
Defines functions remstats

Documented in remstats

#' remstats
#' Computes statistics for modeling relational events with a tie-oriented or 
#' actor-oriented approach.
#' @section Effects:
#' The statistics to be computed are defined symbolically and should be
#' supplied to the \code{tie_effects} (for the tie-oriented model), or
#' \code{sender_effects} and/or \code{receiver_effects} (for the actor-oriented
#' model) argument in the form \code{~ effects}. The terms are separated by +
#' operators. For example: \code{effects = ~ inertia() + otp()}. Interactions
#' between two effects can be included with * or : operators. For example:
#' \code{effects = ~ inertia():otp()}. A list of available effects
#' can be obtained with \code{\link{tie_effects}()} and
#' \code{\link{actor_effects}()}.
#' The majority of the statistics can be scaled in some way, see
#' the documentation of the \code{scaling} argument in the separate effect
#' functions for more information on this.
#' The majority of the statistics can account for the event type
#' included as a dependent variable, see the documentation of the
#' \code{consider_type} argument in the separate effect functions for more
#' information on this. Note that this option is only available for the
#' tie-oriented model.
#' Note that events in the relational event history can be directed or
#' undirected. Some statistics are only defined for either directed or
#' undirected events (see the documentation of the statistics). Note that
#' undirected events are only available for the tie-oriented model.
#' @section attr_actors:
#' For the computation of the \emph{exogenous} statistics an attributes 
#' object with the exogenous covariate information has to be supplied to the
#' \code{attr_actors} argument in either \code{remstats()} or in the separate
#' effect functions supplied to the \code{..._effects} arguments (e.g., see
#' \code{\link{send}}). This \code{attr_actors} object should be constructed as
#' follows: A dataframe with rows referring to the attribute value of actor
#' \emph{i} at timepoint \emph{t}. A `name` column is required that contains the
#' actor name (corresponding to the actor names in the relational event
#' history). A `time` column is required that contains the time when attributes
#' change (set to zero if none of the attributes vary over time). Subsequent
#' columns contain the attributes that are called in the specifications of
#' exogenous statistics (column name corresponding to the string supplied to
#' the \code{variable} argument in the effect function). Note that the
#' procedure for the exogenous effects `tie' and `event' deviates from this,
#' here the exogenous covariate information has to be specified in a different
#' way, see \code{\link{tie}} and \code{\link{event}}.
#' @section attr_dyads:  
#' For the computation of the \emph{dyad exogenous} statistics with 
#' \code{tie()}, an attributes object with the exogenous covariates information 
#' per dyad has to be supplied. This is a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} 
#' containing attribute information for dyads. If \code{attr_dyads} is a 
#' \code{data.frame}, the first two columns should represent "actor1" and 
#' "actor2" (for directed events, "actor1" corresponds to the sender, and 
#' "actor2" corresponds to the receiver). Additional columns can represent 
#' dyads' exogenous attributes. If attributes vary over time, include a column 
#' named "time". If \code{attr_dyads} is a \code{matrix}, the rows correspond 
#' to "actor1", columns to "actor2", and cells contain dyads' exogenous 
#' attributes.
#' @section Memory:
#' The default `memory` setting is `"full"`, which implies that at each time
#' point $t$ the entire event history before $t$ is included in the computation
#' of the statistics. Alternatively, when `memory` is set to `"window"`, only
#' the past event history within a given time window is considered (see
#' Mulders & Leenders, 2019). This length of this time window is set by the
#' `memory_value` parameter. For example, when `memory_value = 100` and `memory
#' = "window"`, at time point $t$ only the past events that happened at most
#' 100 time units ago are included in the computation of the statistics.
#' A third option is to set `memory` to `"interval"`. In this case, the past
#' event history within a given time interval is considered. For example, when
#' `"memory_value" = c(50, 100)` and `memory = "window"`, at time point $t$
#' only the past events that happened between 50 and 100 time units ago are
#' included in the computation of the statistics. Finally, the fourth option is
#' to set `memory` to `"decay"`. In this case, the weight of the past event in
#' the computation of the statistics depend on the elapsed time between $t$ and
#' the past event. This weight is determined based on an exponential decay
#' function with half-life parameter `memory_value` (see Brandes et al., 2009).
#' @section Event weights:
#' Note that if the relational event history contains a column that is named
#' ``weight'', it is assumed that these affect the endogenous statistics. These
#' affect the computation of all endogenous statistics with a few exceptions
#' that follow logically from their definition (e.g., the recenyContinue
#' statistic does depend on time since the event and not on event weights).
#' @section Subset the event history using 'start' and 'stop':
#' It is possible to compute statistics for a segment of the relational event 
#' sequence, based on the entire event history. This is done by specifying the 
#' 'start' and 'stop' values as the indices for the first and last event times 
#' for which statistics are needed. For instance, setting 'start = 5' and 'stop 
#' = 5' calculates statistics for the 5th event in the relational event 
#' sequence, considering events 1-4 in the history. Note that in cases of 
#' simultaneous events with the 'method' set to 'pt' (per timepoint), 'start' 
#' and 'stop' should correspond to the indices of the first and last 
#' \emph{unique} event timepoints for which statistics are needed. For example, 
