inspect.ft: Explore and visualise flowthrough respirometry data and check...

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inspect.ftR Documentation

Explore and visualise flowthrough respirometry data and check for errors


inspect.ft is a data exploration and preparation function that visualises flowthrough respirometry data, checks it for common issues, and prepares it for use in later functions in respR, such as calc_rate.ft().


  time = NULL,
  out.oxy = NULL,
  in.oxy = NULL,
  in.oxy.value = NULL,
  delta.oxy = NULL,
  plot = TRUE, = NULL,



data.frame containing columns of time and out.oxy or delta.oxy concentrations, and optionally in.oxy.


integer or string. Defaults to 1. Specifies the column of the Time data as either a column number or the name.


integer(s) or string(s). Defaults to NULL. Specifies the column(s) of the outflow oxygen data as either column numbers or names.


integer(s) or string(s). Defaults to NULL. Specifies the column(s) of the inflow oxygen data as either column numbers or names.


numeric value. Defaults to NULL. If there is no continuous in.oxy data, this specifies a fixed value of oxygen concentration for inflowing water in same units as out.oxy, and is used with out.oxy to calculate a delta.oxy.


integer(s) or string(s). Defaults to all non-time columns if no other inputs given. Specifies the column number(s) or name(s) of delta oxygen data, for when the user has already calculated the difference between outflow and inflow oxygen (should be negative values for oxygen uptake). If this is used, out.oxy and in.oxy should be NULL.


logical. Defaults to TRUE. Plots the data. See Details.

integer or string. Defaults to NULL. Specifies the column number or name of an optional additional data source that will be plotted in blue alongside the full oxygen timeseries.


Allows additional plotting controls to be passed, such as legend = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, rate.rev = FALSE and pos.


inspect.ft is intended to be specific to flowthrough respirometry data. In flowthrough respirometry (also known as 'open flow' or 'continuous flow' respirometry) rather than calculating a rate from a changing oxygen concentration recording in a sealed chamber, instead the difference (i.e. 'oxygen delta') between the inflowing and outflowing oxygen concentrations of a respirometer receiving water at a constant flow rate is used to calculate an oxygen consumption or production rate, typically after it has reached a steady state. Therefore, in general, regions of stable oxygen delta values (difference between outflow and inflow oxygen) are of interest. inspect.ft visualises and prepares the data for use in calc_rate.ft(). By specifying data types in this function and saving the output, they do not need to be specified in later functions.


Given an input data frame x, the function scans the columns specified via the time, out.oxy, in.oxy or delta.oxy inputs. Columns are specified by using the column number (e.g. time = 1), or by name (e.g. time = "Time.Hrs"). If no columns are specified, by default the function assumes the first column is time, and all others are delta.oxy oxygen data. However, best practice is to use the inputs to specify particular columns.

The x input must contain at least two data types; a single column of numeric time data, with either a column of paired out.oxy concentrations (i.e. the exhalent or 'downstream' concentrations), or a column of already calculated delta.oxy values, that is the difference between outflow and inflow concentrations, or the outflow concentration corrected by a background recording from a 'blank' or empty chamber.

out.oxy input option: If an out.oxy column has been specified, in order to calculate the oxygen delta (and therefore a rate in calc_rate.ft()) there must also be an inflow oxygen concentration input (i.e. the inhalent or 'upstream' concentration). This will generally be a column of paired in.oxy concentrations, in which case the paired values of out.oxy and in.oxy are used to calculate the oxygen delta.oxy, which is saved in the output and used to determine a rate in calc_rate.ft(). Alternatively, if the inflow oxygen concentration is a known, generally unvarying value (such as fully air-saturated water from a header tank) this can be entered as a single value via in.oxy.value and this is used to calculate the delta.oxy.

delta.oxy input option: If delta oxygen values have already been calculated, these can be entered via the delta.oxy input, and these are prepared and saved for rate calculations in calc_rate.ft.

Check for numeric data

respR requires data be in the form of paired values of numeric time and oxygen. All columns are checked that they contain numeric data before any other checks are performed. If any of the inspected columns do not contain numeric data the remaining checks for that column are skipped, and the function exits returning NULL, printing the summary of the checks. No plot is produced. Only when all inspected columns pass this numeric check can the resulting output object be saved and passed to other respR functions.

