Man pages for reproducible
Enhance Reproducibility of R Code

archiveExtractBinaryTests if unrar or 7zip exist
assessDataTypeAssess the appropriate raster layer data type
basename2A version of 'base::basename' that is 'NULL' resistant
CacheSaves a wide variety function call outputs to disk and...
CacheDigestThe exact digest function that 'Cache' uses
CacheGeoCache-like function for spatial domains
CacheHelpersLow-level functions to create and work with a cache
checkAndMakeCloudFolderIDCheck for presence of 'checkFolderID' (for 'Cache(useCloud)')
checkPathCheck directory path
checkRelativeAn alternative to 'basename' and 'dirname' when there are...
ChecksumsCalculate checksum
cloudDownloadDownload from cloud, if necessary
cloudUploadFromCacheUpload a file to cloud directly from local 'cachePath'
compareNA'NA'-aware comparison of two vectors
convertPathsChange the absolute path of a file
CopyRecursive copying of nested environments, and other "hard to...
copyFileCopy a file using 'robocopy' on Windows and 'rsync' on...
debugCacheAttach debug info to return for Cache
deprecatedCrop a Spatial* or Raster* object
determineFilenameDetermine filename, either automatically or manually
digestCalculate the hashes of multiple files
dlGenericDownload file from generic source url
dlGoogleDownload file from Google Drive
dot-file.moveMove a file to a new location - Defunct - use...
dot-formalsNotInCurrentDotsIdentify which formals to a function are not in the current...
dot-isMemoisedEvaluate whether a cacheId is memoised
dot-removeCacheAttsRemove attributes that are highly varying
dot-requireNamespaceProvide standard messaging for missing package dependencies
dotWrapDeal with class for saving to and loading from Cache or Disk
downloadFileA wrapper around a set of downloading functions
downloadRemoteDownload a remote file
exportedMethodsExported generics and methods
extractFromArchiveExtract files from archive
fastMaskFaster operations on rasters (DEPRECATED because...
FilenamesReturn the filename(s) from a Raster* object
fixErrorsInFix common errors in GIS layers, using 'terra'
gdalwarpFns3-Step postProcess sequence for SpatRasters using 'gdalwarp'
grepSysCallsGrep system calls
guessAtTargetTry to pick a file to load
internetExistsChecks for existed of a url or the internet using...
isInteractiveAlternative to 'interactive()' for unit testing
isUpdatedHas a cached object has been updated?
isWindowsTest whether system is Windows
keepOrigGeomKeep original geometries of 'sf' objects
linkOrCopyHardlink, symlink, or copy a file
listFilesInArchiveList files in either a '.zip' or or '.tar' file
listNamedCreate a list with names from object names
loadFileLoad a file from the cache
mergeCacheMerge two cache repositories together
messageColouredUse 'message' with a consistent use of 'verbose'
movedCacheDeal with moved cache issues
normPathNormalize file paths
objSizeWrapper around 'lobstr::obj_size'
paddedFloatToCharConvert numeric to character with padding
Path-classCoerce a character string to a class "Path"
pkgEnvThe 'reproducible' package environments
postProcessGeneric function to post process objects
postProcessToTransform a GIS dataset so it has the properties (extent,...
prefixAdd a prefix or suffix to the basename part of a file path
prepareFileBackedRasterCopy the file-backing of a file-backed Raster* object
prepInputsDownload and optionally post-process files
preProcessDownload, Checksum, Extract files
purgePurge individual line items from checksums file
rasterReadA helper to 'getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")'
relativePathsRelative paths
remapFilenamesRemap file names
reproducibleOptions'reproducible' options
reproducible-packageThe 'reproducible' package
retryA wrapper around 'try' that retries on failure
robustDigestCreate reproducible digests of objects in R
saveToCacheSave an object to Cache
searchSearch up the full scope for functions
set.randomseedSet seed with a random value using Sys.time()
setSubAttrInListSet subattributes within a list by reference
studyAreaNameGet a unique name for a given study area
tempdir2Make a temporary (sub-)directory
tempfile2Make a temporary file in a temporary (sub-)directory
terra-migrationGet min or maximum value of a (Spat)Raster
testForArchiveExtractReturns unrar path and creates a shortcut as .unrarPath Was...
unrarPathThe known path for unrar or 7z
viewCacheExamining and modifying the cache
writeFutureWrite to cache repository, using 'future::future'
reproducible documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.