
Defines functions sparseSubsets hyperplaneSubsets randomSubsets

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

## generate random subsets
randomSubsets <- function(n, h, nsamp = 500) replicate(nsamp, sample.int(n, h))

## generate random subsets based on hyperplane
hyperplaneSubsets <- function(x, y, h, nsamp = 500) {
  d <- dim(x)
  x <- addIntercept(x)
  subsets <- randomSubsets(d[1], d[2], nsamp)
  subsets <- apply(subsets, 2, function(i, x) {
    xi <- x[i, , drop=FALSE]  # select observations
    theta <- try(hyperplane(xi), silent=TRUE)  # hyperplane coefficients or error message
    # check if point form hyperplane and add points if not
    while(inherits(theta, "try-error") && length(i) < d[1]) {
      ind <- (seq_len(d[1]))[-i]  # not yet sampled observations
      new <- if(length(ind) > 1) sample(ind, 1) else ind
      i <- c(i, new)
      xi <- rbind(xi, x[new,])  # add new point
      theta <- try(hyperplane(xi), silent=TRUE)  # hyperplane coefficients or error message
    if(inherits(theta, "try-error")) {
      # singularity issues even with all data points
      sample.int(d[1], h)  # random subset
    } else {
      # compute residuals w.r.t. hyperplane
      residuals <- y - x %*% theta
      # find observations with smallest absolute residuals
      findSmallest(abs(residuals), h)
  }, x)

## generate subsets based on lasso solutions with 3 observations
sparseSubsets <- function(x, y, lambda, h, nsamp = 500, normalize = TRUE,
                          intercept = TRUE, eps = .Machine$double.eps,
                          use.Gram = TRUE) {
  # obtain random subsets with only 3 observations
  n <- length(y)
  subsets <- randomSubsets(n, 3, nsamp)
  # call C++ function to compute lasso fits and find observations with
  # smallest absolute residuals
  subsets <- .Call("R_sparseSubsets", R_x=x, R_y=y, R_lambda=lambda,
                   R_h=h, R_subsets=subsets, R_normalize=normalize,
                   R_intercept=intercept, R_eps=eps, R_useGram=use.Gram,
                   PACKAGE = "robustHD")

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