
Defines functions R2_lik.pglmm R2_lik.gls R2_lik.phyloglm R2_lik.phylolm R2_lik.glmerMod R2_lik.lm R2_lik

Documented in R2_lik

#' Calculate R2_lik
#' Calculate partial and total R2s for LMM, GLMM, PGLS, and PGLMM using R2_lik, 
#' an R2 based on the likelihood of the fitted model.
#' @param mod A regression model with one of the following classes: 'lm', 'glm', 
#' 'lmerMod', 'glmerMod', 'phylolm', 'phyloglm', 'gls', 'pglmm', pglmm_compare' 
#' or 'communityPGLMM'.
#' @param mod.r A reduced model; if not provided, the total R2 will be given by 
#' setting 'mod.r' to the model corresponding to 'mod' with the intercept as 
#' the only predictor.
#' @return R2_lik value.
#' @export
#' @details  \code{R2_lik()} is implemented as
#' \deqn{partial R2 = 1 - exp(-2/n * (logLik(mod.f) - logLik(mod.r)))}
#' where 'mod.f' and 'mod.r' are the full and reduced models, respectively. The total 
#' R2 is given when 'mod.r' is the model corresponding to mod.f that contains only 
#' the intercept. For GLMMs and PGLMMs, \code{R2_lik()} is standardized to have a 
#' maximum of one following Nagelkerke (1991). Although you can use R2_lik with 
#' models fit with REML, you really shouldn't, because this makes it impossible 
#' to compare values when reduced models differ in independent variables (fixed effects).
#' \code{R2_lik()} is also computed for LMMs and GLMMs in the {MuMIn} package.
#' @seealso MuMIn, lme4, ape, phylolm, phyr, pez
#' @author Anthony R. Ives
#' @references Ives A.R. and Li D. 2018. rr2: An R package to calculate R2s for regression models. Journal of Open Source Software. DOI:10.21105/joss.01028
#' Ives A.R. 2018. R2s for Correlated Data: Phylogenetic Models, LMMs, and GLMMs. Systematic Biology, Volume 68, Issue 2, March 2019, Pages 234-251. DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syy060
#' Nagelkerke 1991. A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination. Biometrika 78:691–692.
#' @examples 
#' library(ape)
#' library(phylolm)
#' library(lme4)
#' library(nlme)
#' library(phyr)
#' set.seed(12345)
#' p1 <- 10
#' nsample <- 10
#' n <- p1 * nsample
#' d <- data.frame(x1 = 0, x2 = 0, u1 = rep(1:p1, each = nsample),
#'                 u2 = rep(1:p1, times = nsample))
#' d$u1 <- as.factor(d$u1)
#' d$u2 <- as.factor(d$u2)
#' b1 <- 1
#' b2 <- -1
#' sd1 <- 1.5
#' d$x1 <- rnorm(n = n)
#' d$x2 <- rnorm(n = n)
#' d$y.lmm <- b1 * d$x1 + b2 * d$x2 + 
#'   rep(rnorm(n = p1, sd = sd1), each = nsample) +
#'   rep(rnorm(n = p1, sd = sd1), times = nsample) + 
#'   rnorm(n = n)
#' prob <- inv.logit(b1 * d$x1 + rep(rnorm(n = p1, sd = sd1), each = nsample))
#' d$y.glmm <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = prob)
#' # LMM with two fixed and two random effects ----
#' z.f <- lmer(y.lmm ~ x1 + x2 + (1 | u1) + (1 | u2), data = d, REML = FALSE)
#' z.x <- lmer(y.lmm ~ x1 + (1 | u1) + (1 | u2), data = d, REML = FALSE)
#' z.v <- lmer(y.lmm ~ 1 + (1 | u2), data = d, REML = FALSE)
#' z.0 <- lm(y.lmm ~ 1, data = d)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)
#' # GLMM with one fixed and one random effect ----
#' z.f <- glmer(y.glmm ~ x1 + (1 | u1), data = d, family = 'binomial')
#' z.x <- glmer(y.glmm ~ 1 + (1 | u1), data = d, family = 'binomial')
#' z.v <- glm(y.glmm ~ x1, data = d, family = 'binomial')
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)
#' # PGLS with a single fixed effect ----
#' n <- 100
#' d <- data.frame(x = array(0, dim = n), y = 0)
#' b1 <- 1.5
#' signal <- 0.5
#' phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = n), method = 'Grafen', power = 1)
#' phy.x <- compute.brlen(phy, method = 'Grafen', power = .0001)
#' # Generate random data
#' x <- rTraitCont(phy.x, model = 'BM', sigma = 1)
#' e <- signal^0.5 * rTraitCont(phy, model = 'BM', sigma = 1) + (1-signal)^0.5 * rnorm(n = n)
#' d$x <- x[match(names(e), names(x))]
#' d$y <- b1 * x + e
#' rownames(d) <- phy$tip.label
#' d$sp <- phy$tip.label
#' z.f <- pglmm_compare(y ~ x, data = d, phy = phy, REML=FALSE)
#' z.x <- pglmm_compare(y ~ 1, data = d, phy = phy, REML=FALSE)
#' z.v <- glm(y ~ x, data = d)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)
#' # These data can also be fit with phylolm() in {phylolm}
#' z.f <- phylolm(y ~ x, phy = phy, data = d, model = 'lambda')
#' z.x <- phylolm(y ~ 1, phy = phy, data = d, model = 'lambda')
#' z.v <- lm(y ~ x, data = d)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)
#' # This also works for models fit with gls() in {nlme}
#' z.f <- gls(y ~ x, data = d, correlation = corPagel(1, phy, form = ~sp), method = "ML")
#' z.x <- gls(y ~ 1, data = d, correlation = corPagel(1, phy, form = ~sp), method = "ML")
#' z.v <- lm(y ~ x, data = d)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)
#' # PGLMM with one fixed effect ----
#' n <- 100
#' b1 <- 1.5
#' signal <- 2
#' phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = n), method = 'Grafen', power = 1)
#' phy.x <- compute.brlen(phy, method = 'Grafen', power = .0001)
#' # Generate random data
#' x <- rnorm(n)
#' d <- data.frame(x = x, y = 0)
#' e <- signal * rTraitCont(phy, model = 'BM', sigma = 1)
#' e <- e[match(phy$tip.label, names(e))]
#' d$y <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = inv.logit(b1 * d$x + e))
#' rownames(d) <- phy$tip.label
#' z.f <- phyloglm(y ~ x, data = d, start.alpha = 1, phy = phy)
#' z.x <- phyloglm(y ~ 1, data = d, phy = phy, start.alpha = min(20, z.f$alpha))
#' z.v <- glm(y ~ x, data = d, family = 'binomial')
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)
#' # These data can also be fit with pglmm_compare(), although note that 
#' # this is a different model from phyloglm()
#' z.f <- pglmm_compare(y ~ x, data = d, family = "binomial", phy = phy, REML=FALSE)
#' z.x <- pglmm_compare(y ~ 1, data = d, family = "binomial", phy = phy, REML=FALSE)
#' z.v <- glm(y ~ x, data = d, family = "binomial")
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.x)
#' R2_lik(z.f, z.v)
#' R2_lik(z.f)

