repeated: Non-Normal Repeated Measurements Models

Various functions to fit models for non-normal repeated measurements, such as Binary Random Effects Models with Two Levels of Nesting, Bivariate Beta-binomial Regression Models, Marginal Bivariate Binomial Regression Models, Cormack capture-recapture models, Continuous-time Hidden Markov Chain Models, Discrete-time Hidden Markov Chain Models, Changepoint Location Models using a Continuous-time Two-state Hidden Markov Chain, generalized nonlinear autoregression models, multivariate Gaussian copula models, generalized non-linear mixed models with one random effect, generalized non-linear mixed models using h-likelihood for one random effect, Repeated Measurements Models for Counts with Frailty or Serial Dependence, Repeated Measurements Models for Continuous Variables with Frailty or Serial Dependence, Ordinal Random Effects Models with Dropouts, marginal homogeneity models for square contingency tables, correlated negative binomial models with Kalman update. References include Lindsey's text books, JK Lindsey (2001) <isbn:10-0198508123> and JK Lindsey (1999) <isbn:10-0198505590>.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorBruce Swihart [cre, aut], Jim Lindsey [aut] (Jim created this package, Bruce is maintaining the CRAN version), T.R. Ten Have [ctb, cph] (Wrote Logit_bin_nest.f90 (in binnest.f).), Richard Cook [ctb, cph] (Wrote calcs.c, calcs.h, calcs1.c, calcs1.h, calcs2.c, calcs2.h, calcs3.c, calcs3.h, calcs4.c, calcs4.h; defs.h; gaps.c, gaps.h.), Iain MacDonald [ctb, cph] (Wrote chidden.f, cphidden.f, hidden.f.), Walter Zucchini [ctb, cph] (Wrote chidden.f, cphidden.f, hidden.f.), Burton Garbow [ctb, cph] (Wrote eigen.f.), Euginia Zharichenko [ctb, cph] (Wrote logitord.f.)
MaintainerBruce Swihart <>
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the repeated package in your browser

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repeated documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:16 a.m.