rjournal_article: R Journal format.

View source: R/rjournal_article.R

rjournal_articleR Documentation

R Journal format.



This function is now deprecated in favor of the rjtools package which is now officialy recommanded by R Journal https://rjournal.github.io/submissions.html. See below for document


rjournal_article(..., keep_tex = TRUE, citation_package = "natbib")



Arguments to rmarkdown::pdf_document().


Keep the intermediate tex file used in the conversion to PDF. Note that this argument does not control whether to keep the auxiliary files (e.g., ‘.aux’) generated by LaTeX when compiling ‘.tex’ to ‘.pdf’. To keep these files, you may set options(tinytex.clean = FALSE).


The LaTeX package to process citations, natbib or biblatex. Use default if neither package is to be used, which means citations will be processed via the command pandoc-citeproc.

About this format and the R Journal requirements

Format for creating R Journal articles. Adapted from https://journal.r-project.org/submissions.html.

This file is only a basic article template. For full details of The R Journal style and information on how to prepare your article for submission, see the Instructions for Authors

rticles::rjournal_article will help you build the correct files requirements:

  • A R file will be generated automatically using knitr::purl - see https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/purl.html for more information.

  • A tex file will be generated from this Rmd file and correctly included in RJwapper.tex as expected to build RJwrapper.pdf.

  • All figure files will be kept in the default rmarkdown ⁠*_files⁠ folder. This happens because keep_tex = TRUE by default in rticles::rjournal_article

  • Only the bib filename is to be modified. An example bib file is included in the template (RJreferences.bib) and you will have to name your bib file as the tex, R, and pdf files.

About YAML header fields

This section documents some of the YAML fields that can be used with this formats.

The author field in the YAML header

name required name and surname of the author
affiliation required name of the author's affiliation
address required at least one address line for the affiliation
url optional an additional url for the author or the main affiliation
orcid optional the authors ORCID if available
email required the author's e-mail address
affiliation2 optional name of the author's 2nd affiliation
address2 optional address lines belonging to the author's 2nd affiliation

Please note: Only one url, orcid and email can be provided per author.

Other YAML fields

bibliography with default the BibTeX file with the reference entries

rticles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:30 a.m.