
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

connect_ <- function(keywords, values) {
    .Call(`_rpg_connect_`, keywords, values)

#' Database connection utilities
#' Conection reporting and defaults
#' @param opts a libpq connection string
#' @details \code{ping} will ignore any keywords not directly
#' related to the database host (e.g., username, dbname) as it
#' does not connect; it only detect the server port is responding.
#' @return \code{ping} returns one of the following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{PQPING_OK}  \tab Server reachable \cr
#' \code{PQPING_REJECT} \tab Server reachable but not accepting
#' connections \cr
#' \code{PQPING_NO_RESPONSE} \tab Server unreachable \cr
#' \code{PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT} \tab Connection string is nonsense \cr}
#' @author Timothy H. Keitt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ping("connect_timeout = 3, host = www.keittlab.org")
#' connect()
#' get_conn_defaults()
#' set_conn_defaults(dbname = "test")
#' get_conn_defaults()
#' reset_conn_defaults()
#' get_conn_defaults()
#' get_conn_defaults(all = TRUE)
#' get_conn_info()
#' get_conn_error()
#' disconnect()}
#' @export ping
#' @rdname connection-utils
ping <- function(opts = "") {
    .Call(`_rpg_ping`, opts)

disconnect_ <- function() {

clean_up_all <- function() {

#' @return get_conn_error: an error string
#' @export get_conn_error
#' @rdname connection-utils
get_conn_error <- function() {

get_conn_info_ <- function() {

#' @return \code{result_dim} returns the number of tuples and fields
#' @rdname query
#' @export
result_dim <- function() {

#' @return \code{get_tuple_info} returns an integer array with tuple information.
#' @rdname query
#' @export 
get_tuple_info <- function() {

#' PostgreSQL query
#' Issue a query to the current database connection
#' @param sql a query string
#' @param pars a character vector of substitution values
#' @return \code{query} returns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY \tab The string sent to the server was empty \cr
#' PGRES_COMMAND_OK \tab Successful completion of a command returning no data \cr
#' PGRES_TUPLES_OK \tab Successful completion of a command returning data (such as a SELECT or SHOW) \cr
#' PGRES_COPY_OUT \tab Copy Out (from server) data transfer started \cr
#' PGRES_COPY_IN \tab Copy In (to server) data transfer started \cr
#' PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE \tab The server's response was not understood. \cr
#' PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR \tab A nonfatal error (a notice or warning) occurred \cr
#' PGRES_FATAL_ERROR \tab A fatal error occurred \cr
#' PGRES_COPY_BOTH \tab Copy In/Out (to and from server) data transfer started. This is currently used only for streaming replication \cr}
#' @author Timothy H. Keitt
#' @seealso \code{\link{psql}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createdb("rpgtesting")
#' connect("rpgtesting")
#' begin()
#' execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS rpgtesting CASCADE")
#' execute("CREATE SCHEMA rpgtesting")
#' execute("SET search_path TO rpgtesting")
#' execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test")
#' execute("CREATE TABLE test (id integer, field text)")
#' query("INSERT INTO test VALUES ($1, $2)", c(1, "test"))
#' fetch("SELECT * FROM test")
#' result_dim()
#' fetch("SELECT * FROM testing")
#' query_error()
#' rollback()
#' disconnect()
#' dropdb("rpgtesting")}
#' @rdname query
#' @export query
query <- function(sql = "", pars = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rpg_query`, sql, pars)

#' @return \code{query_error} returns an error string
#' @export query_error
#' @rdname query
query_error <- function() {

fetch_matrix <- function() {

fetch_dataframe <- function() {

#' PostgeSQL connection tracing
#' Functions to manage connection tracing
#' @param filename where to send the tracing
#' @param append if true, append to existing file
#' @param remove if true, unlink the tracing file
#' @details
#' PostgeSQL tracing lets you observe all information
#' passing between \code{rpg} and the database server.
#' \code{trace_conn} begins tracing and \code{untrace_conn}
#' stops tracing.
#' @author Timothy H. Keitt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createdb("rpgtesting")
#' connect("rpgtesting")
#' trace_conn()
#' list_tables()
#' dump_conn_trace(n = 40)
#' untrace_conn(remove = TRUE)
#' disconnect()
#' dropdb("rpgtesting")}
#' @rdname tracing
#' @export
trace_conn <- function(filename = "", append = FALSE) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rpg_trace_conn`, filename, append))

#' @rdname tracing
#' @export
untrace_conn <- function(remove = FALSE) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rpg_untrace_conn`, remove))

#' @return \code{trace_filename}: the name of the file containing
#' trace information.
#' @rdname tracing
#' @export
trace_filename <- function() {