R2_lik <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
    if (class(mod)[1] == "merModLmerTest") 
        class(mod) <- "lmerMod"
    if (!is.element(class(mod)[1], c("lm", "glm", "lmerMod", "glmerMod", "phylolm", 
        "phyloglm", "gls", "pglmm", "pglmm_compare", "communityPGLMM"))) {
        stop("mod must be class one of classes lm, glm, lmerMod, glmerMod, phylolm, phyloglm, gls, pglmm, pglmm_compare, communityPGLMM.")
    if (class(mod)[1] == "lm") {
        if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
            y <- model.frame(mod)[, 1]
            mod.r <- lm(y ~ 1)
        if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("lm"))) {
            stop("mod.r must be class lm.")
        return(R2_lik.lm(mod, mod.r)[1])
    if (class(mod)[1] == "glm") {
        if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
            y <- model.frame(mod)[, 1]
            mod.r <- glm(y ~ 1, family = family(mod)[[1]])
        if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("glm"))) {
            stop("mod.r must be class glm.")
        if (family(mod)[[1]] != family(mod.r)[[1]]) {
            stop("Sorry, but mod and mod.r must be from the same family of distributions.")
        return(R2_lik.glm(mod, mod.r)[1])
    if (class(mod)[1] == "lmerMod") {
        if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
            y <- model.frame(mod)[, 1]
            mod.r <- lm(y ~ 1)
        if (class(mod.r)[1] == "merModLmerTest") 
            class(mod.r) <- "lmerMod"
        if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("lmerMod", "lm"))) {
            stop("mod.r must be class lmerMod or lm.")
        if (lme4::isREML(mod)) {
            mod <- update(mod, REML = F)
            warning("mod updated with REML = F")
        if (class(mod.r)[1] == "lmerMod" && lme4::isREML(mod.r)) {
            mod.r <- update(mod.r, REML = F)
            warning("mod.r updated with REML = F")
        return(R2_lik.lmerMod(mod, mod.r)[1])
    if (class(mod)[1] == "glmerMod") {
        if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
            y <- model.frame(mod)[, 1]
            mod.r <- glm(y ~ 1, family = family(mod)[[1]])
        if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("glmerMod", "glm"))) {
            stop("mod.r must be class glmerMod or glm.")
        if (family(mod)[[1]] != family(mod.r)[[1]]) {
            stop("Sorry, but mod and mod.r must be from the same family of distributions.")
        return(R2_lik.glmerMod(mod, mod.r)[1])
    if (class(mod)[1] == "phylolm") {
        if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
            y <- mod$y
            mod.r <- lm(y ~ 1)
        if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("phylolm", "lm"))) {
            stop("mod.r must be class phylolm or lm.")
        return(R2_lik.phylolm(mod, mod.r))
    if (class(mod)[1] == "phyloglm") {
        if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
            y <- mod$y
            mod.r <- glm(y ~ 1, family = "binomial")
        if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("phyloglm", "glm"))) {
            stop("mod.r must be class phyloglm or glm.")
        return(R2_lik.phyloglm(mod, mod.r)[1])
    if (class(mod)[1] == "gls") {
      if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
        y <- as.numeric(fitted(mod) + resid(mod))
        mod.r <- lm(y ~ 1)
      if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("gls", "lm"))) {
        stop("mod.r must be class gls or lm.")
      return(R2_lik.gls(mod, mod.r))

