not work usefully.
##' @param key Key to use when running a hash, set or sorted set scan.
##' @export
scan_apply <- function(con, callback, pattern = NULL, ...,
count = NULL, type = "SCAN", key = NULL) {
## TODO: need escape hatch here for rlite which does not support
## SCAN yet. According to the issue on rlite, the best thing to do
## is KEYS
## NOTE: for HSCAN, pattern acts on the _value_ and the return value
## is a (field, value) pair for each item iterated over. I presume
## the same is true for ZSCAN.
if (!inherits(con, "redis_api")) {
stop("con must be a redis_api object")
type <- match.arg(type, c("SCAN", "HSCAN", "SSCAN", "ZSCAN"))
if (type == "SCAN") {
scan <- con$SCAN
} else {
if (is.null(key)) {
stop("key must be given when using ", type)
scan <- function(...) con[[type]](key, ...)
callback <-
cursor <- 0L
repeat {
res <- scan(cursor, pattern, count)
cursor <- res[[1]]
callback(as.character(res[[2]]), ...)
if (cursor == "0") {
##' @export
##' @rdname scan_apply
scan_del <- function(con, pattern, count = NULL, type = "SCAN", key = NULL) {
n <- 0L
del <- function(keys) {
if (length(keys) > 0L) {
n <<- n + con$DEL(keys)
scan_apply(con, del, pattern, count = count, type = type, key = key)
##' @export
##' @rdname scan_apply
scan_find <- function(con, pattern, count = NULL, type = "SCAN", key = NULL) {
res <- character(0)
find <- function(keys) {
if (length(keys) > 0L) {
res <<- c(res, keys)
scan_apply(con, find, pattern, count = count, type = type, key = key)
if (type == "SCAN") {
} else if (type == "SSCAN") {
} else {
res <- unique(matrix(res, ncol = 2L, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(res) <- c("field", "value")
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