#' @param all if false return only defaults with settings
#' @details \code{get_conn_defaults} returns a data frame containing
#' all of the possible connection string keywords, the names of environment
#' variables used to override the defaults, the compiled in default value
#' and the current value of the keyword.
#' @return \code{get_conn_defaults}: a data frame with defaults listed
#' @rdname connection-utils
#' @export
get_conn_defaults <- function(all = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rpg_get_conn_defaults`, all)

#' Miscelaneous functions
#' Various utility functions
#' @author Timothy H. Keitt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # try connecting to default database
#' createdb("rpgtesting")
#' connect("rpgtesting")
#' begin()
#' libpq_version()
#' encrypt_password("test", "tester")
#' get_encoding()
#' set_encoding("UTF8")
#' set_error_verbosity("terse")
#' set_error_verbosity("verbose")
#' set_error_verbosity("default")
#' enable_postgis()
#' # cleanup
#' rollback()
#' disconnect()
#' dropdb("rpgtesting")}
#' @rdname misc
#' @export
libpq_version <- function() {

#' @param passwd the password
#' @param user the user name
#' @rdname misc
#' @export
encrypt_password <- function(passwd, user) {
    .Call(`_rpg_encrypt_password`, passwd, user)

#' @rdname misc
#' @export
get_encoding <- function() {

#' @param encoding the character encoding
#' @rdname misc
#' @export
set_encoding <- function(encoding) {
    .Call(`_rpg_set_encoding`, encoding)

#' @param verbosity one of "terse", "default", "verbose"
#' @rdname misc
#' @export
set_error_verbosity <- function(verbosity) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rpg_set_error_verbosity`, verbosity))

check_transaction <- function() {

prepare_ <- function(sql, name = "") {
    .Call(`_rpg_prepare_`, sql, name)

execute_prepared_ <- function(pars, name = "") {
    .Call(`_rpg_execute_prepared_`, pars, name)

num_prepared_params <- function(name = "") {
    .Call(`_rpg_num_prepared_params`, name)

#' Multiple PostgreSQL connections
#' Manage multiple connections on a stack
#' @details
#' These functions allow you to store multiple connections on a stack. They are
#' only used for their side-effects. \code{\link{rpg}} stores an active connection
#' pointer internally. This pointer can be moved onto the stack and manipulated.
#' Once on the stack, the pointer is no longer active. You must use
#' \code{swap_conn} or \code{pop_conn} to reactive a pushed connection, or call
#' \code{\link{connect}} to create a new active connection.
#' \code{push_conn} pushes the current connection onto the connection stack
#' leaving the active connection null.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # make some databases
#' dbs = paste0("rpgdb", 1:3)
#' lapply(paste("createdb", dbs), system)
#' # connect
#' connect(dbname = dbs[1]); push_conn()
#' connect(dbname = dbs[2]); push_conn()
#' connect(dbname = dbs[3]); push_conn()
#' show_conn_stack()
#' rotate_stack()
#' show_conn_stack()
#' rotate_stack(2)
#' show_conn_stack()
#' pop_conn()
#' show_conn_stack()
#' get_conn_info("dbname")
#' swap_conn()
#' show_conn_stack()
#' get_conn_info("dbname")
#' pop_conn()
#' show_conn_stack()
#' pop_conn()
#' show_conn_stack()
#' disconnect()
#' connect()
#' lapply(paste("dropdb", dbs), system)}
#' @rdname stack
#' @export
push_conn <- function() {

#' @details
#' \code{pop_conn} pops a connection off the stack and makes it active. Whatever
#' connection was active when \code{pop_conn} is called will be disconnected and
#' cleared. Use \code{swap_conn} to preserve the active connection.
#' @rdname stack
#' @export
pop_conn <- function() {

#' @details
#' \code{swap_conn} swaps the active connection with the connection on the top
#' of the stack. If the stack is empty, the connection is swapped with a null
#' connection.
#' @rdname stack
#' @export
swap_conn <- function() {

#' @param n number of shifts
#' @details
#' \code{rotate_stack} moves the bottom of the stack to the top.
#' @rdname stack
#' @export
rotate_stack <- function(n = 1L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rpg_rotate_stack`, n))

#' @details
#' \code{show_conn_stack} returns a data frame with information about the
#' connections on the stack.
#' @rdname stack
#' @export
show_conn_stack <- function() {

