Man pages for rstiefel
Random Orthonormal Matrix Generation and Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold

lineSearchA curvilinear search on the Stiefel manifold (Wen and Yin...
lineSearchBBA curvilinear search on the Stiefel manifold with BB steps...
NullCNull Space of a Matrix
optStiefelOptimize a function on the Stiefel manifold
rbing.matrix.gibbsGibbs Sampling for the Matrix-variate Bingham Distribution
rbing.O2Simulate a 2*2 Orthogonal Random Matrix
rbing.OpSimulate a 'p*p' Orthogonal Random Matrix
rbing.vector.gibbsGibbs Sampling for the Vector-variate Bingham Distribution
rbmf.matrix.gibbsGibbs Sampling for the Matrix-variate Bingham-von...
rbmf.O2Simulate a '2*2' Orthogonal Random Matrix
rbmf.vector.gibbsGibbs Sampling for the Vector-variate Bingham-von...
rmf.matrixSimulate a Random Orthonormal Matrix
rmf.matrix.gibbsGibbs Sampling for the Matrix-variate von Mises-Fisher...
rmf.vectorSimulate a Random Normal Vector
rstiefel-packageRandom Orthonormal Matrix Generation on the Stiefel Manifold...
rustiefelSiumlate a Uniformly Distributed Random Orthonormal Matrix
rWSimulate 'W' as Described in Wood(1994)
ry_bingHelper Function for Sampling a Bingham-distributed Vector
ry_bmfHelper Function for Sampling a Bingham-von...
trCompute the trace of a matrix
rstiefel documentation built on June 15, 2021, 5:07 p.m.