rs.zph: Behaviour of Covariates in Time for Relative Survival...

rs.zphR Documentation

Behaviour of Covariates in Time for Relative Survival Regression Models


Calculates the scaled partial residuals of a relative survival model (rsadd, rsmul or rstrans)


rs.zph(fit, sc, transform = "identity", var.type = "sum")



the result of fitting an additive relative survival model, using the rsadd, rsmul or rstrans function.

In the case of multiplicative and transformation models the output is identical to cox.zph function, except no test is performed.


partial residuals calculated by the resid function. This is used to save time if several tests are to be calculated on these residuals and can otherwise be omitted.


a character string specifying how the survival times should be transformed. Possible values are "km", "rank", "identity" and log. The default is "identity".


a character string specifying the variance used to scale the residuals. Possible values are "each", which estimates the variance for each residual separately, and sum(default), which assumes the same variance for all the residuals.


an object of class rs.zph. This function would usually be followed by a plot of the result. The plot gives an estimate of the time-dependent coefficient beta(t). If the proportional hazards assumption is true, beta(t) will be a horizontal line.


Goodness of fit: Stare J.,Pohar Perme M., Henderson R. (2005) "Goodness of fit of relative survival models." Statistics in Medicine, 24: 3911–3925.

Package. Pohar M., Stare J. (2006) "Relative survival analysis in R." Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 81: 272–278

Relative survival: Pohar, M., Stare, J. (2007) "Making relative survival analysis relatively easy." Computers in biology and medicine, 37: 1741–1749.

See Also

rsadd, rsmul, rstrans, resid, cox.zph.


fit <- rsadd(Surv(time,cens)~sex,rmap=list(age=age*365.241),
rszph <- rs.zph(fit)

relsurv documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:25 a.m.

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