
Defines functions predict.regmlogit predict.reglogit regmlogit reglogit mpreprocess preprocess calc.Cs calc.mlpost calc.lpost my.rinvgauss draw.lambda draw.omega draw.z draw.nu draw.beta rmultnorm

Documented in calc.Cs calc.lpost calc.mlpost draw.beta draw.lambda draw.nu draw.omega draw.z mpreprocess my.rinvgauss predict.reglogit predict.regmlogit preprocess reglogit regmlogit rmultnorm

# Regularized logistic regression
# Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Chicago
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (rbg@vt.edu)

## functions for Gibbs sampling the parameters to the
## regularized logit regression model

## rmultnorm
## faster version of rmvnorm from the mvtnorm package

rmultnorm <- function(n,mu,sigma)
    p <- length(mu)
    z <- matrix(rnorm(n * p),nrow=n)
    ch <- chol(sigma,pivot=T)
    piv <- attr(ch,"pivot")
    zz <- (z%*%ch)
    zzz <- 0*zz
    zzz[,piv] <- zz
    zzz + matrix(mu,nrow=n,ncol=p,byrow=T)

## draw.beta:
## draw the regression coefficients conditional on the
## latent zs, lambdas, and omegas, and the penalty
## parameter nu, and thermo parameter kappa

draw.beta <- function(X, z, lambda, omega, nu, sigma,
                      kappa, kp)
    ## negative nu and no sigma indicates L2 prior if sigma not null
    if(nu < 0 && !is.null(sigma)) n <- 1
    ## covariance of the conditional
    tXLi <- t(X * (1/lambda))
    Bi <- tXLi %*% X
    if(nu > 0) {
      bdi <- (kp/nu)^2 * 1/(sigma^2 * omega)
      if(ncol(X) == length(sigma) + 1) bdi <- c(0, bdi)
      if(class(Bi)[1] == "dgCMatrix")
        Bi <- Bi + .sparseDiagonal(nrow(Bi)) * bdi
      else diag(Bi) <- diag(Bi) + bdi
    } ## else Bi <- 0
    B <- base::solve(Bi) # + tXLi %*% X)

    ## mean of the conditional
    if(is.null(z)) { ## z=0 PDF representation

      ## choices between different (a,b) parameterizations
      a  <- 0.5; b <- kappa - 0.5
      kappa <- (a - 0.5*(a-b))

      ## special handling in Binomial case
      if(length(kappa) == 1) uk <- colSums(X*kappa)
      else uk <- drop(t(kappa) %*% X)
      b <- B %*% uk

    } else ## CDF representation
      b <- B %*% tXLi %*% (z - 0.5*(1-kappa)*lambda)

    ## draw from the MVN
    ## return(rmvnorm(1, b, B))
    return(rmultnorm(1, b, B))

## draw.nu:
## draw from the full conditional distribution of the
## penalty parameter nu

draw.nu <- function(beta, sigma, kp, nup=list(a=0, b=0))
    ## intercept?
    p <- length(sigma)
    if(p == length(beta) - 1) beta <- beta[-1]

    ## temper the prior
    a <- kp*(nup$a+1)-1
    b <- kp*nup$b

    ## update using beta
    a <- a + kp*p
    ## a <- a + p
    b <- b + kp*sum(abs(beta)/sigma)

    ## return a sample from an inverse gamma
    nu <- 1.0/rgamma(1, shape=a, scale=1/b)

    ## return sampled nu

## draw.z:
## draw the latent z-values given beta, y, and the
## latent lambdas

draw.z <- function(X, beta, lambda, kappa, C=NULL)
  n <- nrow(X)
  xbeta <- X %*% beta
  if(!is.null(C)) xbeta <- xbeta - log(C)
            n = as.integer(n),
            xbeta = as.double(xbeta),
            beta = as.double(beta),
            lambda = as.double(lambda),
            kappa = as.double(kappa),
            kl = as.integer(length(kappa)),
            z = double(n),
            PACKAGE = "reglogit")$z)

## draw.omega:
## draw the latent omega variables given the betas
## and sigmas

draw.omega <- function(beta, sigma, nu, kp)
    if(any(nu < 0)) stop("nu must be positive")

