Calculate background oxygen uptake or input rates

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calc_rate.bgR Documentation

Calculate background oxygen uptake or input rates


This function calculates the rate of change of oxygen over time from "blank" or control respirometry experiments, to allow for background adjustments of experimental data. It accepts background oxygen~time data as data frames and inspect objects. The data must be in the same time and oxygen units as the data from which the rate which will be adjusted was extracted. Multiple columns of background oxygen measurements can be entered as long as they share the same time data. In this case the function returns rates for all columns, and also calculates a mean rate.

Usage, time = NULL, oxygen = NULL, plot = TRUE, ...)



data.frame or inspect object. This is the data to extract background rate(s) from.


integer. Defaults to 1. This specifies the column number of the time data.


integer value or vector. This specifies the column number(s) of the oxygen data. Multiple columns of oxygen can be specified. If NULL, function assumes oxygen data are in all columns of the data frame except the time column.


logical. Defaults to TRUE. Plots the data. See Details.


Allows additional plotting controls to be passed, such as pos, legend = FALSE, and quiet = TRUE.


The main difference between and calc_rate, is that this function allows a rate to be determined from the same region of multiple oxygen data columns, whereas calc_rate allows multiple rates to be determined from different regions of a single dataset.


There are no units involved in This is a deliberate decision. The units of oxygen concentration and time will be specified later in convert_rate() when rates are converted to specific output units. It is important however, the background time~oxygen data is in the same time and oxygen units as the data used to determine the rate which will be adjusted.

Subsetting data regions does not have internal subsetting of data regions. If you need to subset the data to specific regions you don't want to use, see subset_data(), which allows for easy passing (or piping) of subsets to

Background respiration vs background input of oxygen

Most users will be using this function to account for background oxygen consumption rates from microbial activity that need to be quantified and their effects removed from experimental specimen rates. However, there are some experiments where oxygen input rates may be of interest, for example in open tank or open arena respirometry where the input of oxygen from the water surface has been calculated or quantified. There are also cases in closed respirometry where there may be an input of oxygen via leaks or oxygen production from photosynthesis which need to be quantified. is readily capable of quantifying production rates as well as consumption, and these can also be used for adjustments in adjust_rate().


A plot is produced (provided plot = TRUE) showing all examined columns of oxygen against time (bottom blue axis) and row index (top red axis), with the rate and linear model coefficients. Single rates can be plotted by changing the pos input either in the main function call, or by plotting the output, e.g. plot(object, pos = 2). Console output messages can be suppressed using quiet = TRUE. If equations obscure the plot they can be suppressed using legend = FALSE.

S3 Generic Functions

Saved output objects can be used in the generic S3 functions print(), summary(), and mean().

  • print(): prints all background rates, plus the mean background rate.

  • summary(): prints summary table of all results and metadata, or those specified by the pos input. e.g. summary(x, pos = 1:5). The summary can be exported as a separate dataframe by passing export = TRUE.

  • mean(): calculates the mean of all rates, or those specified by the pos input. e.g. mean(x, pos = 1:5) The mean can be exported as a separate value by passing export = TRUE.


For additional help, documentation, vignettes, and more visit the respR website at


Output is a list object of class containing original data, linear models, summary information, and the primary output of interest ⁠$⁠, which contains a rate for each oxygen column present in the input data. There is also ⁠$⁠ containing the mean of all background rates. Note, this is not used in adjust_rate, where the method input there determines how ⁠$⁠ is applied, but can easily be extracted and applied as an adjustment value if desired.


# Inspect and calculate background rate from two columns
inspect(urchins.rd, time = 1, oxygen = 18:19) %>%

# Same example but enter as a data frame, save as an object and use
# in adjust_rate
bg_rate <-,
                        time = 1,
                        oxygen = 18:19,
                        plot = FALSE)

inspect(urchins.rd, 1, 2, plot = FALSE) %>%
  calc_rate(from = 10, to = 30, by = "time", plot = FALSE) %>%
  adjust_rate(by = bg_rate)

# Subset single column data first before calculating background rate
subset_data(background_con.rd, from = 5000, to = 20000, by = "time") %>%

respR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:14 a.m.