various memory optimization changes (mode=2 OutOfMemoryError fixed)
reference links to publication updated
Version 1.3.5
fixed a java 17 compatibility issue
Version 1.3.4
fixed a nullpointerexception for numeric target variable
fixed a buildId param setting (always True)
fixed a splitSetSize param setting for numeric target variable
Version 1.3.3
Extreme speedup and memory optimization for the data with large number of rows
mcfs help Alizadeh data link updated
Version 1.3.2
closeAllConnections() removed from the code
final data pruning is processed on R side (memory optimization)
Version 1.3.1
fixed an issue in - function works faster
fixed an issue with tempdir on some old R versions and OS
Version 1.3.0
two-stage feature selection implemented
function mcfs() has new parameter mode - if mode = 2 mcfs runs 2 stage filtering that is much faster and gives more detailed ID-Graphs
two-stage feature selection - rankings from both phases are saved () and combined together to create the final one
in function mcfs there is a new cutoff method cutoffMethod - if cutoffMethod = "contrast" then cutoff value is determined based on contrast attributes
mcfs now supports weighting of input attributes - new parameter 'attrWeights' in mcfs()
read/write to/from adx/adh now supports data.frame attributes: 'attr_weights' and 'target'
in result$RI data.frame column 'RI_norm' is replaced by 'RI'
all RI data.frames contains normalized values of the following columns: 'RI', 'classifiers' and 'nodes'
plots 'ri', 'id', 'heatmap', 'cmatrix', 'features' support color parameter
plot.idgraph supports color parameter
plots: 'features' and 'cv' are created in ggplot2 by default
new function export.plots()
in functions 'import.result()' and 'export.result()' - path can now define full path to the zip result file and label can be set to NA
function export.result() saves the ranking in original order (as it is in input data)
updated vignette file to be consistent with JSS article
function build.idgraph() works much faster now works much faster now
data export/import are improved
some default parameters changed to speed up calculations: featureFreq, splitSetSize, threadsNumber
removed 'progressInterval' parameter
removed 'finalCVRepetitions' parameter
various minor fixes in plots for some extreme situations
minor fix in internal function drop.file.extension()
minor fix in recognition of JAVA version (version 9/10)
minor fixes in plots for numeric decision MCFS result
minor fix in adx/adh export for big data
rmcfs is working on JAVA 7 and above
dmLab.jar version 2.3.0
Version 1.2.15
fixed an issue for Java 11
Version 1.2.14
updated onLoad info
Version 1.2.13
updated vignette
Version 1.2.12
updated vignette and citation info to JSS article
Version 1.2.11
function build.idgraph() has a new parameter 'outer_ID'
in function build.idgraph() parameter 'plot_all_nodes' is now 'orphan_nodes'
fix and efficiency improvement in importing ID-graph from file
Version 1.2.10
fix for Open JDK 9
Version 1.2.9
Java version in description file fixed
minor fix of input parameter 'seed'
onLoad info changed
Version 1.2.8
vignette - bibliography file removed
Version 1.2.7
mcfs check whether decision attribute contains NA values
alizadeh dataset has been removed from the package and can be downloaded from the internet
function is now
new vignette article that has been accepted for publication in Jourlan of Statistical Software
Version 1.2.6
function is now
testthat environment added
Version 1.2.5
function import.result() is fixed for empty results
functions import.result() and export.result() have default value for parameer: path = "./"
heatmaps are more readable now
parameter projectionSize by default is set on sqrt(d)
parameter featureFreq by default is set on 150
Version 1.2.4
minor fix in processing temporary paths
Version 1.2.3
minor fix in cleaning temporary files
Version 1.2.2
minor fix in uncompression input zip files
Version 1.2.1
new functions write.adh() and read.adh()
functions read.adx() and read.adh() can read zipped files
functions write.adx(), write.arff(), write.adh() have new parameter 'zip' and they may produce zipped data
in plot(type = 'features') by default 'size = NA' and it means 'cutoff_value' * 1.2 features
in plot(type = 'ri') and plot(type = 'id') by default 'size = NA' and it means 'cutoff_value' * 10 features
few minor fixes
dmLab.jar version 2.2.1
Version 1.2.0
new featureFreq parameter - it determines how many times each input feature must be randomly selected when projections = 'auto'.
parameter 'balanceRatio' is now 'balance'
parameters balance, projectionSize, projections are set on 'auto' value by default
in function plot.mcfs() has new updated parameters: plot_permutations, plot_diff_bars, cv_measure
in function plot.idgraph() parameter 'label.dist' is now 'label_dist'
in function write.adx() parameter 'chunk.size' is now 'chunk_size'
in function write.arff() parameter 'chunk.size' is now 'chunk_size'
in function parameter 'source.chars' is now 'source_chars', 'destination.char'->'destination_char', 'numeric.class'->'numeric_class', 'nominal.class'->'nominal_class'
in function export.result() parameter 'save.rds' is now 'save_rds'
in function parameter 'rnd.features' is now 'rnd_features'
new function read.adx()
fixed some small problems when important features set is empty
mcfs_result contains input data data.frame
new plot type: plot(type='heatmap')
import and export of zipped result
dmLab.jar version 2.2.0
Version 1.1.2
MCFS-ID works on numeric target (new classifier M5 (regression tree) is implemented in MCFS-ID) replaces value '?' by NA
fix in write.arff
dmLab.jar version 2.1.2
Version 1.1.1
function info() is now showme()
minor fixes
dmLab.jar version 2.1.1
Version 1.1.0
first official CRAN release
functionality of the package is highly simplified - available 12 basic functions
new names of functions: save.result()/read.result() are now export.result()/import.result(); build.ID.graph() is now build.idgraph()
removed useles prefix 'mcfs.' from input params in function mcfs()
function combines all functionality of:, and
function mcfc() returns 'mcfs' object - one plot() function (parameter 'type') and one print() function for 'mcfs' object
function build.idgraph() returns 'idgraph' object - new plot() function for 'idgraph' object
function plot(type="ri") implements plot.permutations functionality - now it shows maxRI values(if 'plot_permutations' = TRUE)
fixed margins in plot.idgraph() - now idgraph uses entire plot space
removed curved_edges param from plot.idgraph() - curved_edges are always on
plot.idgraph() has new parameter label.dist() that defines distance of labels to corresponding nodes
build.idgraph() implements get.min.ID() functionality - get.min.ID() is not visible
new function '' that creates example data used in JSS paper
many minor fixes to meet CRAN rules
RD files updated by example
function mcfc() has new seed parameter - now it is possible to replicate the result
dmLab.jar version 2.1.0
Version 1.0.6
function write.adx is reiplemented and now it uses a smart exporting (chunk based) for huge datasets
function write.arff is reiplemented and now it uses a smart exporting (chunk based) for huge datasets
function info() extended and changed - better for huge data.frames
function added (colNames are cleaned from various unwanted chars e.g. "|", "#", ",") and works much faster on huge data