    ## deal wth intercept in prior?
    if(length(sigma) == length(beta) - 1) beta <- beta[-1]
    m <- length(beta)
              m = as.integer(m),
              beta = as.double(beta),
              sigma = as.double(sigma),
              nu = as.double(nu/kp),
              omega = double(m),
              PACKAGE = "reglogit")$omega)

## draw.lambda:
## draw the latent lambda variables that help us
## implement the logit link, via Metropolis-Hastings

draw.lambda <- function(X, beta, lambda, kappa, kmax,
                        zzero=TRUE, thin=kappa, C=NULL)
    ## calculate X * beta
    xbeta <- X %*% beta
    if(!is.null(C)) xbeta <- xbeta - log(C)
    n <- length(xbeta)

    ## call C code
              n = as.integer(n),
              xbeta = as.double(xbeta),
              kappa = as.double(kappa),
              kl = as.integer(length(kappa)),
              kmax = as.integer(kmax),
              zzero = as.integer(zzero),
              thin = as.integer(thin),
              tl = as.integer(length(thin)),
              lambda = as.double(lambda),
              PACKAGE = "reglogit")$lambda)

## my.rinvgauss:
## draw from an Inverse Gaussian distribution following
## Gentle p193

my.rinvgauss <- function(n, mu, lambda)
              n = as.integer(n),
              mu = as.double(mu),
              lambda = as.double(lambda),
              x = double(n),
              PACKAGE = "reglogit")$x)

## calc.lpost:
## calculate the log posterior probability of the
## parameters in argument

calc.lpost <- function(yX, beta, nu, kappa, kp, sigma,
                       nup=list(a=0, b=0))
    ## likelihood part
    llik <- - sum(kappa*log(1 + exp(-drop(yX %*% beta))))

    ## prior part
    ## deal with intercept in prior
    p <- length(sigma)
    if(p == length(beta) - 1) beta <- beta[-1]

    ## for beta
    if(nu > 0) lprior <- - kp*p*log(nu) - (kp/nu) * sum(abs(beta/sigma))
    ## if(nu > 0) lprior <- - p*log(nu) - (kp/nu) * sum(abs(beta/sigma))
    ## else if(!is.null(sigma)) lprior <- - sum((kp*beta/sigma)^2)
    else lprior <- 0

    ## inverse gamma prior for nu
      ## lprior <- lprior - kp*(2*(nup$a+1)*log(nu) + nup$b/(nu^2))
      lprior <- lprior - kp*((nup$a+1)*log(nu) + nup$b/nu)

    ## return log posterior
    return(llik + lprior)

## calc.mlpost:
## calculate the log posterior probability of the
## parameters in argument, for multinomial reglogit

calc.mlpost <- function(yX, beta, nu, kappa, kp, sigma,
                       nup=list(a=0, b=0))
    ## deal with vector beta
    if(is.null(dim(beta))) beta <- matrix(beta, ncol=dim(yX)[3])
    ## likelihood part
    if(!is.null(dim(kappa))) kappa <- rowSums(kappa)
    Cs <- rep(1, nrow(yX))
    Qm1 <- ncol(beta)
    for(q in 1:Qm1) Cs <- Cs + exp(-drop(yX[,,q] %*% beta[,q]))
    llik <- - sum(kappa*log(Cs))

    ## prior part
    ## deal with intercept in prior
    p <- length(sigma)
    if(p == nrow(beta) - 1) beta <- beta[-1,,drop=FALSE]

    ## for beta
    lprior <- 0.0
    if(any(nu > 0))
      for(q in 1:Qm1) {
        lprior <- lprior - kp*p*log(nu[q]) - (kp/nu[q]) * sum(abs(beta[,q]/sigma))
    ## if(nu > 0) lprior <- - p*log(nu) - (kp/nu) * sum(abs(beta/sigma))
    ## else if(!is.null(sigma)) lprior <- - sum((kp*beta/sigma)^2)
    else lprior <- 0

    ## inverse gamma prior for nu
      for(q in 1:Qm1) {
      ## lprior <- lprior - kp*(2*(nup$a+1)*log(nu) + nup$b/(nu^2))
        lprior <- lprior - kp*((nup$a+1)*log(nu[q]) + nup$b/nu[q])