Other checks

The time column is checked for missing (NA/NaN) values, infinite values both positive and negative (Inf/-Inf), that values are sequential, that there are no duplicate times, and that it is numerically evenly-spaced. Oxygen columns are checked for missing (NA/NaN) and infinite values (Inf/-Inf). See Failed Checks section for what it means for analyses if these checks result in warnings. If the output is assigned, the specified columns are saved to a list object for use in later functions such as calc_rate.ft(). A plot is also produced.


If plot = TRUE, entered data is plotted against both time (bottom, blue axis) and row index (top, red axis), depending on the inputs:

  • a single out.oxy column with either a paired in.oxy column or in.oxy.value: a two panel plot. The top plot is both outflow (green points) and inflow (turquoise points) oxygen. The bottom plot is the oxygen delta (black points) between outflow and inflow oxygen, essentially a unitless oxygen uptake or production rate.

  • a single delta.oxy column: a one panel plot of oxygen delta values.

  • multiple out.oxy or delta.oxy columns: a grid plot of all delta.oxy data (either as entered or calculated from out.oxy and in.oxy). Specific delta plots can be examined individually by using the pos input (e.g. plot(x, pos = 2)). Y-axes are not equal.

  • unspecified columns: all columns are plotted assuming time is in column 1, and all others are oxygen delta.oxy data. Y-axes are not equal.

In delta plots, that is those plotting delta.oxy values, either directly entered or calculated, consistent oxygen uptake or production rates will be represented by flat or level regions. The width input may help with selecting regions from which to extract rates, and can be passed in the main function call or using plot() on the output object. This smooths delta oxygen values by calculating a rolling mean across the data. See Additional plotting options below.

Note: Since respR is primarily used to examine oxygen consumption, the delta oxygen and rate plots are by default plotted on a reverse y-axis. In respR oxygen uptake rates are negative since they represent a negative slope of oxygen against time. In these plots the axis is reversed so that higher uptake rates (i.e. more negative) will be higher on these plots. If you are interested instead in oxygen production rates, which are positive, the rate.rev = FALSE input can be passed in either the inspect.ft call, or when using plot() on the output object. In this case, the delta and rate values will be plotted numerically, and higher oxygen production rates will be higher on the plot.

Plot an additional data source

Using the input an additional data source, for example temperature, can be plotted alongside the oxygen timeseries. This should be either a column number (e.g. = 3) or name (e.g. = "Temperature") indicating a column in the input x data frame sharing the same time data. None of the data checks are performed on this column; it is simply to give a basic visual aid in the plot to, for example, help decide if regions of the data should be used or not used because this parameter was variable. Values are saved in the output as a vector under ⁠$⁠. It is plotted in blue on a separate y-axis on the main timeseries plot. It is not plotted if multiple oxygen columns are inspected. See examples.

Additional plotting options

The width input may help with selecting regions from which to extract rates. This smooths delta oxygen values by calculating a rolling mean across the data, and should be a value between 0 and 1 representing a proportion of the total data width. If left as the default NULL no smoothing is performed. This is a visual aid which only affects plotted values and does not alter output delta oxygen values.

If the legend or labels obscure part of the plot, they can be suppressed via legend = FALSE in either the inspect.ft call, or when using plot() on the output object. Suppress console output messages with quiet = TRUE. If multiple columns have been inspected, the pos input can be used to examine each out.oxy~in.oxy~del.oxy dataset. If axis labels (particularly y-axis) are difficult to read, las = 2 can be passed to make axis labels horizontal. In addition, oma (outer margins, default oma = c(0.4, 1, 1.5, 0.4)), and mai (inner margins, default mai = c(0.3, 0.15, 0.35, 0.15)) can be used to adjust plot margins.

Multiple data columns

For a quick overview of larger experiments, multiple columns of out.oxy, in.oxy and delta.oxy can be inspected, but must share the same numeric time data column specified by the time input. Note, multiple column inspection is chiefly intended to be exploratory functionality to provide a quick overview of larger datasets. While the output will contain all data columns in ⁠$dataframe⁠ and ⁠$data⁠, subsequent functions such as calc_rate.ft() will use only the first delta.oxy column for calculating rates. Best practice is to inspect and assign each individual experiment or column pair as separate inspect.ft objects. See Examples.

