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NOTE: Capitol Words API is defunct

rsunlight is a collection of functions to search and acquire data from the various APIs that used to be housed under Sunlight Labs, but which are now housed under ProPublica.

rsunlight wraps functions in APIs for:

Functions that wrap these sets of APIs will be prefixed by cg or os for the different methods listed above:

where fxn would be a function to a interface with a specific API.

You need API keys for Propublica APIs. Get them at

You need an API key for the OpenStates API. Get it at

We set up the functions so that you can use either env vars, or R options. For env vars, put an entry in your .Renviron file with the names PROPUBLICA_API_KEY and OPEN_STATES_KEY.

Install rsunlight



Or development version from Github


Congress API

Search for congress members by chamber and state

cg_members_state_district('senate', 'RI')
#> # A tibble: 2 x 16
#>   id     name   first_name middle_name last_name suffix role  gender party
#>   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>      <chr>       <chr>     <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <chr>
#> 1 W0008… Sheld… Sheldon    <NA>        Whitehou… <NA>   Sena… M      D
#> 2 R0001… Jack … Jack       <NA>        Reed      <NA>   Sena… M      D
#> # ... with 7 more variables: times_topics_url <chr>, twitter_id <chr>,
#> #   facebook_account <chr>, youtube_id <chr>, seniority <chr>,
#> #   next_election <chr>, api_uri <chr>

Search for committees by congress and chamber

cg_committees(115, "senate")[[1]]$committees[[1]]
#> $id
#> [1] "SCNC"
#> $name
#> [1] "Caucus on International Narcotics Control"
#> $chamber
#> [1] "Senate"
#> $url
#> [1] ""
#> $api_uri
#> [1] ""
#> $chair
#> [1] "Charles E. Grassley"
#> $chair_id
#> [1] "G000386"
#> $chair_party
#> [1] "R"
#> $chair_state
#> [1] "IA"
#> $chair_uri
#> [1] ""
#> $ranking_member_id
#> [1] "F000062"
#> $subcommittees
#> list()

Open States API

Bill Search - Search for bills with the term agriculture, in Texas, and in the upper chamber.

os_billsearch(terms = 'agriculture', state = 'tx', chamber = 'upper')
#> # A tibble: 26 x 10
#>    title  created_at updated_at id    chamber state session type  subjects
#>  * <chr>  <chr>      <chr>      <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#>  1 Relat… 2017-03-1… 2017-06-0… TXB0… upper   tx    85      bill  <NA>
#>  2 Recog… 2017-02-2… 2017-06-0… TXB0… upper   tx    85      reso… <NA>
#>  3 Recog… 2017-02-2… 2017-06-0… TXB0… upper   tx    85      reso… <NA>
#>  4 Relat… 2017-01-3… 2017-06-0… TXB0… upper   tx    85      bill  <NA>
#>  5 Relat… 2015-03-0… 2016-04-2… TXB0… upper   tx    84      bill  <NA>
#>  6 Relat… 2015-03-1… 2015-07-0… TXB0… upper   tx    84      bill  <NA>
#>  7 Urgin… 2015-05-1… 2016-04-2… TXB0… upper   tx    84      conc… <NA>
#>  8 Relat… 2015-03-1… 2015-03-2… TXB0… upper   tx    84      bill  <NA>
#>  9 Relat… 2015-03-1… 2015-03-2… TXB0… upper   tx    84      bill  <NA>
#> 10 Relat… 2015-03-0… 2015-03-1… TXB0… upper   tx    84      bill  <NA>
#> # ... with 16 more rows, and 1 more variable: bill_id <chr>

Legislator Search - Search for Republican legislators in Nevada

os_legislatorsearch(state = 'nv', party = 'republican')
#> # A tibble: 24 x 26
#>    last_name updated_at   full_name  id    first_name middle_name district
#>  * <chr>     <chr>        <chr>      <chr> <chr>      <chr>       <chr>
#>  1 Hambrick  2018-05-14 … John Hamb… NVL0… John       ""          2
#>  2 Woodbury  2018-05-14 … Melissa W… NVL0… Melissa    ""          23
#>  3 Ellison   2018-05-14 … John Elli… NVL0… John C.    ""          33
#>  4 Hansen    2018-05-14 … Ira Hansen NVL0… Ira        ""          32
#>  5 Anderson  2018-05-14 … Paul Ande… NVL0… Paul       ""          13
#>  6 Oscarson  2018-05-14 … James Osc… NVL0… James      ""          36
#>  7 Wheeler   2018-05-14 … Jim Wheel… NVL0… Jim        ""          39
#>  8 Titus     2018-05-14 … Robin L. … NVL0… Robin L.   ""          38
#>  9 Edwards   2018-05-14 … Chris Edw… NVL0… Chris      ""          19
#> 10 Kramer    2018-05-14 … Al Kramer  NVL0… Al         ""          40
#> # ... with 14 more rows, and 19 more variables: state <chr>,
#> #   votesmart_id <chr>, party <chr>, email <chr>, all_ids <chr>,
#> #   leg_id <chr>, active <lgl>, transparencydata_id <chr>, nickname <chr>,
#> #   photo_url <chr>, url <chr>, country <chr>, created_at <chr>,
#> #   level <chr>, chamber <chr>, offices <chr>, `+address` <chr>,
#> #   suffixes <chr>, csrfmiddlewaretoken <chr>


Try the rsunlight package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsunlight documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:18 p.m.