#' Invokes a P-model function call
#' R implementation of the P-model and its
#' corollary predictions (Prentice et al., 2014; Han et al., 2017).
#' @param tc Temperature, relevant for photosynthesis (deg C)
#' @param vpd Vapour pressure deficit (Pa)
#' @param co2 Atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm)
#' @param fapar (Optional) Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active
#' radiation (unitless, defaults to \code{NA})
#' @param ppfd Incident photosynthetic photon flux density
#' (mol m-2 d-1, defaults to \code{NA}). Note that the units of
#' \code{ppfd} (per area and per time) determine the units of outputs
#' \code{lue}, \code{gpp}, \code{vcmax}, and \code{rd}. For example,
#' if \code{ppfd} is provided in units of mol m-2 month-1, then
#' respective output variables are returned as per unit months.
#' @param patm Atmospheric pressure (Pa). When provided, overrides
#' \code{elv}, otherwise \code{patm} is calculated using standard
#' atmosphere (101325 Pa), corrected for elevation (argument \code{elv}),
#' using the function \link{calc_patm}.
#' @param elv Elevation above sea-level (m.a.s.l.). Is used only for
#' calculating atmospheric pressure (using standard atmosphere (101325 Pa),
#' corrected for elevation (argument \code{elv}), using the function
#' \link{calc_patm}), if argument \code{patm} is not provided. If argument
#' \code{patm} is provided, \code{elv} is overridden.
#' @param kphio Apparent quantum yield efficiency (unitless). Defaults to
#' 0.081785 for \code{method_jmaxlim="wang17", do_ftemp_kphio=TRUE,
#' do_soilmstress=FALSE}, 0.087182 for \code{method_jmaxlim="wang17",
#' do_ftemp_kphio=TRUE, do_soilmstress=TRUE}, and 0.049977 for
#' \code{method_jmaxlim="wang17", do_ftemp_kphio=FALSE, do_soilmstress=FALSE},
#' corresponding to the empirically fitted value as presented in Stocker et al.
#' (2019) Geosci. Model Dev. for model setup 'BRC', 'FULL', and 'ORG'
#' respectively, corresponding to \eqn{(a_L b_L)/4} in
#' Eq.20 in Stocker et al. (2020) for C3 photosynthesis. For C4 photosynthesis
#' (\code{c4 = TRUE}), \code{kphio} defaults to 1.0, corresponding to the
#' parametrisation by Cai & Prentice (2020).
#' @param beta Unit cost ratio. Defaults to 146.0 (see Stocker et al., 2019) for
#' C3 plants and 146/9 for C4 plants.
#' @param soilm (Optional, used only if \code{do_soilmstress==TRUE}) Relative
#' soil moisture as a fraction of field capacity (unitless). Defaults to 1.0
#' (no soil moisture stress). This information is used to calculate
#' an empirical soil moisture stress factor (\link{calc_soilmstress}) whereby
#' the sensitivity is determined by average aridity, defined by the local
#' annual mean ratio of actual over potential evapotranspiration, supplied by
#' argument \code{meanalpha}.
#' @param meanalpha (Optional, used only if \code{do_soilmstress==TRUE}) Local
#' annual mean ratio of actual over potential evapotranspiration, measure for
#' average aridity. Defaults to 1.0. Only scalar numbers are accepted. If
#' a vector is provided, only the first element will be used.
#' @param apar_soilm (Optional, used only if \code{do_soilmstress==TRUE})
#' Parameter determining the sensitivity of the empirical soil moisture stress
#' function. Defaults to 0.0, the empirically fitted value as presented in
#' Stocker et al. (2019) Geosci. Model Dev. for model setup 'FULL'
#' (corresponding to a setup with \code{method_jmaxlim="wang17",
#' do_ftemp_kphio=TRUE, do_soilmstress=TRUE}).
#' @param bpar_soilm (Optional, used only if \code{do_soilmstress==TRUE})
#' Parameter determining the sensitivity of the empirical soil moisture stress
#' function. Defaults to 0.7330, the empirically fitted value as presented in
#' Stocker et al. (2019) Geosci. Model Dev. for model setup 'FULL'
#' (corresponding to a setup with \code{method_jmaxlim="wang17",
#' do_ftemp_kphio=TRUE, do_soilmstress=TRUE}).
#' @param c4 (Optional) A logical value specifying whether the C3 or C4
#' photosynthetic pathway is followed.Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE},
#' the leaf-internal CO2 concentration is still estimated using beta but
#' \eqn{m} (returned variable \code{mj}) tends to 1, and \eqn{m'} tends to
#' 0.669 (with \code{c = 0.41}) to represent CO2 concentrations within the leaf.
