hotels: French Hotels

hotelsR Documentation

French Hotels


This dataset gives the number of hotels, number of rooms and capacity for each department of metropolitan France.




a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with geometries of the 96 french departements (epsg:4326) and 12 variables.

  • DEP.CODE The code number of each department.

  • DEP.NAME The name of each department.

  • CHF.NAME The name of the main (administrative) city of each department.

  • REGION.NAME The name of the french region (administrative) of each department.

  • N.HOTELS The number of hotels.

  • N.5, N.4, N.3, N.2, N.1 The number of hotels for each ranking categories (i.e. stars).

  • ROOMS The number of hotel's rooms for each department.

  • CAPACITY The total capacity (beds) for each department.


  • Institut National de l'Information Geographique et Forestiere (2014)

  • ATOUT FRANCE - Agence de developpement touristique de la France (2014).

rleafmap documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:08 p.m.