
Defines functions renv_dynamic_reset renv_dynamic_envir_impl renv_dynamic_envir dynamic

# Tools for so-called 'dynamic' values. These are values which are computed
# once, and then memoized for the rest of the currently-executing call.
# An exit handler placed in the top-most (renv) environment is then responsible
# for cleaning up any objects cached for the duration of that frame.
# This is a useful way to cache results for repeatedly-computed values
# that one can reasonably expect not to change in the duration of a
# particular call.

the$dynamic_envir <- NULL
the$dynamic_objects <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

dynamic <- function(key, value, envir = NULL, force = FALSE) {

  # allow opt-out just in case
  enabled <- getOption("renv.dynamic.enabled", default = TRUE)
  if (!enabled)

  # get a unique id for the scope where this function was invoked
  caller <- sys.call(sys.parent())[[1L]]
  if (renv_call_matches(caller, name = ":::"))
    caller <- caller[[3L]]

  # handle cases like FUN
  if (is.null(the$envir_self[[as.character(caller)]])) {
    if (!renv_tests_running()) {
      fmt <- "internal error: dynamic() received unexpected call '%s'"
      stopf(fmt, stringify(sys.call(sys.parent())))

  # just return value if this isn't a valid dynamic scope
  if (!is.symbol(caller)) {
    dlog("dynamic", "invalid dynamic scope '%s'", stringify(sys.call(sys.parent())))

  # make sure we have a dynamic scope active
  the$dynamic_envir <- the$dynamic_envir %||% renv_dynamic_envir(envir)

  # resolve key from variables in the parent frame
  key <- paste(names(key), map_chr(key, stringify), sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")

  # put it together
  id <- sprintf("%s(%s)", as.character(caller), key)

  # if we're forcing, clear the memoized value
  if (force)
    the$dynamic_objects[[id]] <- NULL

  # memoize the result of the expression
  the$dynamic_objects[[id]] <- the$dynamic_objects[[id]] %||% {
    dlog("dynamic", "memoizing dynamic value for '%s'", id)


renv_dynamic_envir <- function(envir = NULL) {

  envir <- envir %||% renv_dynamic_envir_impl()
  defer(renv_dynamic_reset(), scope = envir)

  dlog("dynamic", "using dynamic environment '%s'", format(envir))

renv_dynamic_envir_impl <- function() {

  frames <- sys.frames()
  for (i in seq_along(frames)) {
    envir <- frames[[i]]
    if (identical(parent.env(envir), the$envir_self))

  stop("internal error: no renv frame available for dynamic call")


renv_dynamic_reset <- function() {
  dlog("dynamic", "resetting dynamic objects")
  the$dynamic_envir <- NULL

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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.