#' With \code{do_ftemp_kphio = TRUE}, a C4-specific temperature dependence of
#' the quantum yield efficiency is used (see \link{ftemp_kphio}).
#' @param method_jmaxlim (Optional) A character string specifying which method
#' is to be used for factoring in Jmax limitation. Defaults to \code{"wang17"},
#' based on Wang Han et al. 2017 Nature Plants and (Smith 1937). Available is
#' also \code{"smith19"}, following the method by Smith et al., 2019 Ecology
#' Letters, and \code{"none"} for ignoring effects of Jmax limitation.
#' @param do_ftemp_kphio (Optional) A logical specifying whether
#' temperature-dependence of quantum yield efficiency is used. See \link{ftemp_kphio}
#' for details. Defaults to \code{TRUE}. Only scalar numbers are accepted. If
#' a vector is provided, only the first element will be used.
#' @param do_soilmstress (Optional) A logical specifying whether an empirical
#' soil moisture stress factor is to be applied to down-scale light use
#' efficiency (and only light use efficiency). Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param returnvar (Optional) A character string of vector of character strings
#' specifying which variables are to be returned (see return below).
#' @param verbose Logical, defines whether verbose messages are printed.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A named list of numeric values (including temperature and pressure
#' dependent parameters of the photosynthesis model, P-model predictions,
#' including all its corollary). This includes :
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ca}: Ambient CO2 expressed as partial pressure (Pa)
#' \item \code{gammastar}: Photorespiratory compensation point \eqn{\Gamma*},
#' (Pa), see \link{calc_gammastar}.
#' \item \code{kmm}: Michaelis-Menten coefficient \eqn{K} for photosynthesis
#' (Pa), see \link{calc_kmm}.
#' \item \code{ns_star}: Change in the viscosity of water, relative to its
#' value at 25 deg C (unitless).
#' \deqn{\eta* = \eta(T) / \eta(25 deg C)}
#' This is used to scale the unit cost of transpiration.
#' Calculated following Huber et al. (2009).
#' \item \code{chi}: Optimal ratio of leaf internal to ambient CO2 (unitless).
#' Derived following Prentice et al.(2014) as:
#' \deqn{
#' \chi = \Gamma* / ca + (1- \Gamma* / ca) \xi / (\xi + \sqrt D )
#' }
#' with
#' \deqn{
#' \xi = \sqrt (\beta (K+ \Gamma*) / (1.6 \eta*))
#' }
#' \eqn{\beta} is given by argument \code{beta}, \eqn{K} is
#' \code{kmm} (see \link{calc_kmm}), \eqn{\Gamma*} is
#' \code{gammastar} (see \link{calc_gammastar}). \eqn{\eta*} is \code{ns_star}.
#' \eqn{D} is the vapour pressure deficit (argument \code{vpd}), \eqn{ca} is
#' the ambient CO2 partial pressure in Pa (\code{ca}).
#' \item \code{ci}: Leaf-internal CO2 partial pressure (Pa), calculated as \eqn{(\chi ca)}.
#' \item \code{lue}: Light use efficiency (g C / mol photons), calculated as
#' \deqn{
#' LUE = \phi(T) \phi0 m' Mc
#' }
#' where \eqn{\phi(T)} is the temperature-dependent quantum yield efficiency modifier
#' (\link{ftemp_kphio}) if \code{do_ftemp_kphio==TRUE}, and 1 otherwise. \eqn{\phi 0}
#' is given by argument \code{kphio}.
#' \eqn{m'=m} if \code{method_jmaxlim=="none"}, otherwise
#' \deqn{
#' m' = m \sqrt( 1 - (c/m)^(2/3) )
#' }
#' with \eqn{c=0.41} (Wang et al., 2017) if \code{method_jmaxlim=="wang17"}. \eqn{Mc} is
#' the molecular mass of C (12.0107 g mol-1). \eqn{m} is given returned variable \code{mj}.
#' If \code{do_soilmstress==TRUE}, \eqn{LUE} is multiplied with a soil moisture stress factor,
#' calculated with \link{calc_soilmstress}.
#' \item \code{mj}: Factor in the light-limited assimilation rate function, given by
#' \deqn{
#' m = (ci - \Gamma*) / (ci + 2 \Gamma*)
#' }
#' where \eqn{\Gamma*} is given by \code{calc_gammastar}.
#' \item \code{mc}: Factor in the Rubisco-limited assimilation rate function, given by
#' \deqn{
#' mc = (ci - \Gamma*) / (ci + K)
#' }
#' where \eqn{K} is given by \code{calc_kmm}.
