nu2nu: Set process drift rates equal

View source: R/set_params.R

nu2nuR Documentation

Set process drift rates equal


Setting multiple process drift rates (nu) equal. One of the process drift rates will be estimated and the other named drift rates will be set to equal the former. The equality can be removed by only using one name of a process.


nu2nu(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_nu_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)



A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Character vector giving the names of the processes for which the process drift rates should be equal. If length(names) = 1 then the corresponding process drift rates will be estimated (i.e., it will be set to NA)


Can be one of the following

  • logical value: FALSE (default) means none of the constants for names in the model will be kept; The drift rates of the reference process (i.e., first of names in alphabetical order) will be set to NA (i.e., will be estimated) and the others will be set to the name of the reference process (i.e., will be set to equal the reference process drift rate). TRUE means the constant of the reference process drift rate (if specified) is used for all other processes.

  • numeric value: index for names. If 1, the constant of the first process in names (in original order defined by the user) is used for all other drift rates of the processes in names. If 2, the constant of the second process is used. And so on.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2const, a2a, nu2const, omega2const, and omega2omega


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process drift rates for both detection processes ("do" and "dn")
# will be set equal.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## make do = dn
new_model <- nu2nu(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_nu_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

rtmpt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:01 a.m.