Man pages for ri
ri: R package for performing randomization-based inference for experiments

dispdistEstimated ATE distribution display, summary and significance...
estateEstimation of average treatment effects
estlateEstimation of local average treatment effects under...
gendistGenerates randomization distribution of estimated ATEs
genoutsGenerates hypothesized potential outcomes under a constant...
genpermsGenerates a permutation matrix for blocked, clustered (or...
genperms.customGenerates an approximate permutation matrix for an...
genprobEstimates probabilities of treatment assignment
genprobexactProduction of exact probabilities of treatment assignment for...
invert.ciConfidence intervals through test inversion
omni.ateOmnibus function for estimation and testing
resresplotProduces residual-residual (added-variable) plot
ri-internalInternal function
ri-packageri: R package for performing randomization-based inference...
ri documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:51 a.m.