Man pages for refGenome
Gene and Splice Site Annotation Using Annotation Data from 'Ensembl' and 'UCSC' Genome Browsers

addIsCodingAdd information on coding/non-coding status.
ensemblGenome-classClass '"ensemblGenome"'
extractByGeneIDExtract subsets of refGenome by gene-ID.
extractByGeneNameExtract subsets of refGenome by gene-name.
geneList-classClass '"geneList"'
geneModel-classClass '"geneModel"'
getGeneIdExtract gene ID from gene-name and getGeneId.
getGenePositionsExtract subsets of refGenome by gene-name.
overlapoverlap function
overlapJuncsoverlapJuncs function
readGtfReading and parsing GTF files into refGenome objects.
refExons-classClass '"refExons"'
refGenome-classClass '"refGenome"'
refGenome-packageManaging annotation data for reference Genomes from UCSC and...
refJunctions-classClass '"refJunctions"'
saveGenomeSaving and loading 'refGenome' objects
transcriptModel-classClass '"transcriptModel"'
ucscGenome-classClass '"ucscGenome"'
unifyJuncsUnification of splice-junctions.
unifyRangesUnification of Exonic ranges.
writeDBSaving and loading 'refGenome' objects to and from SQLite...
refGenome documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:03 a.m.