opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, autodep=TRUE, tidy=FALSE, fig.width=5, warning=FALSE, fig.height=5)


This document consists of two parts. The first part shows a few more or less complex examples with a few explanations of the code. The second, which is visually grey and boring, elaborates on using the different graphical parameters of riverplot. Bottom line: I put the examples first, because they are more interesting, but if you really want to fiddle with the finer points of the graphics, you need to refer to part 2.

Part 1: Gallery

Import and export of goods

For this example, I have selected a few

## goods exports / imports for 2015 in billions
edges <- read.csv(text="N1,N2,Value
From EU,To China,170.4
From China,To EU,350.6
From EU,To US,426.0
From US,To EU,272.7
From China,To US,482
From US,To China,116", 
header=T, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

nodes <- data.frame(ID=unique(c(edges$N1, edges$N2)),
    x=rep(c(1,2), each=3), y=c(1,2,3,2,1,3)) 

cols <- c(China="#00990066",
          EU   ="#00009966",
          US   ="#99000066")

style <- sapply(nodes$ID, function(id)
  list(col=cols[ gsub("(From|To) ", "", id) ]), simplify=FALSE)

r <- makeRiver(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, styles=style)
d <- list(srt=0, textcex=1.5) # default style
plot(r, plot_area=1, nodewidth=10, default_style=d)

In the second example, the goal is to put the same information on a geographical map. For this, first a map should be shown and colored, and then the Sankey diagram should be overlayed at prespecified positions.

eu <- c( "Austria", "Italy", "Belgium", "Latvia", "Bulgaria",
"Lithuania", "Croatia", "Luxembourg", "Cyprus", "Malta", "Czech Republic",
"Netherlands", "Denmark", "Poland", "Estonia", "Portugal", "Finland", "Romania",
"France", "Slovakia", "Germany", "Slovenia", "Greece", "Spain", "Hungary", "Sweden",
"Ireland", "United Kingdom")

m <- wrld_simpl[ wrld_simpl@data$NAME != "Antarctica", ]

nodes$labels <- gsub(" .*", "", nodes$ID)
nodes$x <- c( 15, 106, -101, 
             106,  15, -101)

nodes$y <- c(53, 21, 49, 
             40, 63, 29 )
ccol <- rep("grey", nrow(m@data))
ccol[ m@data$NAME == "China" ] <- cols["China"]
ccol[ m@data$ISO2 == "US" ] <- cols["US"]
ccol[ m@data$NAME %in% eu ] <- cols["EU"]

r <- makeRiver(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, styles=style)
plot(m, border=F, col=ccol)
d <- list(srt=0, textcex=1.5)
plot(r, add=T, rescale=F, yscale=0.02, default_style=d, nodewidth=5)

The famous Minard plot

nodes <- minard$nodes
edges <- minard$edges
colnames(nodes) <- c("ID", "x", "y")
colnames(edges) <- c("N1", "N2", "Value", "direction")

# color the edges by troop movement direction
edges$col <- c("#e5cbaa", "black")[factor(edges$direction)]

# color edges by their color rather than by gradient between the nodes
# The "edgecol" column is interpreted as a style keyword with value "col"
edges$edgecol <- "col"

# generate the riverplot object and a style
river <- makeRiver(nodes, edges)
style <- list(edgestyle= "straight", nodestyle= "invisible")

# plot the generated object. Given that we want to plot the cities as well
# (external data), the user coordinates for the plot and for the external
# data should be the same. This is achieved by the adjust.usr option.
# Alternatively, one can call, set usr manually and call riverplot
# with the options rescale=FALSE and add=TRUE.
# plot_area parameter is for creating suitable margins within the plot area
par(bg="grey98", mar=rep(3,4))
plot(river, lty=1, default_style=style, plot_area=c(0.9, 0.7), adjust.usr=TRUE)
u <- par("usr")
rect(u[1], u[3], u[2], u[4])