#' \item \code{gpp}: Gross primary production (g C m-2), calculated as
#' \deqn{
#' GPP = Iabs LUE
#' }
#' where \eqn{Iabs} is given by \code{fapar*ppfd} (arguments), and is
#' \code{NA} if \code{fapar==NA} or \code{ppfd==NA}. Note that \code{gpp} scales with
#' absorbed light. Thus, its units depend on the units in which \code{ppfd} is given.
#' \item \code{iwue}: Intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE, Pa), calculated as
#' \deqn{
#' iWUE = ca (1-\chi)/(1.6)
#' }
#' \item \code{gs}: Stomatal conductance (gs, in mol C m-2 Pa-1), calculated as
#' \deqn{
#' gs = A / (ca (1-\chi))
#' }
#' where \eqn{A} is \code{gpp}\eqn{/Mc}.
#' \item \code{vcmax}: Maximum carboxylation capacity \eqn{Vcmax} (mol C m-2) at growth temperature (argument
#' \code{tc}), calculated as
#' \deqn{
#' Vcmax = \phi(T) \phi0 Iabs n
#' }
#' where \eqn{n} is given by \eqn{n=m'/mc}.
#' \item \code{vcmax25}: Maximum carboxylation capacity \eqn{Vcmax} (mol C m-2) normalised to 25 deg C
#' following a modified Arrhenius equation, calculated as \eqn{Vcmax25 = Vcmax / fv},
#' where \eqn{fv} is the instantaneous temperature response by Vcmax and is implemented
#' by function \link{ftemp_inst_vcmax}.
#' \item \code{jmax}: The maximum rate of RuBP regeneration () at growth temperature (argument
#' \code{tc}), calculated using
#' \deqn{
#' A_J = A_C
#' }
#' \item \code{rd}: Dark respiration \eqn{Rd} (mol C m-2), calculated as
#' \deqn{
#' Rd = b0 Vcmax (fr / fv)
#' }
#' where \eqn{b0} is a constant and set to 0.015 (Atkin et al., 2015), \eqn{fv} is the
#' instantaneous temperature response by Vcmax and is implemented by function
#' \link{ftemp_inst_vcmax}, and \eqn{fr} is the instantaneous temperature response
#' of dark respiration following Heskel et al. (2016) and is implemented by function
#' \link{ftemp_inst_rd}.
#' }
#' Additional variables are contained in the returned list if argument \code{method_jmaxlim=="smith19"}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{omega}: Term corresponding to \eqn{\omega}, defined by Eq. 16 in
#' Smith et al. (2019), and Eq. E19 in Stocker et al. (2019).
#' \item \code{omega_star}: Term corresponding to \eqn{\omega^\ast}, defined by
#' Eq. 18 in Smith et al. (2019), and Eq. E21 in Stocker et al. (2019).
#' }patm
#' @references
#' Bernacchi, C. J., Pimentel, C., and Long, S. P.: In vivo temperature response func-tions of parameters
#' required to model RuBP-limited photosynthesis, Plant Cell Environ., 26, 1419–1430, 2003
# Cai, W., and Prentice, I. C.: Recent trends in gross primary production
#' and their drivers: analysis and modelling at flux-site and global scales,
#' Environ. Res. Lett. 15 124050, 2020
#' Heskel, M., O’Sullivan, O., Reich, P., Tjoelker, M., Weerasinghe, L., Penillard, A.,Egerton, J.,
#' Creek, D., Bloomfield, K., Xiang, J., Sinca, F., Stangl, Z., Martinez-De La Torre, A., Griffin, K.,
#' Huntingford, C., Hurry, V., Meir, P., Turnbull, M.,and Atkin, O.: Convergence in the temperature response
#' of leaf respiration across biomes and plant functional types, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
#' 113, 3832–3837, doi:10.1073/pnas.1520282113,2016.
#' Huber, M. L., Perkins, R. A., Laesecke, A., Friend, D. G., Sengers, J. V., Assael,M. J.,
#' Metaxa, I. N., Vogel, E., Mares, R., and Miyagawa, K.: New international formulation for the viscosity
#' of H2O, Journal of Physical and Chemical ReferenceData, 38, 101–125, 2009
#' Prentice, I. C., Dong, N., Gleason, S. M., Maire, V., and Wright, I. J.: Balancing the costs
#' of carbon gain and water transport: testing a new theoretical frameworkfor plant functional ecology,
#' Ecology Letters, 17, 82–91, 10.1111/ele.12211,, 2014.