    ## return log posterior
    return(llik + lprior)

## calc.Cs
## for calculating the sum of the likelihood contributions
## for the Q-2 other reglogits in the multinomial implementation
## of Holmes and Held

## maybe make C version
calc.Cs <- function(yX, beta, lambda, kappa)
    Qm1 <- dim(yX)[3]
    if(ncol(kappa) != Qm1) stop("wups")
    Cs <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(lambda), ncol=Qm1)
    for(q in 1:Qm1) {
      for(nq in setdiff(1:Qm1, q)) {
        Cs[,q] <- Cs[,q] + exp(yX[,,nq] %*% beta[,nq] -

## preprocess:
## pre-process the X and y and kappa data depending on
## how binomial responses might be processed

preprocess <- function(X, y, N, flatten, kappa)
    ## process y's and set up design matrices
    if(is.null(N) || flatten == TRUE) { 
      if(flatten) { ## flattened binomial case
        if(is.null(N)) stop("flatten only applies for N != NULL")
        if(any(y > N)) stop("must have y <= N")
        ye <- NULL
        Xe <- NULL
        for(i in 1:length(N)) {
          Xe <- rbind(Xe, matrix(rep(X[i,], N[i]), nrow=N[i], byrow=TRUE))
          ye <- c(ye, rep(1, y[i]), rep(0, N[i]-y[i]))
        y <- ye; X <- Xe
      } else if(any(y > 1)) stop("must have y in {0,1}")

      ## create y in {-1,+1}
      ypm1 <- y
      ypm1[y == 0] <- -1
      ## create y *. X
      yX <- X * ypm1 
    } else {  ## unflattened binomial case
      ## sanity checks
      if(length(N) != length(y))
        stop("should have length(N) = length(y)")
      if(any(N < y)) stop("should have all N >= y")
      ## construct yX and re-use kappa
      n <- length(y)
      kappa <- kappa*c(y, N-y)
      knz <- kappa != 0
      yX <- rbind(X, -X)[knz,]
      y <- c(rep(1,n),rep(0,n))[knz]
      kappa <- kappa[knz]

    ## return the data we're going to work with
    return(list(yX=yX, y=y, kappa=kappa))

## mpreprocess:
## pre-process the X and y and kappa data depending on
## how binomial responses might be processed

mpreprocess <- function(X, y, flatten, kappa)
    ## process y's and set up design matrices

    ## sanity check
    if(is.null(dim(y))) stop("should have matrix y")

    ## dumb initialization
    yX <- ynew <- NULL
    Q <- ncol(y)

    ## check if there is a need to flatten
    N <- rowSums(y)
    if(max(N) == 1 || flatten) { ## flattened binomial case

      for(q in 2:Q) { ## for each label but the last

        if(flatten) {
          ye <- Xe <- NULL
          for(i in 1:nrow(y)) { ## for each obs
            Xe <- rbind(Xe, matrix(rep(X[i,], N[i], nrow=N[i], byrow=TRUE)))
            ye <- c(ye, rep(1, y[i,q]), rep(0, N[i]-y[i,q]))
          y[,q] <- ye; X <- Xe
        ## create matrix y in {-1,+1}
        ypm1 <- y[,q]
        ypm1[y[,q] == 0] <- -1
        ## create y *. X
        if(is.null(yX)) {
          yX <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(X), ncol(X), Q-1))
        } else if(nrow(X) != nrow(yX[,,q-1])) stop("dim problem")

        ## populate yX
        yX[,,q-1] <- X * ypm1
      knew <- matrix(kappa, nrow=1, ncol=Q-1)
    } else {  ## unflattened multinomial case

      for(q in 2:Q) { ## for each label but the last
        ## construct yX and re-use kappa
        n <- nrow(y)
        kk <- kappa*c(y[,q], N-y[,q])
        knz <- kk != 0

        ## create y *. X
        if(is.null(yX)) {
          ne <- sum(knz)
          yX <- array(NA, dim=c(ne, ncol(X), Q-1))
          ynew <- matrix(NA, nrow=ne, ncol=Q-1)
          knew <- matrix(NA, nrow=ne, ncol=Q-1)
        } else if(sum(knz) != nrow(yX[,,q])) stop("dim problem")