## add latitude and longitude
abline(h=54:56, col="grey")
bglabel(u[1], 54:56, sprintf("%d°N", 54:56), pos="topright", bg=NA, col="grey", font=3)
lbl <- seq(20, 40, by=5)
abline(v=lbl, col="grey")
bglabel(lbl, u[3], sprintf("%d°E", lbl), pos="topright", bg=NA, col="grey", font=3)

## Add cities. Use "label()" to have a background frame and better
## positioning.
with(minard$cities, points(Longitude, Latitude, pch=19))
with(minard$cities, bglabel(Longitude, Latitude, Name, pos="topright"))

Part 2: Customizing plots with riverplot

A first example

Sankey plots are used to illustrate the flow of quantities. In riverplot, sankey plots consist of nodes and edges. Edges always have a defined breadth -- they do not dwindle or broaden when going from node to node.

In order to use riverplot, an object holding the data must first be defined. The object can be generated manually or with makeRiver, a function that additionally checks whether the information in the object is consistent and correct.

We start with a simple object with a few nodes and edges. There are many ways how the object can be constructed (consult the manual for makeRiver for that), but data frames for nodes and edges are probably the easiest:

nodes <- data.frame(ID=LETTERS[1:7], x=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3))
edges <- data.frame(ID=paste0("E.", letters[1:6]),
        N1=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G"),
        N2=c("E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E"),
        Value=c(10, 40, 20, 5, 25, 50))
r <- makeRiver(nodes, edges)

In the following, it will be shown how to customize this simple plot.

Fixing the order of nodes

The order of nodes matters. As you can see above, the nodes are stacked from bottom to top using the order in which they were defined in the nodes data frame. Reversing this order will result in a different picture:

nodes2 <- nodes[7:1,]
r2 <- makeRiver(nodes2, edges)

Pre-specified x and y values

A finer control can be achieved by directly providing (pinning) positions of the nodes on the figure. The easiest way to achieve this is by letting riverplot generate the positions in the first place, and then tuning them according to own preferences:

r2 <- plot(r)
str(r2$nodes) # nodes contain now column "y"
r2$nodes["E", "y"] <- 1

The node "E" is now elevated well above the other nodes. However, note that the relative node widths have changed; this is because of the yscale parameter -- see below.

Vertical alignment using paramter gravity

The way nodes and edges are stacked on the plots depends on the parameter gravity. Depending on it, the nodes will be sticking to the bottom, top or center of the figure:

plot(r, gravity="b") 
plot(r, gravity="c")
plot(r, gravity="t") # default

Controlling the node width on the picture (parameter yscale and node_margin)

Essentially, riverplot runs in one of two modes. By default, you don't need to provide an exact location of all nodes generated by riverplot. In this case, the width of the edges shown on the figure results from two factors: the amount of space available for plotting and the margin between the nodes (parameter node_margin), as the fraction of all available space.

plot(r, node_margin=0.1) # default
plot(r, node_margin=0.5)
plot(r, node_margin=0.9) 

However, if the node y positions are specified (by the column y of the nodes data frame), another paramter controls the width of the nodes: yscale (normally set to "auto").

plot(r2, yscale=0.1)
plot(r2, yscale=0.5)
plot(r2, yscale=0.9)

If left with the default 'auto', the program will still attempt to fit the nodes. With yscale=1, the actual width of the edges is in the same units as the vertical position. Sometimes this makes little sense, for example, in the Minard plot above, the y coordinate is the latitude, while the width of the edges is the size of the Napoleon army. However, sometimes the y coordinate and the edge are showing the same type of information; this is when you should use yscale=1.

Specifying the plotting area with plot_area

Sometimes it is useful to impose a certain geometry of the plot. This can be, of course, achieved with changing the margins (like with par(mar=...) above), the size of the plotting device etc. However, additionally the parameter plot_area or usr (see below) can be used. The parameter plot_area specifies both the horizontal and the vertical fraction of the space used by the plot, either as two separate numbers or as one number for both these fractions. By default, riverplot uses 100% of the horizontal space and 50% of the vertical space, so plot_area is c(1, 0.5).

