Man pages for relsurv
Relative Survival

cmp.relCompute crude probability of death
colrecRelative Survival Data
epaExcess hazard function smoothing
expprep2expprep2 function
invtimeInverse transforming of time in Relative Survival
joinrateJoin ratetables
nessieNet Expected Sample Size Is Estimated
plot.cmp.relPlot the crude probability of death
plot_fPlot the absolute risk (observed and population curve) Inspection of Proportional Hazards Assumption in...
plot_yearsPlot the years measure
rdataSurvival Data
residuals.rsaddCalculate Residuals for a "rsadd" Fit
rsaddFit an Additive model for Relative Survival
rs.brTest the Proportional Hazards Assumption for Relative...
rs.diffTest Net Survival Curve Differences
rsmulFit Andersen et al Multiplicative Regression Model for...
rs.survCompute a Relative Survival Curve
rs.surv.rsaddCompute a Relative Survival Curve from an additive relative...
rstransFit Cox Proportional Hazards Model in Transformed Time
rs.zphBehaviour of Covariates in Time for Relative Survival...
slopopCensus Data Set for the Slovene Population
summary.cmp.relSummary of the crude probability of death
survfit.rsaddCompute a Predicited Survival Curve
survsplitSplit a Survival Data Set at Specified Times
transrateReorganize Data into a Ratetable Object
transrate.hldReorganize Data obtained from Human Life-Table Database into...
transrate.hmdReorganize Data obtained from Human Mortality Database into a...
yearsCompute one of the life years measures
relsurv documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:25 a.m.