#' Asynchronous query processing
#' Manage an asynchronous query
#' @param sql a query string
#' @param pars a vector of parameters
#' @details
#' These functions expose the asynchronous query interface from
#' \code{libpq}. The function \code{async_query} issues a query. Its
#' call is identical to \code{\link{query}} except that it will return
#' immediately. When the issued command is ready, the function
#' \code{async_status} will return a query status object exactly
#' as \code{\link{query}}. Otherwise it will return \code{"BUSY"} to
#' indicate the server has not finished or \code{"DONE"} to indicate
#' there is nothing more to fetch.
#' If \code{async_status} does not return \code{"DONE"}, then
#' you should call \code{finish_async} to free pending results. Note
#' that a call to \code{finish_async} may block until the server is finished
#' processing the command. It calls \code{cancel} internally but there is
#' no guarantee the command will abort.
#' @return
#' \code{async_query}: true if query was successfully sent (an invalid query
#' will still return true)
#' \code{async_status}: a results status object, possibly indicating an
#' invalid query
#' \code{is_busy}: a boolean
#' @note In practice, you will be much better off using \code{\link{cursor}}
#' as that will usually return very quickly even for large queries, and has
#' the advantage of retrieving the results in chunks. You can call \code{cancel}
#' while a cursor is active. The cursor will return \code{PGRES_FATAL_ERROR} if
#' the \code{cancel} is effective. Alternately, issuing any query that sets the
#' result status will have the same effect as \code{finish_async}.
#' @author Timothy H. Keitt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create a database
#' createdb("rpgtesting")
#' connect("rpgtesting")
#' begin()
#' # write data frame contents
#' data(mtcars)
#' write_table(mtcars)
#' # async processing on smallish result
#' # this wont be interesting if your machine is very fast
#' async_query("SELECT a.* FROM mtcars a, mtcars b")
#' repeat
#' {
#'   status = async_status()
#'   if ( status != "BUSY" ) break
#'   cat("busy...\n")
#'   Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' print(status)
#' head(fetch())
#' finish_async()
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' # async processing on larger result
#' async_query("SELECT a.* FROM mtcars a, mtcars b, mtcars c")
#' count = 0
#' repeat
#' {
#'   status = async_status()
#'   if ( status == "BUSY" )
#'   {
#'     if ( count > 2 )
#'     {
#'       cat("calling cancel...\n")
#'       cancel()
#'     }
#'   }
#'   else break
#'   cat("busy... \n")
#'   Sys.sleep(1)
#'   count = count + 1
#' }
#' print(status)
#' finish_async()
#' # you can run multiple queries with async_query
#' rollback(); begin()
#' write_table(mtcars)
#' sql1 = "SELECT mpg FROM mtcars LIMIT 3"
#' sql2 = "SELECT cyl FROM mtcars LIMIT 4"
#' async_query(paste(sql1, sql2, sep = "; "))
#' while ( async_status() == "BUSY" ) NULL
#' fetch()
#' while ( is_busy() ) NULL
#' async_status()
#' fetch()
#' finish_async()
#' # issue an async query and come back later
#' async_query(sql1)
#' push_conn()
#' connect("rpgtesting")
#' # fails because of transaction isolation
#' fetch(sql2)
#' pop_conn()
#' async_status()
#' # results from sql1
#' fetch()
#' # this is automatic if you issue new queries
#' finish_async()
#' # cleanup
#' rollback()
#' disconnect()
#' dropdb("rpgtesting")} 
#' @export
#' @rdname async
async_query <- function(sql = "", pars = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rpg_async_query`, sql, pars)

#' @details Any pending results will be lost if you call \code{\link{query}},
#' \code{\link{execute}} or \code{\link{fetch}} with a \code{sql} string prior
#' to \code{async_query} returning \code{DONE}. If you need to issue queries
#' while waiting on an async call, then use \code{\link{push_conn}} to save
#' the query state, \code{\link{connect}} to make a new connetion, and then
#' \code{\link{pop_conn}} followed by \code{async_status}.
#' @export
#' @rdname async
async_status <- function() {

#' @details \code{is_busy} is a slightly faster shortcut to check whether the
#' server has completed the query. You must still call \code{async_status} to
#' fetch the results.
#' @export
#' @rdname async
is_busy <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname async
cancel <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname async
finish_async <- function() {

exec_param_serialize <- function(sql, obj) {
    .Call(`_rpg_exec_param_serialize`, sql, obj)

fetch_stowed <- function(sql, par) {
    .Call(`_rpg_fetch_stowed`, sql, par)

#' @param pgoid the PostgreSQL type Oid
#' @param f a function
#' @details
#' The function f must accept a vector of character values and return
#' a vector of values formated appropriately.
#' @rdname format-for-send
#' @export
register_return_formatter <- function(pgoid, f) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rpg_register_return_formatter`, pgoid, f))

#' @rdname misc
#' @export
toggle_echo <- function() {

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rpg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:14 a.m.