Man pages for rje
Miscellaneous Useful Functions for Statistics

and0Fast pairwise logical operators
armijoGeneric functions to aid finding local minima given search...
combinationsCombinations of Integers
conditionTableFind conditional probability table
cubeHelixCube Helix colour palette
designMatrixOrthogonal Design Matrix
DirichletThe Dirichlet Distribution
expitExpit and Logit.
fastHadamardCompute fast Hadamard-transform of vector
fastMobiusFast Moebius and inverse Moebius transforms
fsapplyFast and loose application of function over list.
greaterThanComparing numerical values
inclusionMaxGet inclusion maximal subsets from a list
indexBoxGet indices of adjacent entries in array
int2setAlternate between sets and integers representing sets of...
interventionTableCalculate interventional distributions.
is.subsetCheck subset inclusion
is.wholenumberDetermine whether number is integral or not.
kronPowerKronecker power of a matrix or vector
lastLast element of a vector or list
marginTableCompute margin of a table faster
patternRepeatComplex repetitions
powerSetPower Set
printPercentagePrint Percentage of Activity Completed to stdout
quickSortQuicksort for Partial Orderings
rowMinsRow-wise minima and maxima
rprobdistGenerate a joint (or conditional) probability distribution
schurObtain generalized Schur complement
setmatchSet Operations
subsetMatrixMatrix of Subset Indicators
subsetOrderCompare sets for inclusion.
subtableSubset an array
rje documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 9:06 a.m.