
Defines functions renv_xcode_check renv_xcode_available

renv_xcode_available <- function() {

  # allow bypass if required
  check <- getOption("renv.xcode.available", default = NULL)
  if (!is.null(check))

  # otherwise, check via xcode-select
  status <- suppressWarnings(
    system2("/usr/bin/xcode-select", "-p", stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE)

  identical(status, 0L)


renv_xcode_check <- function() {

  # allow bypass of xcode check if required
  check <- getOption("renv.xcode.check", default = TRUE)
  if (identical(check, FALSE))

  # only run on macOS
  if (!renv_platform_macos())

  # only run check once per session
  if (once())

  cmd <- "/usr/bin/xcrun --find --show-sdk-path"
  status <- system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  if (identical(status, 0L))

  if (identical(status, 69L)) {

    msg <- "
macOS is reporting that you have not yet agreed to the Xcode license.
You must accept the Xcode license before R packages can be installed from source.
Please run:

    sudo xcodebuild -license accept

in the Terminal to accept the Xcode license.
Set options(renv.xcode.check = FALSE) to disable this warning.


  fmt <- "%s returned exit code %i"
  warningf(fmt, cmd, status)


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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.