If multiple out.oxy columns are specified, in.oxy can be a single column (if for example all chambers are supplied from the same header tank), in which case it is used to calculate an oxygen delta for all out.oxy columns. A single in.oxy.value in the same units as out.oxy can also be specified. There can also be multiple in.oxy columns, in which case it is assumed each out.oxy column is paired with each in.oxy at the same position, and used to calculate the oxygen delta.oxy. In this case, out.oxy and in.oxy must have equal numbers of columns.

Failed Checks

The most important data check in inspect.ft is that all data columns are numeric. If any column fails this check, the function skips the remaining checks for that column, the function exits returning NULL, and no output object or plot is produced.

The other failed check that requires action is the check for infinite values (Inf/-Inf). Some oxygen sensing systems add these in error when interference or data dropouts occur. Infinite values will cause problems when it comes to calculating rates, so need to be removed. If found, locations of these are printed and can be found in the output object under ⁠$locs⁠. Note, these values are not plotted, so special note should be taken of the warnings and console printout.

The remaining data checks in inspect.ft are mainly exploratory and help diagnose and flag potential issues with the data that might affect rate calculations. For instance, long experiments may have had sensor dropouts the user is unaware of. Some might not be major issues. For instance, an uneven time warning can result from using decimalised minutes, which is a completely valid time metric, but happens to be numerically unevenly spaced. As an additional check, if uneven time is found, the minimum and maximum intervals in the time data are in the console output, so a user can see immediately if there are large gaps in the data.

If some of these checks produce warnings, it should generally not hinder analysis of the data. respR has been coded to rely on linear regressions on exact data values, and not make assumptions about data spacing or order. Therefore issues such as missing or NA/NaN values, duplicate or non-sequential time values, or uneven time spacing should not cause any erroneous results, as long as they do not occur over large regions of the data. inspect.ft however outputs locations (row numbers) of where these issues occur (located in the ⁠$locs⁠ element of the output), allowing users to amend them before analysis. We would recommend that to be completely confident in any results from analysis of such data, and avoid obscure errors, these issues be addressed before proceeding.

Background control or "blank" experiments

For experiments in which the specimen data is to be background corrected by a concurrently-run control experiment, inspect.ft can be used by specifying the specimen experiment as out.oxy, and the "blank" as the in.oxy input. In this way, any variations in oxygen in the specimen data due to background microbial activity, or for any other reason such as fluctuations in inflow oxygen, are accounted for in the delta oxygen calculations, and therefore in the rate calculated in calc_rate.ft(). See the vignettes on the website for examples.

If the background recordings are experiments with their own outflow and inflow recordings, which show a generally consistent oxygen delta due to microbial activity, this can be saved as a separate inspect.ft object, a background rate calculated in calc_rate.ft(), and this used in adjust_rate.ft() as the by input to perform background adjustments to specimen rates.

Note: All background calculations should be from experiments done at the same flow rate as the specimen experiments to be corrected.

S3 Generic Functions

Saved output objects can be used in the generic S3 functions plot(), print() and summary().

  • plot(): plots the result.

  • print(): prints a summary of the checks performed on the data. If issues are found, locations (row numbers) are printed (up to first 20 occurrences).

  • summary(): simple wrapper for print() function. See above.


For additional help, documentation, vignettes, and more visit the respR website at


Output is a list object of class inspect.ft containing input parameters and data, data check summaries, and metadata, which can be passed to calc_rate.ft() to determine rates. If there are failed checks or warnings, the row locations of the potentially problematic data can be found in ⁠$locs⁠.


# Inspect outflow and inflow oxygen data
x <- inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                in.oxy = 3)

# Inspect outflow oxygen data with inflow oxygen as a known value in
# the same units
x <- inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                in.oxy.value = 8.90)

# Inspect already calculated delta oxygen data
inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, delta.oxy = 4)

# inspect multiple columns for a quick overview
inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, delta.oxy = 10:12)

# Inspect outflow and use a blank control chamber as background
# correction
# This experiment has increasing background respiration over time.
# Inspecting outflow oxygen with inflow header tank concentrations
# suggests specimen rates (bottom delta.oxy plot) are increasing.
inspect.ft(flowthrough_sim.rd, time = 1,
           out.oxy = 2, in.oxy = 4)

# However, inspecting with recordings from a concurrent blank
# control accounts for this and shows specimen rates are level
# when background is taken into account.
inspect.ft(flowthrough_sim.rd, time = 1,
           out.oxy = 2, in.oxy = 3)

respR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:14 a.m.