Function arguments are [defused][topic-defuse] into [quosures][topic-quosure] that keep track of the environment of the defused expression.

quo(1 + 1)
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^1 + 1
#> env:  global

You might have noticed that when constants are supplied, the quosure tracks the empty environment instead of the current environmnent.

quos("foo", 1, NULL)
#> <list_of<quosure>>
#> [[1]]
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^"foo"
#> env:  empty
#> [[2]]
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^1
#> env:  empty
#> [[3]]
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^NULL
#> env:  empty

The reason for this has to do with compilation of R code which makes it impossible to consistently capture environments of constants from function arguments. Argument defusing relies on the promise mechanism of R for lazy evaluation of arguments. When functions are compiled and R notices that an argument is constant, it avoids creating a promise since they slow down function evaluation. Instead, the function is directly supplied a naked constant instead of constant wrapped in a promise.

Concrete case of promise unwrapping by compilation

We can observe this optimisation by calling into the C-level findVar() function to capture promises.

# Return the object bound to `arg` without triggering evaluation of
# promises
f <- function(arg) {
  rlang:::find_var(current_env(), sym("arg"))

# Call `f()` with a symbol or with a constant
g <- function(symbolic) {
  if (symbolic) {
  } else {

# Make sure these small functions are compiled
f <- compiler::cmpfun(f)
g <- compiler::cmpfun(g)

When f() is called with a symbolic argument, we get the promise object created by R.

g(symbolic = TRUE)
#> <promise: 0x7ffd79bac130>

However, supplying a constant to "f" returns the constant directly.

g(symbolic = FALSE)
#> [1] "foo"

Without a promise, there is no way to figure out the original environment of an argument.

Do we need environments for constants?

Data-masking APIs in the tidyverse are intentionally designed so that they don't need an environment for constants.

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rlang documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:31 a.m.