#' Wang, H., Prentice, I. C., Keenan, T. F., Davis, T. W., Wright, I. J., Cornwell, W. K.,Evans, B. J.,
#' and Peng, C.: Towards a universal model for carbon dioxide uptake by plants, Nat Plants, 3, 734–741, 2017.
#' Atkin, O. K., et al.: Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant func-tional
#' types and leaf traits, New Phytologist, 206, 614–636, doi:10.1111/nph.13253,
#' Smith, N. G., Keenan, T. F., Colin Prentice, I. , Wang, H. , Wright, I. J., Niinemets, U. , Crous, K. Y.,
#' Domingues, T. F., Guerrieri, R. , Yoko Ishida, F. , Kattge, J. , Kruger, E. L., Maire, V. , Rogers, A. ,
#' Serbin, S. P., Tarvainen, L. , Togashi, H. F., Townsend, P. A., Wang, M. , Weerasinghe, L. K. and Zhou, S.
#' (2019), Global photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment. Ecol Lett, 22: 506-517.
#' doi:10.1111/ele.13210
#' Stocker, B. et al. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (in prep.)
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' rpmodel(
#' tc = 20,
#' vpd = 1000,
#' co2 = 400,
#' ppfd = 30,
#' elv = 0)
#' }
rpmodel <- function(
patm = NA,
elv = NA,
kphio = ifelse(c4, 1.0,
beta = ifelse(c4, 146/9, 146),
soilm = stopifnot(!do_soilmstress),
meanalpha = 1.0,
apar_soilm = 0.0,
bpar_soilm = 0.73300,
c4 = FALSE,
method_jmaxlim = "wang17",
do_ftemp_kphio = TRUE,
do_soilmstress = FALSE,
returnvar = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
# Check arguments
if (identical(NA, elv) && identical(NA, patm)){
"Aborted. Provide either elevation (arugment elv) or
atmospheric pressure (argument patm)."
} else if (!identical(NA, elv) && identical(NA, patm)){
if (verbose) {
"Atmospheric pressure (patm) not provided. Calculating it as a
function of elevation (elv), assuming standard atmosphere
(101325 Pa at sea level)."
patm <- calc_patm(elv)
#---- Fixed parameters--------------------------------------------------------
c_molmass <- 12.0107 # molecular mass of carbon (g)
kPo <- 101325.0 # standard atmosphere, Pa (Allen, 1973)
kTo <- 25.0 # base temperature, deg C (Prentice, unpublished)
rd_to_vcmax <- 0.015 # Ratio of Rdark to Vcmax25, number from Atkin et al., 2015 for C3 herbaceous
#---- Temperature dependence of quantum yield efficiency----------------------
## 'do_ftemp_kphio' is not actually a stress function, but is the temperature-dependency of
## the quantum yield efficiency after Bernacchi et al., 2003 PCE
if (length(do_ftemp_kphio) > 1){
warning("Argument 'do_ftemp_kphio' has length > 1. Only the first element is used.")
do_ftemp_kphio <- do_ftemp_kphio[1]
if (do_ftemp_kphio) {
kphio <- ftemp_kphio( tc, c4 ) * kphio
} else {
if (c4){
kphio <- ftemp_kphio( 15.0, c4 ) * kphio
#---- soil moisture stress as a function of soil moisture and mean alpha -----
if (do_soilmstress) {
if (length(meanalpha) > 1){
warning("Argument 'meanalpha' has length > 1. Only the first element is used.")
meanalpha <- meanalpha[1]
soilmstress <- calc_soilmstress( soilm, meanalpha, apar_soilm, bpar_soilm )
else {
soilmstress <- 1.0
#---- Photosynthesis parameters depending on temperature, pressure, and CO2. -
## ambient CO2 partial pression (Pa)
ca <- co2_to_ca( co2, patm )
## photorespiratory compensation point - Gamma-star (Pa)
gammastar <- calc_gammastar( tc, patm )
## Michaelis-Menten coef. (Pa)
kmm <- calc_kmm( tc, patm )
## viscosity correction factor = viscosity( temp, press )/viscosity( 25 degC, 1013.25 Pa)
ns <- viscosity_h2o( tc, patm ) # Pa sc4, 1.0,
ns25 <- viscosity_h2o( kTo, kPo ) # Pa s
ns_star <- ns / ns25 # (unitless)
##----Optimal ci -------------------------------------------------------------
## The heart of the P-model: calculate ci:ca ratio (chi) and additional terms
out_optchi <- optimal_chi( kmm, gammastar, ns_star, ca, vpd, beta, c4 )
## leaf-internal CO2 partial pressure (Pa)
ci <- out_optchi$chi * ca
#---- Corrolary preditions ---------------------------------------------------
## intrinsic water use efficiency (in Pa)
iwue = ( ca - ci ) / 1.6
#---- Vcmax and light use efficiency -----------------------------------------
# Jmax limitation comes in only at this step
if (c4){
out_lue_vcmax <- lue_vcmax_c4(
} else if (method_jmaxlim=="wang17"){
## apply correction by Jmax limitation
out_lue_vcmax <- lue_vcmax_wang17(
} else if (method_jmaxlim=="smith19"){
out_lue_vcmax <- lue_vcmax_smith19(
} else if (method_jmaxlim=="none"){
out_lue_vcmax <- lue_vcmax_none(
} else {
stop("rpmodel(): argument method_jmaxlim not idetified.")