#' if 'start = 5' and 'stop = 5', statistics are computed for the 5th unique 
#' timepoint in the relational event sequence, considering all events occurring 
#' at unique timepoints 1-4.
#' @section Adjacency matrix:
#' Optionally, a previously computed adjacency matrix can be supplied. Note
#' that the endogenous statistics will be computed based on this adjacency
#' matrix. Hence, supplying a previously computed adjacency matrix can reduce
#' computation time but the user should be absolutely sure the adjacency matrix
#' is accurate.
#' @param tie_effects an object of class \code{"\link[stats]{formula}"} (or one
#' that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the effects in
#' the tie-oriented model for which statistics are computed, see 'Details' for
#' the available effects and their corresponding statistics
#' @param sender_effects an object of class \code{"\link[stats]{formula}"} (or
#' one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the
#' effects in the sender activity rate step of the actor-oriented model for
#' which statistics are computed, see `Details'
#' @param receiver_effects an object of class \code{"\link[stats]{formula}"}
#' (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the
#' effects in the receiver choice step of model for which statistics are
#' computed, see `Details'
#' @param reh an object of class \code{"\link[remify]{remify}"} characterizing 
#' the relational event history.
#' @param attr_actors optionally, an object of class
#' \code{"\link[base]{data.frame}"} that contains exogenous attributes for 
#' actors (see Details).
#' @param attr_dyads optionally, an object of class \code{data.frame} or 
#' \code{matrix} containing attribute information for dyads (see Details).
#' @param method Specifies the method for managing simultaneous events, i.e., 
#' events occurring at the same time. The default 'method' is 'pt' (per 
#' timepoint), where statistics are computed once for each unique timepoint in 
#' the edgelist. Alternatively, you can choose 'pe' (per event), where 
#' statistics are computed once for each unique event observed in the edgelist.
#' @param memory The memory to be used. See `Details'.
#' @param memory_value Numeric value indicating the memory parameter. See
#' `Details'.
#' @param start an optional integer value, specifying the index of the first
#' time or event in the relational event history for which statistics must be 
#' computed (see 'Details')
#' @param stop an optional integer value, specifying the index of the last
#' time or event in the relational event history for which statistics must be 
#' computed (see 'Details')
#' @param display_progress should a progress bar for the computation of the
#' endogenous statistics be shown (TRUE) or not (FALSE)?
#' @param adjmat optionally, for a tie-oriented model a previously computed 
#' adjacency matrix with on the rows the time points and on the columns the 
#' risk set entries
#' @param get_adjmat for a tie-oriented model, whether the adjmat computed by 
#' remstats should be outputted as an attribute of the statistics.
#' @param attr_data deprecated, please use "attr_actors" instead
#' @param attributes deprecated, please use "attr_data" instead
#' @param edgelist deprecated, please use "reh" instead
#' @return An object of class 'remstats'. In case of the 
#' tie-oriented model, an array with the computed statistics, where rows refer 
#' to time points, columns refer to potential relational event (i.e., potential 
#' edges) in the risk set and slices refer to statistics. In case of the 
#' actor-oriented model, list with in the first element the statistics for the 
#' sender activity rate step and in the second element the statistics for the 
#' receiver choice step, where rows refer to time points, columns refer to 
#' potential senders or receivers, respectively. The 'remstats' object has the 
#' following attributes: 
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{model}}{Type of model that is estimated, obtained from the 
#'      remify object inputted to 'reh'.}
#'     \item{\code{formula}}{Model formula, obtained from the formula inputted 
#'      to 'tie_effects', 'sender_effects' and/or 'receiver_effects', depending 
#'      on the model.}
#'     \item{\code{riskset}}{For the tie-oriented model, the risk set used to 
#'      construct the statistics.}
#'     \item{\code{actors}}{For the actor-oriented model, the set of actors 
#'      used to construct the statistics, obtained from the remify object 
#'      inputted to 'reh'.}
#'     \item{\code{adjmat}}{[Optional], for the tie-oriented model, if 
#'      "get_adjmat = TRUE", the matrix with the accumulated event weights for 
#'      each time point (on the rows) and each dyad (in the columns).}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' library(remstats)
#' # Tie-oriented model
#' eff <- ~ inertia():send("extraversion") + otp()
#' reh_tie <- remify::remify(edgelist = history, model = "tie")
#' remstats(reh = reh_tie, tie_effects = eff, attr_actors = info)
#' # Actor-oriented model
#' seff <- ~ send("extraversion")
#' reff <- ~ receive("agreeableness") + inertia() + otp()
#' reh_actor <- remify::remify(edgelist = history, model = "actor")
#' remstats(
#'     reh = reh_actor, sender_effects = seff, receiver_effects = reff,
#'     attr_actors = info
#' )
#' @references Butts, C. T. (2008). A relational event framework for social
#' action. Sociological Methodology, 38(1), 155–200.
#' \doi{10.1111/j.1467-9531.2008.00203.x},
#' Stadtfeld, C., & Block, P. (2017). Interactions, actors, and
#' time: Dynamic network actor models for relational events. Sociological
#' Science, 4, 318–352. \doi{10.15195/v4.a14}
#' @export
remstats <- function(
    tie_effects = NULL, 
    sender_effects = NULL,
    receiver_effects = NULL, 
    attr_actors = NULL, 
    attr_dyads = NULL, 
    method = c("pt", "pe"),
    memory = c("full", "window", "decay", "interval"),
    memory_value = NA, 
    start = 1, 
    stop = Inf,
    display_progress = FALSE,
    adjmat = NULL, 
    get_adjmat = FALSE,
) {

