is_compiled: Dummy function to check if 'rkeops' is installed on the...

Description Usage Details Author(s) See Also

View source: R/RcppExports.R


This function is used in automatic tests and check fucntions where the expected behavior is different depending if rkeops is installed or not (e.g. in calls to devtools::check() vs devtools::test() respectively).




When running automatic tests without building and installing the package, i.e. with devtools::test(), the package file structure is different from the structure of a built and installed package (obtained with devtools::check()). For instance, the directory inst/include is replaced by include, or src by lib. Check functions inside rkeops have different behavior between these two cases.

The function is_compiled is used, if available, by the function is_installed() to check the availability of rkeops package installation files. If not, i.e. if rkeops is not installed, the function is_installed() can detect it.


Ghislain Durif

See Also


rkeops documentation built on Feb. 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.