        ## populate yX
        yX[,,q-1] <- rbind(X, -X)[knz,]
        ynew[,q-1] <- c(rep(1,n), rep(0,n))[knz]
        knew[,q-1] <- kk[knz]
      y <- ynew

    ## return the data we're going to work with
    return(list(yX=yX, y=y, kappa=knew))

## reglogit:
## function for Gibbs sampling from the a logistic
## regression model, sigma=NULL and nu < 0 indicates
## no prior

reglogit <- function(T, y, X, N=NULL, flatten=FALSE, sigma=1, nu=1,
                  kappa=1, icept=TRUE, normalize=TRUE,
                  zzero=TRUE, powerprior=TRUE, kmax=442,
                  bstart=NULL, lt=NULL, nup=list(a=2, b=0.1),
                  save.latents=FALSE, verb=100)
  ## checking T
  if(length(T) != 1 || !is.numeric(T) || T < 1)
    stop("T should be a positive integer scalar")
  ## check ys
  if(any(y < 0)) stop("ys must be non-negative integers")
  ## getting and checking data size
  m <- ncol(X)
  n <- length(y)
  if(n != nrow(X)) stop("dimension mismatch")

  ## possibly deal with sparse X
  if(class(X)[1] == "dgCMatrix") {
    sparse <- TRUE
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  } else sparse <- FALSE

  ## design matrix processing
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  if(normalize) {
    one <- rep(1, n)
    normx <- sqrt(drop(one %*% (X^2)))
    if(any(normx == 0)) stop("degenerate X cols")
    X <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(scale(X, FALSE, normx)))
  } else normx <- rep(1, ncol(X))

  ## init sigma
  if(length(sigma) == 1) sigma <- rep(sigma, ncol(X))

  ## add on intecept term?
  if(icept) {
    X <- cbind(1, X)
    normx <- c(1, normx)

  ## put the starting beta value on the right scale
  if(!is.null(bstart) && normalize) bstart <- bstart*normx
  else if(is.null(bstart)) bstart <- rnorm(m+icept)

  ## allocate beta, and set starting position
  beta <- matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=m+icept)
  beta[1,] <- bstart
  map <- list(beta=bstart)
  ## check if we are inferring nu
  if(!is.null(nup)) {
    nus <- rep(NA, T)
    if(nu <= 0) stop("starting nu must be positive")
    nus[1] <- nu
  } else nus <- NULL
  ## check for agreement between nu and sigma
  if(is.null(sigma) && nu > 0)
    stop("must define sigma for regularization")
  else if(nu == 0) sigma <- NULL

  ## check save.latents
  if(length(save.latents) != 1 || !is.logical(save.latents))
    stop("save.latents should be a scalar logical")

  ## initial values of the regularization latent variables
  if(nu > 0) {  ## omega lasso/L1 latents
    ot <- 1
    if(save.latents) {
      omega <- matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=m)
      omega[1,] <- ot
  } else { omega <- NULL; ot <- rep(1, m) }

  ## save the original kappa
  if(powerprior) kp <- kappa
  else kp <- 1

  ## process y's and set up design matrices
  nd <- preprocess(X, y, N, flatten, kappa)
  yX <- nd$yX; y <- nd$y; kappa <- nd$kappa
  n <- nrow(yX)
  if(sparse) yX.sparse <- Matrix(yX, sparse=TRUE)
  ## initialize lambda latent variables
  if(is.null(lt)) lt <- rep(1, n)
  map$lambda <- lt
  if(save.latents) {
    lambda <- matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=n)
    lambda[1,] <- lt

  ## initial values for the logit latents
  if(!zzero) {
    zt <- y
    if(save.latents) {
      z <- matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=n)
      z[1,] <- zt
  } else { z <- zt <- NULL }

  ## allocate and initial log posterior calculation
  lpost <- rep(NA, T)
  map$lpost <- lpost[1] <-
    calc.lpost(yX, map$beta, nu, kappa, kp, sigma, nup)
  if(!is.null(nus)) map$nu <- nu
  ## initialize internal RNG