    # Check if the deprecated argument "attributes" is used
    if (!missing(attributes)) {
            warning("Deprecated argument: Use 'attr_actors' instead of 'attributes'")
            attr_actors <- attributes
    if (!missing(attr_data)) {
            warning("Deprecated argument: Use 'attr_actors' instead of 'attr_data'")
            attr_actors <- attr_data

    # Check if the deprecated "id" column is used in attr_actors
    if (!is.null(attr_actors)) {
        if (("id" %in% colnames(attr_actors)) & !("name" %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
        warning("use 'name' instead of 'id' in 'attr_actors'")
        colnames(attr_actors)[which(colnames(attr_actors) == "id")] <- "name"

    # Check if the deprecated argument "edgelist" is used
    if (!missing(edgelist)) {
            warning("Deprecated argument: Use 'reh' instead of 'edgelist'")
            reh <- edgelist

    # Check the reh
    if (!("remify" %in% class(reh))) {
        stop("Expected a 'reh' object of class remify")

    if (attr(reh, "model") == "tie") {
        out <- tomstats(
            effects = tie_effects, 
            reh = reh,
            attr_actors = attr_actors, 
            attr_dyads = attr_dyads, 
            method = method, 
            memory = memory, 
            memory_value = memory_value, 
            start = start, 
            stop = stop, 
            display_progress = display_progress, 
            adjmat = adjmat, 
            get_adjmat = get_adjmat

    if (attr(reh, "model") == "actor") {
        out <- aomstats(
            reh = reh, 
            sender_effects = sender_effects,
            receiver_effects = receiver_effects,
            attr_actors = attr_actors, 
            attr_dyads = attr_dyads, 
            method = method,
            memory = memory, 
            memory_value = memory_value, 
            start = start, 
            stop = stop, 
            display_progress = display_progress


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remstats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.