launcherSubmitR: Execute an R Script as a Workbench Job

View source: R/launcher-functions.R

launcherSubmitRR Documentation

Execute an R Script as a Workbench Job


Convenience function for running an R script as a Workbench job using whichever R is found on the path in the Workbench launcher cluster.


launcherSubmitR(script, cluster = "Local", container = NULL)



Fully qualified path of R script. Must be a path that is available in the job container (if using containerized job cluster such as Kubernetes).


The name of the cluster this job should be submitted to.


The container to be used for launched jobs.


See launcherSubmitJob() for running jobs with full control over command, environment, and so forth.

See Also

Other job-launcher functionality: launcherAvailable(), launcherConfig(), launcherContainer(), launcherControlJob(), launcherGetInfo(), launcherGetJob(), launcherGetJobs(), launcherHostMount(), launcherNfsMount(), launcherPlacementConstraint(), launcherResourceLimit(), launcherSubmitJob()

rstudioapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:54 a.m.