  ## Gibbs sampling rounds
  for(t in 2:T) {

    ## progress meter
    if(t %% verb == 0) cat("round", t, "\n")
    ## if regularizing, draw the latent omega values
    if(nu > 0) {
      ot <- draw.omega(beta[t-1,], sigma, nu, kp)
      if(save.latents) omega[t,] <- ot

    ## if logistic, draw the latent lambda values
    lt <- draw.lambda(yX, beta[t-1,], lt, kappa, kmax, zzero)
    if(save.latents) lambda[t,] <- lt

    ## draw the latent z values
    if(!zzero) {
      zt <- draw.z(yX, beta[t-1,], lt, kappa)
      if(save.latents) z[t,] <- zt

    ## draw the regression coefficients
    if(sparse) beta[t,] <- draw.beta(yX.sparse, zt, lt, ot, nu, sigma, kappa, kp)
    else beta[t,] <- draw.beta(yX, zt, lt, ot, nu, sigma, kappa, kp)

    ## maybe draw samples from nu
    if(!is.null(nus)) nu <- nus[t] <- draw.nu(beta[t,], sigma, kp, nup)
    ## calculate the posterior probability to find the map
    lpost[t] <- calc.lpost(yX, beta[t,], nu, kappa, kp, sigma, nup)

    ## update the map
    if(lpost[t] > map$lpost) {
      map <- list(beta=beta[t,], lpost=lpost[t], lambda=lt)
      if(!is.null(nus)) map$nu <- nus[t]

  ## destroy internal RNG

  ## un-normalize
  if(normalize) {
    beta <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(scale(beta, FALSE, scale=normx)))
    map$beta <- map$beta/normx

  ## construct the return object
  r <- list(X=X, y=y, beta=beta, lpost=lpost,
            map=map, kappa=kappa)
  if(save.latents) r$lambda <- lambda
  if(nu > 0 && save.latents) r$omega <- omega
  if(normalize) r$normx <- normx
  if(!zzero && save.latents) r$z <- z
  if(!is.null(nus)) r$nu <- nus
  r$icept <- icept

  ## assign a class to the object
  class(r) <- "reglogit"

## regmlogit:
## function for Gibbs sampling from the a logistic
## (multinomial) regression model, sigma=NULL and
## nu < 0 indicates no prior

regmlogit <- function(T, y, X, flatten=FALSE, sigma=1, nu=1,
                      kappa=1, icept=TRUE, normalize=TRUE,
                      zzero=TRUE, powerprior=TRUE, kmax=442,
                      bstart=NULL, lt=NULL, nup=list(a=2, b=0.1),
                      save.latents=FALSE, verb=100)
  ## checking T
  if(length(T) != 1 || !is.numeric(T) || T < 1)
    stop("T should be a positive integer scalar")
  ## getting and checking data size 
  m <- ncol(X)
  if(is.null(dim(y))) { ## convert y into a matrix
    if(any(y <= 0)) stop("vector ys must be positive integer class labels")
    ymat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(y), ncol=max(y))
    for(i in 1:nrow(ymat)) ymat[i,y[i]] <- 1  ## COULD DO THIS FASTER
    y <- ymat

  ## check matrix form of y
  if(any(apply(y, 1, function(x) { any(x < 0) || sum(x) <= 0 })))
    stop("matrix ys must have at least one non-zero in each row")
  Q <- ncol(y)
  n <- nrow(y)
  if(n != nrow(X)) stop("dimension mismatch")
  ## possibly deal with sparse X
  if(class(X)[1] == "dgCMatrix") {
    sparse <- TRUE
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  } else sparse <- FALSE

  ## design matrix processing
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  if(normalize) {
    one <- rep(1, n)
    normx <- sqrt(drop(one %*% (X^2)))
    if(any(normx == 0)) stop("degenerate X cols")
    X <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(scale(X, FALSE, normx)))
  } else normx <- rep(1, ncol(X))
  ## init sigma
  if(length(sigma) == 1) sigma <- rep(sigma, ncol(X))
  ## add on intecept term?
  if(icept) {
    X <- cbind(1, X)
    normx <- c(1, normx)
  ## put the starting beta value on the right scale
  if(!is.null(bstart)) {
    if(is.null(dim(bstart))) {
      bstart <- matrix(bstart, ncol=Q-1)
      if(nrow(bstart) != m+icept) stop("bstart should be (m+icept)x(Q-1) matrix")
    if(normalize) bstart <- apply(bstart, 2, function(x, n) x*n, n=normx)
  } else if(is.null(bstart)) bstart <- matrix(rnorm((Q-1)*(m+icept)), ncol=Q-1)
  ## allocate beta, and set starting position
  beta <- array(NA, dim=c(T, m+icept, Q-1))
  beta[1,,] <- bstart
  map <- list(beta=beta[1,,])

