
#' Recursive Partitioning for Modeling Survey Data (rpms)
#' This package provides a function \code{rpms} to produce an \code{rpms} object 
#' and method functions that operate on them. 
#' The \code{rpms} object is a representation of a regression tree achieved
#' by recursively partitioning the dataset, fitting the specified linear model
#' on each node separately.
#' The recursive partitioning algorithm has an unbiased variable selection
#' and accounts for the sample design.
#' The algorithm accounts for one-stage of stratification and clustering as
#' well as unequal probability of selection.
#' There are also functions for producing random forest estimator 
#' (a list of \code{rpms} objects), a boosted regression tree and tree 
#' based zero-inflated model.
#' @docType package
#' @name rpms-package
#' @useDynLib rpms
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @importFrom stats predict

#' CE Consumer expenditure data 2015
#' A dataset containing consumer unit characteristics, assets and expenditure 
#' data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Expenditure Survey 
#' public use interview data file.
#' @format A data frame with 68,415 observations on 47 variables:
#' @section Sample-design information:
#' \describe{
#' \item{NEWID}{Consumer unit identifying variable, constructed using the first 
#'              seven digits of NEWID BLS derived}
#' \item{PSU}{Primary Sampling Unit code for the 21 biggest clusters}
#' \item{CID}{Cluster Identifier for all clusters, (created using PSU, 
#'            REGION, STATE, and POPSIZE) not part of CE data}
#' \item{QINTRVMO}{Month for which data was collected}          
#' \item{FINLWT21}{Final sample weight to make inference to total population}
#' }
#' @section Location of Consumer Unit:
#' \describe{
#' \item{STATE}{State FIPS code}
#' \item{REGION}{Region code: 1 Northeast; 2 Midwest; 3 South; 4 West}
#' \item{BLS_URBN}{Urban = 1, Rural = 2}
#' \item{POPSIZE}{Population size class of PSU: 1-biggest 5-smallest}
#' }
#' @section Housing and transportation:
#' \describe{
#' \item{CUTENURE}{Housing tenure: 1 Owned with mortgage; 
#'          2 Owned without mortgage
#'          3 Owned mortgage not reported; 4 Rented; 
#'          5 Occupied without payment of cash rent; 6 Student housing}
#' \item{ROOMSQ}{Number of rooms, including finished living areas 
#'          and excluding all baths}
#' \item{BATHRMQ}{Number of bathrooms}
#' \item{BEDROOMQ}{Number of bedrooms}                    
#' \item{VEHQ}{Number of owned vehicles}
#' \item{VEHQL}{Number of leased vehicles}
#' }
#' @section Family Information:
#' \describe{
#' \item{FAM_TYPE}{CU code based on relationship of members to reference person  
#'          (children incldue blood-related, step and adopted):
#'          1 Married Couple only; 
#'          2 Married Couple, children (oldest < 6 years old);
#'          3 Married Couple, children (oldest 6 to 17 years old);
#'          4 Married Couple, children (oldest > 17 years old);
#'          5 All other Married Couple CUs
#'          6 One parent (male), children (at least one child < 18 years old);
#'          7 One parent (female), children (at least one child < 18 years old);
#'          8 Single consumers; 9 Other CUs}
#' \item{FAM_SIZE}{Number of members in CU}
#' \item{PERSLT18}{Number of people <18 yrs old}
#' \item{PERSOT64}{Number of people >64 yrs old}
#' \item{NO_EARNR}{Number of earners}
#' }
#' @section Primary Earner Information:
#' \describe{
#' \item{AGE}{Age of primary earner}
#' \item{EDUCA}{Education level coded:
#'                1 None; 2 1st-8th Grade; 3 some HS; 4 HS; 
#'                5 Some college; 6 AA degree; 7 Bachelors degree; 
#'                8 Advanced degree}
#' \item{SEX}{Gender Code: F (Female); M (Male)}
#' \item{MARITAL}{Marital Status Coded: 1 Married; 2 Widowed; 3 Divorced;
#'                4 Separated; 5 Never Married}
#' \item{MEMBRACE}{Race code: 1 White; 2 Black; 3 Native American; 4 Asian; 
#'             5 Pacific Islander; 6 Multi-race}
#' \item{HORIGIN}{Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?  Y (Yes); N (No)}
#' \item{ARM_FORC}{Member of armed forces?  Y (Yes);  N (No)}
#' \item{IN_COLL}{Currently enrolled in college?  Full (full time); Part (part time); No}
#' }
#' @section Labor Status of Primary Earner:
#' \describe{
#' \item{EARNER}{Earn income: Y (Yes); N (No)}
#' \item{EARNTYPE}{1 Full time all year; 2 Part time all year; 
#'                 3 Full time part of the year; 2 Part time part of the year; }  
#' \item{OCCUCODE}{The job in which the member received the most earnings during 
#'                 the past 12 months fits best in the following category:
#'                 01 Administrator, manager; 02 Teacher; 
#'                 03 Professional Administrative support, technical, sales;
#'                 04 Administrative support, including clerical;
#'                 05 Sales, retail; 06 Sales, business goods and services;
#'                 07 Technician; 08 Protective service;
#'                 09 Private household service; 10 Other service; 
#'                 11 Machine operator, assembler, inspector;
#'                 12 Transportation operator;
#'                 13 Handler, helper, laborer;
#'                 14 Mechanic, repairer, precision production;
#'                 15 Construction, mining; 16 Farming; 
#'                 17 Forestry, fishing, grounds-keeping;
#'                 18 Armed forces} 
#' \item{INCOMEY}{Type of employment:
#'                1 An employee of a PRIVATE company, business, or individual
#'                2 A Federal government employee
#'                3 A State government employee
#'                4 A local government employee
#'                5 Self-employed in OWN business, professional practice or farm
#'                6 Working WITHOUT PAY in family business or farm}
#' \item{INCNONWK}{Reason did not work during the past 12 months:
#'                  1 Retired; 2 Home maker; 3 School; 4 health;
#'                  5 Unable to find work; 6 Doing something else}
#' }
#' @section Income: 
#' \describe{                 
#' \item{FINCBTAX}{Amount of CU income before taxes in past 12 months}
#' \item{SALARYX}{Amount of wage or salary income received in past 12 months, 
#'                before any deductions } 
#' \item{SOCRRX}{Amount income received from Social Security and Railroad Retirement in past 12 months}
#' }
#' @section Assetts and Liabilities:
#' \describe{
#' \item{IRAX}{Total value of all retirement accounts}
#' \item{LIQUIDX}{Value of liquid assets}
#' \item{STOCKX}{Total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds}
#' \item{STUDNTX}{Amount owed on all student loans}
#' }
#' @section Expenditures:  
#' \describe{          
#' \item{TOTEXPCQ}{Total expenditures for current quarter}   
#' \item{TOTXEST}{Total taxes paid (estimated)}
#' \item{EHOUSNGC}{Total expenditures for housing paid this quarter}              
#' \item{HEALTHCQ}{Expenditures on health care quarter}
#' \item{FOODCQ}{Expenditure on food this quarter}
#' \item{TOBACCCQ}{Tobacco and smoking supplies this quarter}
#' \item{FOOTWRCQ}{Expenditure on footware1 this quarter}
#' } end describe
#' @source \url{https://www.bls.gov/cex/pumd_data.htm}

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rpms documentation built on June 26, 2021, 1:07 a.m.