predict.reglogit: Prediction for regularized (polychotomous) logistic...

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predict.reglogitR Documentation

Prediction for regularized (polychotomous) logistic regression models


Sampling from the posterior predictive distribution of a regularized (multinomial) logistic regression fit, including entropy information for variability assessment


## S3 method for class 'reglogit'
predict(object, XX, burnin = round(0.1 * nrow(object$beta)), ...)
## S3 method for class 'regmlogit'
predict(object, XX, burnin = round(0.1 * dim(object$beta)[1]), ...) 



a "reglogit"-class object or a "regmlogit"-class object, depending on whether binary or polychotomous methods were used for fitting


a matrix of predictive locations where ncol(XX) == object$ncol(XX).


a scalar positive integer indicate the number of samples of object$beta to discard as burn-in; the default is 10% of the number of samples


For compatibility with generic predict method; not used


Applies the logit transformation (reglogit) or multinomial logit (regmlogit) to convert samples of the linear predictor at XX into a samples from a predictive posterior probability distribution. The raw probabilties, averages (posterior means), entropies, and posterior mean casses (arg-max of the average probabilities) are returned.


The output is a list with components explained below. For predict.regmlogit everyhing (except entropy) is expanded by one dimension into an array or matrix as appropriate.


a nrow(XX) x (T-burnin) sized matrix of probabilities (of class 1) from the posterior predictive distribution.


a vector of average probablities calculated over the rows of p


class labels formed by rouding (or arg max for predict.regmlogit) the values in mp


The posterior mean entropy given the probabilities in mp


Robert B. Gramacy


R.B. Gramacy, N.G. Polson. “Simulation-based regularized logistic regression”. (2012) Bayesian Analysis, 7(3), p567-590; arXiv:1005.3430;

C. Holmes, K. Held (2006). “Bayesian Auxilliary Variable Models for Binary and Multinomial Regression”. Bayesian Analysis, 1(1), p145-168.

See Also

reglogit and regmlogit


## see reglogit for a full example of binary classifiction complete with
## sampling from the posterior predictive distribution.  

## the example here is for polychotomous classification and prediction

## Not run: 
x <- seq(-2, 2, length=40)
X <- expand.grid(x, x)
C <- exp2d.C(X)
xx <- seq(-2, 2, length=100)
XX <- expand.grid(xx, xx)
CC <- exp2d.C(XX)

## build cubically-expanded design matrix (with interactions)
Xe <- cbind(X, X[,1]^2, X[,2]^2, X[,1]*X[,2],
            X[,1]^3, X[,2]^3, X[,1]^2*X[,2], X[,2]^2*X[,1],

## perform MCMC
T <- 1000
out <- regmlogit(T, C, Xe, nu=6, normalize=TRUE)

## create predictive (cubically-expanded) design matrix
XX <- as.matrix(XX)
XXe <- cbind(XX, XX[,1]^2, XX[,2]^2, XX[,1]*XX[,2],
             XX[,1]^3, XX[,2]^3, XX[,1]^2*XX[,2], XX[,2]^2*XX[,1],

## predict class labels
p <- predict(out, XXe)

## make an image of the predictive surface
cols <- c(gray(0.85), gray(0.625), gray(0.4))
image(xx, xx, matrix(CC, ncol=length(xx)), col=cols, main="truth")
image(xx, xx, matrix(p$c, ncol=length(xx)), col=cols, main="predicted")
image(xx, xx, matrix(p$ent, ncol=length(xx)), col=heat.colors(128),

## End(Not run)

reglogit documentation built on April 25, 2023, 9:11 a.m.