Man pages for respR
Import, Process, Analyse, and Calculate Rates from Respirometry Data

adjust_rateAdjust rates to account for background respiration or oxygen...
adjust_rate.ftAdjust rates in flowthrough respirometry to account for...
adjust_scaleConvert between multipliers of the same unit, e.g. mg to kg
adjust_scale_areaConvert between multipliers of the same AREA unit, e.g. mm2...
algae.rdOxygen production respirometry data
auto_rateAutomatically determine most linear, highest, lowest and...
auto_rate_highestPerform rolling regression and rank from ABSOLUTE highest to...
auto_rate.intRun auto_rate on multiple replicates in intermittent-flow...
auto_rate_intervalObtain rate values at non-overlapping intervals of a dataset
auto_rate_linearLinear detection method
auto_rate_lowestPerform rolling regression and rank from ABSOLUTE lowest to...
auto_rate_maxPerform rolling regression and rank from NUMERICAL maximum to...
auto_rate_minPerform rolling regression and rank from NUMERICAL minimum to...
auto_rate.repFunction for auto_rate with replicate number in summary plus...
auto_rate_rollingPerform rolling regression of fixed width and do not reorder...
background_con.rdBackground respirometry data (constant)
background_exp.rdBackground respirometry data (exponential)
background_lin.rdBackground respirometry data (linear)
broken_stickPerform broken-stick regressions
calc_rateCalculate rate of change in oxygen over time
calc_rate.bgCalculate background oxygen uptake or input rates
calc_rate.ftCalculate rate of change in oxygen from flowthrough...
calc_rate.intExtract rates from multiple replicates in intermittent-flow...
calc_rate.repFunction for calc_rate with replicate number in summary
calc_winAutomatically calculate rolling window
class.valValidates acceptable classes of inputs Set single or multiple...
convert_DOConvert between units of dissolved oxygen
convert_MRConvert between units of absolute, mass-specific, or...
convert_MR_printPrint results of convert_MR
convert_rateConvert a unitless oxygen rate value to absolute,...
convert_rate.ftConvert a unitless oxygen rate value from flowthrough...
convert_valConvert values of temperature, volume, mass, area, and...
extract_indicesExtract row, time and DO indices from a subset dataframe
flowthrough_mult.rdMulti-column flowthrough respirometry data
flowthrough.rdFlowthrough respirometry data on the chiton, _Mopalia...
flowthrough_sim.rdFlowthrough respirometry data with increasing background rate
flow_unit_parseExtracts time and volume units from flowrate unit already...
format_timeParse date-time data to numeric time for use in respR...
generate_mrdfGenerate a DO ~ PO2 data table from a DO timeseries
get_decIdentify decimal character For European formatted files with...
grapes-greater-than-grapesPipe graphics direct from tidyverse-related package
import_fileImport respirometry system raw data files (DEPRECATED)
inspectExplore and visualise respirometry data and check for common...
inspect.ftExplore and visualise flowthrough respirometry data and check...
intermittent.rdRespirometry data of the sea urchin, _Heliocidaris...
kernel_methodKernel density function
linear_fitPerform a linear regression on a data frame
mean.adjust_rateAverage adjust_rate object rates
mean.adjust_rate.ftAverage adjust_rate.ft rates
mean.auto_rateAverage auto_rate object rates
mean.auto_rate.intAverage object rates
mean.calc_rateAverage calc_rate object rates
mean.calc_rate.bgAverage object rates
mean.calc_rate.ftAverage calc_rate.ft object rates
mean.calc_rate.intAverage object rates
mean.convert_DOAverage convert_DO object values
mean.convert_rateAverage convert_rate object rates
mean.convert_rate.ftAverage convert_rate.ft object rates
mean.inspectAverage inspect object rates
mean.inspect.ftAverage inspect.ft object rates
mean.oxy_critAverage oxy_crit object rates
method.valValidate adjust_rate or auto_rate or oxy_crit method input
midptGet midpoint between two values or within a vector For...
