octane: Octane data

octaneR Documentation

Octane data


The octane data contains near infrared absorbance spectra (NIR) of n=39 gasoline samples over p=226 wavelengths ranging from 1102 nm to 1552 nm with measurements every two nanometers. For each of the 39 production gasoline samples the octane number y was measured. Six of the samples (25, 26, and 36-39) contain added alcohol.




A data frame with 39 observations and 227 columns, the wavelengts are by column and the first variable is the dependent one (y).


K.H. Esbensen, S. Schoenkopf and T. Midtgaard Multivariate Analysis in Practice, Trondheim, Norway: Camo, 1994.


M. Hubert, P. J. Rousseeuw, K. Vanden Branden (2005), ROBPCA: a new approach to robust principal components analysis, Technometrics, 47, 64–79.

P. J. Rousseeuw, M. Debruyne, S. Engelen and M. Hubert (2006), Robustness and Outlier Detection in Chemometrics, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 36(3–4), 221–242.



octane <- octane[, -1]    # remove the dependent variable y

pca=PcaHubert(octane, k=10)
screeplot(pca, type="lines")

pca2 <- PcaHubert(octane, k=2)
plot(pca2, id.n.sd=6)

pca7 <- PcaHubert(octane, k=7)
plot(pca7, id.n.sd=6)

rrcov documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:13 a.m.