    if (class(mod)[1] %in% c("communityPGLMM", "pglmm", "pglmm_compare")) {
      if (mod$bayes == TRUE) {
        stop("R2_lik is not defined for pglmm(bayes == TRUE).")
      if (is.object(mod$REML) && mod$REML == TRUE) {
        warning("mod was fit with REML, so you should refit it with REML = F")

      if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
        y <- mod$Y
        if(mod$family == "binomial" & any(y < 0 | y > 1)){
          mod.r <- glm(cbind(y, mod$size-y) ~ 1, family = "binomial")
          mod.r <- glm(y ~ 1, family = mod$famil)
      if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("communityPGLMM", "pglmm", "pglmm_compare", "glm", "lm"))) {
        stop("mod.r must be class communityPGLMM, pglmm, pglmm_compare, glm, or lm.")
      return(R2_lik.pglmm(mod, mod.r))

    # if (class(mod)[1] == "communityPGLMM") {
    #    if (mod$family == "binomial") 
    #      stop("Binary communityPGLMMs do not have log likelihood,
    #               If you are interested in LRT of random terms, use
    #               phyr::communitypglmm_binary.LRT()")
    #   if (mod$REML == TRUE) 
    #     warning("mod was fitted with REML, so you should refit it with REML = F")
    #   if (!is.object(mod.r)) {
    #         y <- mod$Y
    #         mod.r <- lm(y ~ 1)
    #   }
    #   if (!is.element(class(mod.r)[1], c("communityPGLMM", "lm"))) {
    #       stop("mod.r must be class communityPGLMM or lm.")
    #   }
    #   return(R2_lik.communityPGLMM(mod, mod.r))
    # }

R2_lik.lm <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
    X <- model.matrix(mod)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    R2_lik <- 1 - exp(-2/n * (logLik(mod)[[1]] - logLik(mod.r)[[1]]))

R2_lik.glm <- R2_lik.lm

R2_lik.lmerMod <- R2_lik.lm

R2_lik.glmerMod <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
    X <- model.matrix(mod)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    R2_lik <- (1 - exp(-2/n * (logLik(mod) - logLik(mod.r))))/(1 - exp(2/n * logLik(mod.r)))

R2_lik.phylolm <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
    X <- mod$X
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    R2_lik <- 1 - exp(-2/n * (logLik(mod)[[1]] - logLik(mod.r)[[1]]))

R2_lik.phyloglm <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
    y <- mod$y
    X <- mod$X
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    LL <- mod$logLik
    if (mod$alphaWarn == 2) {
      LL <- logLik(glm(y ~ 0 + X, family = "binomial"))
      warning("In mod, alphaWarn = 2, so model refit with glm()")
    if (mod$convergence != "0") { # mod has not converged
      warning("Full model mod was not converged")
    if (class(mod.r)[1] == "phyloglm") {
      LL.r <- mod.r$logLik
      if (mod.r$alphaWarn == 2) {
        X.r <- mod.r$X
        LL.r <- logLik(glm(y ~ 0 + X.r, family = "binomial"))
        warning("In mod.r, alphaWarn = 2, so model refit with glm()")
      if (mod.r$convergence != "0") { # mod has not converged
        warning("Reduced model mod.r was not converged")
    } else {
        LL.r <- logLik(mod.r)
    R2_lik <- (1 - exp(-2/n * (LL - LL.r)))/(1 - exp(2/n * LL.r))

R2_lik.gls <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
  n <- mod$dims$N
  R2_lik <- 1 - exp(-2/n * (logLik(mod)[[1]] - logLik(mod.r)[[1]]))

R2_lik.pglmm <- function(mod = NULL, mod.r = NULL) {
  n <- nrow(mod$X)
  if (any(class(mod.r) %in% c("lm", "glm"))) {
    ll.r <- logLik(mod.r)[[1]]
  } else {
    ll.r <- mod.r$logLik
  R2_lik <- 1 - exp(-2/n * (mod$logLik - ll.r))

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