
Defines functions isDocumentPath deploymentConfigFiles deploymentConfigFile deploymentConfigDir deploymentHistoryPath accountConfigFiles accountConfigFile accountConfigDir serverConfigFiles serverConfigFile serverConfigDir applicationConfigDir rsconnectConfigDir

Documented in applicationConfigDir rsconnectConfigDir

#' rsconnect Configuration Directory
#' Forms the path to a location on disk where user-level configuration data for
#' the package is stored.
#' @param subDir An optional subdirectory to be included as the last element of
#'   the path.
#' @return The path to the configuration directory.
#' @keywords internal
rsconnectConfigDir <- function(subDir = NULL) {
  configDir <- applicationConfigDir()

  # If the configuration directory doesn't exist, see if there's an old one to
  # migrate
  if (!dirExists(configDir)) {

  # Form the target and append the optional subdirectory if given
  target <- configDir
  if (!is.null(subDir)) {
    target <- file.path(target, subDir)


#' Application Configuration Directory
#' Returns the root path used to store per user configuration data. Does not
#' check old locations or create the path; use \code{rsconnectConfigDir} for
#' most cases.
#' @return A string containing the path of the configuration folder.
#' @keywords internal
applicationConfigDir <- function() {

  if (exists("R_user_dir", envir = asNamespace("tools"))) {
    # In newer versions of R (>=4.0), we can ask R itself where configuration should be stored.
    # Load from the namespace to avoid check warnings with old R.
    f <- get("R_user_dir", envir = asNamespace("tools"))
    f("rsconnect", "config")
  } else {
    # In older versions of R, use an implementation derived from R_user_dir
    home <- Sys.getenv("HOME", unset = normalizePath("~"))
    path <-
      if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR")))
      else if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")))
      else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "config")
      else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin")
        file.path(home, "Library", "Preferences", "org.R-project.R")
        file.path(home, ".config")

    file.path(path, "R", "rsconnect")

# server ------------------------------------------------------------------

serverConfigDir <- function() {

serverConfigFile <- function(name) {
    file.path(serverConfigDir(), paste(name, ".dcf", sep = ""))

serverConfigFiles <- function() {
  list.files(serverConfigDir(), pattern = glob2rx("*.dcf"), full.names = TRUE)

# account -----------------------------------------------------------------

accountConfigDir <- function() {

accountConfigFile <- function(name, server) {
    file.path(accountConfigDir(), server, paste(name, ".dcf", sep = ""))

accountConfigFiles <- function(server = NULL) {
  path <- accountConfigDir()
  if (!is.null(server)) {
    path <- file.path(path, server)

  list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("*.dcf"), recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

# deployments -------------------------------------------------------------

deploymentHistoryPath <- function(new = FALSE) {
    paste0("history", if (new) ".new", ".dcf")

# given a path, return the directory under which rsconnect package state is
# stored
deploymentConfigDir <- function(recordPath) {
  if (isDocumentPath(recordPath)) {
    file.path(dirname(recordPath), "rsconnect", "documents", basename(recordPath))
  } else {
    file.path(recordPath, "rsconnect")

deploymentConfigFile <- function(recordPath, name, account, server) {
  accountDir <- file.path(deploymentConfigDir(recordPath), server, account)
  file.path(accountDir, paste0(name, ".dcf"))

deploymentConfigFiles <- function(recordPath) {
  dir <- deploymentConfigDir(recordPath)
  list.files(dir, glob2rx("*.dcf"), recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

# Does the path point to an individual piece of content?
isDocumentPath <- function(path) {
  tools::file_ext(path) != ""

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.