
Defines functions fastLasso

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

fastLasso <- function(x, y, lambda, subset = NULL, normalize = TRUE,
                      intercept = TRUE, eps = .Machine$double.eps,
                      use.Gram = TRUE, drop = TRUE, raw = FALSE) {
  # initializations
  intercept <- isTRUE(intercept)
  use.Gram <- isTRUE(use.Gram)
  drop <- isTRUE(drop)
  raw <- isTRUE(raw)
  # compute lasso
  if(raw) {
    # call C++ function
    fit <- .Call("R_testLasso", R_x=x, R_y=y, R_lambda=lambda,
                 R_initial=seq_along(y), R_normalize=normalize,
                 R_intercept=intercept, R_eps=eps, R_useGram=use.Gram,
                 PACKAGE = "robustHD")

    # prepare object for raw lasso fit
    coef <- fit$coefficients
    res <- fit$residuals
    if(drop) {
      # drop the dimension of the components
      coef <- drop(coef)
      res <- drop(res)
    center <- mean(res)
    scale <- sqrt(mean((res-center)^2))
    fit <- list(best=fit$indices, coefficients=coef, residuals=res,
                objective=fit$crit, center=center, scale=scale)
  } else {
    # check subset
    if(is.null(subset)) {
      useSubset <- FALSE
      subset <- integer()
    } else useSubset <- TRUE
    # call C++ function
    fit <- .Call("R_fastLasso", R_x=x, R_y=y, R_lambda=lambda,
                 R_useSubset=useSubset, R_subset=subset,
                 R_normalize=normalize, R_intercept=intercept,
                 R_eps=eps, R_useGram=use.Gram,
                 PACKAGE = "robustHD")
    if(drop) fit <- lapply(fit, drop)  # drop the dimension of the components
  # return lasso fit

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