We use additionally the parameter bty="o" to draw a box around the plot.

plot(r, plot_area=c(1, 0.5), bty="o") # default
plot(r, plot_area=1, bty="o") # max area in both directions
plot(r, plot_area=c(0.5, 1), bty="o") # squeezed laterally

Specifying the plotting area with usr and overlaying riverplots

A more finely tuned control of the area of the plot is achieved with the parameter usr, which has the same syntax as par(usr=...); that is, it give the coordinates of the bounding box of the plot in the form of c(x1, x2, y1, y2). Combined with the parameter add=TRUE, this allows to place a sankey diagram on top of another diagram in a specified box.

plot(NULL, xlim=c(1,10), ylim=c(1,10), bty="n", xlab="", ylab="")
abline(h=1:10, col="grey")
abline(v=1:10, col="grey")
plot(r, add=TRUE, usr=c(2,8,2,8), plot_area=1, bty="o")
plot(r, add=TRUE, usr=c(1,4,1,4), plot_area=1, bty="o")
plot(r, add=TRUE, usr=c(7,12,7,12), plot_area=1, bty="o")

Note that while usr sets the boundary box of the Sankey diagram, the plot_area still controls the area of the box that is occupied by the diagram. In the code above, the plot_area is set to 1 to occupy the whole bounding box.

More about adjusting the usr parameter (adjust.usr=TRUE) and yscale

In general, riverplot does not modify the par("usr") parameter, and instead adjusts the x and y coordinates of the nodes as well as widths (Value) of the edges. This actually is the opposite of the typical plotting behavior in R, but makes it easier to add the Sankey diagram to existing plots.

However, sometimes it is desired to plot precisely using the coordinates specified by the graph, for example, because one wishes to add additional, external information to the figure. This is, for example, the case of the Minard data set, in which the node coordinates should correspond to external data -- geographical coordinates of the cities added to the plot after plotting the Sankey diagram (see the Minard example in the gallery).

Specifying adjust.usr=TRUE modifies the usr parameter by setting par("usr").

nodes2 <- nodes[order(nodes$ID),]
nodes2$y <- c(50*(1:4),125,100,150)
r2 <- makeRiver(nodes2, edges)
plot(r2, adjust.usr=TRUE, plot_area=c(0.8,0.8))
points(nodes2$x, nodes2$y, cex=3)
plot(r2, adjust.usr=TRUE, plot_area=c(0.8,0.8), yscale=0.5)
points(nodes2$x, nodes2$y, cex=3)

Note that if adjust.usr is TRUE, and yscale is auto (default), then yscale is set to 1. That means, the Value of edges is directly representing their thickness. If the Value of an edge was 20, then it will be 20 thick (in user coordinates). However, you can still manipulate it by setting another yscale. This is shown on the right panel above.

Note also that adjust.usr also implies that rescale is FALSE (it would make little sense otherwise).

Problematic output with PDFs (fix.pdf option)

Sometimes you will see thin white lines on the PDF versions of your plots. The reason for this is in rendering of the PDFs, not in the code of riverplot or R itself, but it is annyoing.

R cannot generate a "true" gradient (whatever that would be). To create a gradient, riverplot creates objects which consist of hundreds of smaller objects, each of them being a polygon with a single foreground color. This usually looks good on the standard R device; usually the produced bitmap graphics (such as PNG) looks fine as well. However, the created PDFs may look very awkward.

If you use the option fix.pdf=TRUE when generating riverplots, the individual polygons will be slightly overlapping. This will fix the "thin white lines" effect, but only providing that you do not use transparent colors.

Try the riverplot package in your browser

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riverplot documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 5:09 p.m.