makeAB: Create rotation matrix used to determine linear combination...

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/RandMat.R


This function is the default option to make the projection matrix for unsupervised random forest. The sparseM matrix is the projection matrix. The creation of this matrix can be changed, but the nrow of sparseM should remain p. The ncol of the sparseM matrix is currently set to mtry but this can actually be any integer > 1; can even be greater than p. The matrix returned by this function creates a sparse matrix with multiple features per column.


makeAB(p, d, sparsity, ...)



the number of dimensions.


the number of desired columns in the projection matrix.


a real number in (0,1) that specifies the distribution of non-zero elements in the random matrix.


used to handle superfluous arguments passed in using paramList.


rotationMatrix the matrix used to determine which mtry features or combination of features will be used to split a node.

rerf documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:16 a.m.