nainf.omitOmit NA, NaN, Inf and -Inf from a vector or dataframe columns
overlap.ft.pPlot convert_rate.ft summary tables
overlap.pPlot convert_rate and auto_rate summary tables
oxy_critCalculate critical oxygen values, such as PCrit
plot.adjust_ratePlot adjust_rate objects
plot.adjust_rate.ftPlot adjust_rate.ft objects
plot.auto_ratePlot auto_rate objects
plot.auto_rate.intPlot objects
plot.calc_ratePlot calc_rate objects
plot.calc_rate.bgPlot objects
plot.calc_rate.ftPlot calc_rate.ft objects
plot.calc_rate.intPlot objects
plot.convert_DOPlot convert_DO objects
plot.convert_ratePlot convert_rate objects
plot.convert_rate.ftPlot convert_rate.ft objects
plot.inspectPlot inspect objects
plot.inspect.ftPlot inspect.ft objects
plot.oxy_critPlot oxy_crit objects
plot.test_linPlot output of test_lin
print.adjust_ratePrint adjust_rate objects
print.adjust_rate.ftPrint adjust_rate.ft objects
print.auto_ratePrint auto_rate objects
print.auto_rate.intPrint objects
print.calc_ratePrint calc_rate objects
print.calc_rate.bgPrint objects
print.calc_rate.ftPrint calc_rate.ft objects
print.calc_rate.intPrint objects
print.convert_DOPrint convert_DO objects
print.convert_ratePrint convert_rate objects
print.convert_rate.ftPrint convert_rate.ft objects
print_densPrints the density object for summary.auto_rate S3 Basically...
print.inspectPrint inspect objects
print.inspect.ftPrint inspect.ft objects
print.oxy_critPrint oxy_crit objects
rolling_reg_rowPerform regular rolling regression
rolling_reg_timePerform rolling regression based on time units.
sardine.rdRespirometry data of the sardine, _Sardinops sagax_
selectSelect columns
select_rateSelect rate results based on a range of criteria
sim_dataRandomly generate data for internal testing of 'auto_rate()"s...
squid.rdRespirometry data of the squid, _Doryteuthis opalescens_
static_rollNormal rolling regression
StP.checkChecks if an oxygen concentration/pressure unit or metabolic...
StP.valReturns an error message if an oxygen concentration/pressure...
subsampleSubsample a data frame object
subset_dataSubset a 'data.frame', 'inspect', or 'inspect.ft' object
summary.adjust_rateSummarise adjust_rate objects
summary.adjust_rate.ftSummarise adjust_rate.ft objects
summary.auto_rateSummarise auto_rate objects
summary.auto_rate.intSummarise objects
summary.calc_rateSummarise calc_rate objects
summary.calc_rate.bgSummarise objects
summary.calc_rate.ftSummarise calc_rate.ft objects
summary.calc_rate.intSummarise objects
summary.convert_DOSummarise convert_DO objects
summary.convert_rateSummarise convert_rate objects
summary.convert_rate.ftSummarise convert_rate.ft objects
summary.inspectSummarise inspect objects
summary.inspect.ftSummarise inspect.ft objects
summary.oxy_critSummarise oxy_crit objects
test_linPerform 'auto_rate()' iteratively and extract performance...
time_lmSubset data by time and perform a linear regression.
time_rollPerform time-width rolling regression
unit_argsPrint examples of unit inputs
units.cleanCleans units from units.val to remove the suffix (.o2, .flow,...
units.valCheck unit string against allowed values. See util_fns.R file...
unit_typeSearch for and classify units
unit_type_o1Search for and classify oxygen units as used in concentration...
urchins.rdMulti-column respirometry data of the sea urchin,...
validate_auto_rateValidation function for auto_rate
zeb_intermittent.rdRespirometry data of a zebrafish, _Danio rerio_
respR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:14 a.m.