#---- Corrolary preditions ---------------------------------------------------
# Vcmax25 (vcmax normalized to 25 deg C)
ftemp25_inst_vcmax <- ftemp_inst_vcmax( tc, tc, tcref = 25.0 )
vcmax25_unitiabs <- out_lue_vcmax$vcmax_unitiabs / ftemp25_inst_vcmax
## Dark respiration at growth temperature
ftemp_inst_rd <- ftemp_inst_rd( tc )
rd_unitiabs <- rd_to_vcmax * (ftemp_inst_rd / ftemp25_inst_vcmax) * out_lue_vcmax$vcmax_unitiabs
#---- Quantities that scale linearly with absorbed light ---------------------
iabs <- fapar * ppfd
# Gross Primary Productivity
gpp <- iabs * out_lue_vcmax$lue # in g C m-2 s-1
# Vcmax per unit ground area is the product of the intrinsic quantum
# efficiency, the absorbed PAR, and 'n'
vcmax <- iabs * out_lue_vcmax$vcmax_unitiabs
## (vcmax normalized to 25 deg C)
vcmax25 <- iabs * vcmax25_unitiabs
## Dark respiration
rd <- iabs * rd_unitiabs
# Jmax using again A_J = A_C, derive the "Jmax limitation factor"
fact_jmaxlim <- vcmax * (ci + 2.0 * gammastar) / (kphio * iabs * (ci + kmm))
# use definition of Jmax limitation factor (L in Eq. 13) and solve for Jmax.
jmax <- 4.0 * kphio * iabs / sqrt( (1.0/fact_jmaxlim)^2 - 1.0 )
# ## Alternatively, Jmax can be calculated from Eq. F10 in Stocker et al., 2020
# kc <- 0.41
# jmax_alt <- 4.0 * kphio * iabs * sqrt((out_optchi$mj / kc)^(2/3) - 1.0)
# fact_jmaxlim_alt <- 1.0 / sqrt(1 + (4.0 * kphio * iabs / jmax_alt)^2)
ftemp25_inst_jmax <- ftemp_inst_jmax( tc, tc, tcref = 25.0 )
jmax25 <- jmax / ftemp25_inst_jmax
## Test: at this stage, verify if A_J = A_C
if (c4){
a_j = kphio * iabs * out_optchi$mj * fact_jmaxlim
a_c = vcmax * out_optchi$mc
} else {
a_j <- kphio * iabs * (ci - gammastar)/(ci + 2.0 * gammastar) * fact_jmaxlim
a_c <- vcmax * (ci - gammastar) / (ci + kmm)
a_j_eq_a_c <- all.equal(a_j, a_c, tol = 0.001)
if (! isTRUE(a_j_eq_a_c)) {
warning("rpmodel(): light and Rubisco-limited assimilation rates ",
"are not identical.\n", a_j_eq_a_c)
# Assimilation is not returned because it should not be confused with what
# is usually measured should use instantaneous assimilation for comparison to
# measurements. This is returned by inst_rpmodel().
assim <- ifelse(a_j < a_c , a_j, a_c)
assim_eq_check <- all.equal(assim, gpp / c_molmass, tol = 0.001)
if (! isTRUE(assim_eq_check)) {
warning("rpmodel(): Assimilation and GPP are not identical.\n",
## average stomatal conductance
gs <- assim / (ca - ci)
## construct list for output
out <- list(
gpp = gpp, # remove this again later
ca = ca,
gammastar = gammastar,
kmm = kmm,
ns_star = ns_star,
chi = out_optchi$chi,
xi = out_optchi$xi,
mj = out_optchi$mj,
mc = out_optchi$mc,
ci = ci,
iwue = iwue,
gs = gs,
vcmax = vcmax,
vcmax25 = vcmax25,
jmax = jmax,
jmax25 = jmax25,
rd = rd
# if (!is.null(returnvar)) out <- out[returnvar]
return( out )
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