  ## check nu
  if(length(nu) == 1) nu <- rep(nu, Q-1)
  if(length(nu) != Q-1)
    stop("nu must be scalar or (Q-1)-vector")
  ## check if we are inferring nu
  if(!is.null(nup)) {
    nus <- matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=Q-1)
    ## must infer nu for all q in 1:(Q-1), could change later
    if(any(nu <= 0)) stop("all starting nu must be positive")
    nus[1,] <- nu
  } else nus <- NULL
  ## check for agreement between nu and sigma
  if(is.null(sigma) && any(nu > 0))
    stop("must define sigma for regularization")
  else if(all(nu == 0)) sigma <- NULL

  ## check save.latents
  if(length(save.latents) != 1 || !is.logical(save.latents))
    stop("save.latents should be a scalar logical")

  ## initial values of the regularization latent variables
  if(all(nu > 0)) {  ## omega lasso/L1 latents
    ot <- matrix(1, nrow=m, ncol=Q-1)
    if(save.latents) {
      omega <- array(NA, dim=c(T, m, Q-1))
      omega[1,,] <- ot; 
  } else { omega <- NULL; ot <- matrix(1, nrow=m, ncol=Q-1) }
  ## save the original kappa
  if(powerprior) kp <- kappa
  else kp <- 1
  ## process y's and set up design matrices
  nd <- mpreprocess(X, y, flatten, kappa)
  yX <- nd$yX; y <- nd$y; kappa <- nd$kappa
  n <- dim(yX)[1]
  if(sparse) {
    yX.sparse <- array(NA, dim=dim(yX))
    for(q in 1:(Q-1)) yX.sparse[,,q] <- Matrix(yX[,,q], sparse=TRUE)
  ## initialize lambda latent variables
  if(is.null(lt)) lt <- matrix(1, nrow=n, ncol=Q-1)
  map$lambda <- lt
  if(save.latents) {
    lambda <- array(NA, dim=c(T, n, Q-1))
    lambda[1,,] <- lt
  ## initial values for the logit latents
  if(!zzero) {
    zt <- y
    if(save.latents) {
      z <- array(NA, dim=c(T, n, Q-1))
      z[1,,] <- zt
  } else { z <- zt <- NULL }
  ## allocate and initial log posterior calculation
  lpost <- matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=Q-1)
  map$lpost <- lpost[1,] <- 
    calc.mlpost(yX, map$beta, nu, kappa, kp, sigma, nup)
  if(!is.null(nus)) map$nu <- nu

  ## initialize internal RNG

  ## Gibbs sampling rounds
  for(t in 2:T) {
    ## progress meter
    if(t %% verb == 0) cat("round", t, "\n")

    ## loop over class labels
    for(q in 1:(Q-1)) {

      ## calculate Cs
      Cs <- calc.Cs(yX, beta[t-1,,], lt, kappa)
      ## if regularizing, draw the latent omega values
      if(all(nu > 0)) {
        ot[,q] <- draw.omega(beta[t-1,,q], sigma, nu, kp)
        if(save.latents) omega[t,,q] <- ot[,q]
      ## if logistic, draw the latent lambda values
      lt[,q] <- draw.lambda(yX[,,q], beta[t-1,,q], lt[,q], kappa[,q], kmax, 
        zzero, C=Cs[,q])
      if(save.latents) lambda[t,,q] <- lt[,q]

      ## draw the latent z values
      if(!zzero) {
        zt[,q] <- draw.z(yX[,,q], beta[t-1,,q], lt[,q], kappa, C=Cs[,q])
        if(save.latents) z[t,,q] <- zt[,q]

