Man pages for referenceIntervals
Reference Intervals

cook.outliersDetermines outliers using Cook's Distance
dixon.outliersDetermines outliers using Dixon's Q Test method
horn.outliersDetermines outliers using Horn's method and Tukey's...
nonparRanksTable that dictate the ranks for the confidence intervals...
nonparRIDetermines the reference interval using non-parametric means
plot.intervalOverload of plot function to include the ability to plot the...
print.intervalOverload of print in order to concisely print the results of...
print.interval.subOverload of print in order to concisely print the results of...
referenceIntervals-packageThis package calculates reference intervals from a dataset...
refLimitCalculates and returns reference and confidence intervals for...
robustAlgorithm that implements the robust method for reference...
set120Dataset containing 120 values
set20Small dataset containing 20 samples
set200Dataset containing 200 values
set50Dataset containing 50 values
singleRefLimitThis is the workhorse of the refLimit function
vanderLoo.outliersMark van der Loo's outlier detection method in the...
referenceIntervals documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:58 a.m.