      ## draw the regression coefficients
      if(sparse) beta[t,,q] <- draw.beta(yX.sparse[,,q], zt[,q], lt[,q], ot[,q], nu[q],
                              sigma, kappa[,q], kp)
      else beta[t,,q] <- draw.beta(yX[,,q], zt[,q], lt[,q], ot[,q], nu[q],
                              sigma, kappa[,q], kp)
      ## maybe draw samples from nu
      if(!is.null(nus)) nu[q] <- nus[t,q] <- draw.nu(beta[t,,q], sigma, kp, nup)

    ## calculate the posterior probability to find the map
    lpost[t] <- calc.mlpost(yX, beta[t,,], nu, kappa, kp, sigma, nup)
    ## update the map
    if(lpost[t] > map$lpost) {
      map <- list(beta=beta[t,,], lpost=lpost[t], lambda=lt)
      if(!is.null(nus)) map$nu <- nus[t,]

  ## destroy internal RNG
  ## un-normalize
  if(normalize) {
    for(q in 1:(Q-1)) {
      beta[,,q] <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(scale(beta[,,q], FALSE, scale=normx)))
      map$beta[,q] <- map$beta[,q]/normx
  ## construct the return object
  r <- list(X=X, y=y, beta=beta, lpost=lpost,
            map=map, kappa=kappa)
  if(save.latents) r$lambda <- lambda
  if(all(nu > 0) & save.latents) r$omega <- omega
  if(normalize) r$normx <- normx
  if(!zzero && save.latents) r$z <- z
  if(!is.null(nus)) r$nu <- nus
  r$icept <- icept
  ## assign a class to the object
  class(r) <- "regmlogit"

## predict.reglogit:
## prediction method for binary regularized logistic
## regression

predict.reglogit <- function(object, XX,
    ## check XX
    if(object$icept) XX <- cbind(1, XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != ncol(object$X)) stop("XX dims don't match")

    ## check burnin
    if(length(burnin) != 1 || burnin < 0)
      stop("burnin must be a positive scalar")
    if(burnin+1 >= nrow(object$beta))
      stop("burnin too big; >= T-1 samples")

    ## extract beta
    beta <- object$beta[-(1:burnin),]

    ## calculate 1/(1+exp(-X %*% beta))
    probs <- 1-plogis(0, XX %*% t(beta))

    ## normalize and average over MCMC samples
    mprobs <- rowMeans(probs)

    ## get point-predictions and variance estimates
    pc <- round(mprobs)
    ent <- - mprobs * log(mprobs) - (1-mprobs)*log(1-mprobs)

    return(list(p=probs, mp=mprobs, c=pc, ent=ent))

## predict.regmlogit:
## prediction method for multinomial regularized logistic
## regression

predict.regmlogit <- function(object, XX,
    ## check XX
    if(object$icept) XX <- cbind(1, XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != ncol(object$X)) stop("XX dims don't match")

    ## check burnin
    if(length(burnin) != 1 || burnin < 0)
      stop("burnin must be a positive scalar")
    if(burnin+1 >= dim(object$beta)[1])
      stop("burnin too big; >= T-1 samples")

    ## extract beta
    beta <- object$beta[-(1:burnin),,,drop=FALSE]

    ## calculate exp(X %*% beta)
    Q <- dim(beta)[3]+1
    probs <- array(1, dim=c(nrow(XX), dim(beta)[1], Q))
    psum <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(XX), ncol=dim(beta)[1])
    for(q in 1:(Q-1)) {
      probs[,,q+1] <- exp(XX %*% t(beta[,,q]))
      psum <- psum + probs[,,q+1]

    ## normalize and average over MCMC samples
    mprobs <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(XX), ncol=Q)
    for(q in 1:Q) {
      probs[,,q] <- probs[,,q]/psum
      mprobs[,q] <- rowMeans(probs[,,q])

    ## get point-predictions and variance estimates
    pc <- apply(mprobs, 1, which.max)
    ent <- apply(mprobs, 1, function(p) -sum(p * log(p)) )

    return(list(p=probs, mp=mprobs, c=pc, ent=ent))

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reglogit documentation built on April 25, 2023, 9:11 a.m.