to_drtmpt_data: Transform data to be used in Diffusion RT-MPT model fitting

View source: R/get_transformed_data.R

to_drtmpt_dataR Documentation

Transform data to be used in Diffusion RT-MPT model fitting


Transform data, such that it can be used in fit_drtmpt. This implies changing each value/label in "subj", "group", "tree", and "cat" to numbers such that it starts from zero (e.g. data$tree = c(1,1,3,3,2,2,...) will be changed to data$tree = c(0,0,2,2,1,1,...)) and the columns will be ordered in the right way. "rt" must be provided in milliseconds. If it has decimal places it will be rounded to a whole number. fit_drtmpt will automatically call this function if its input is not already a drtmpt_data list, but it is advised to use it anyway because it provides information about the transformations of the data.


to_drtmpt_data(raw_data, model)



data.frame or path to data containing columns "subj", "group", "tree", "cat", and "rt". If not provided in this order it will be reordered and unused variables will be moved to the end of the new data frame.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


A list of the class drtmpt_data containing transformed data and information about the transformation that has been done.


Raphael Hartmann


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each response.

eqn_2HTM <- "
# tree ; cat  ; mpt
target ; hit  ; do
target ; hit  ; (1-do)*g
target ; miss ; (1-do)*(1-g)

  lure ;  f_a ; (1-dn)*g
  lure ;  c_r ; dn
  lure ;  c_r ; (1-dn)*(1-g)

model <- to_drtmpt_model(eqn_file = eqn_2HTM)

data_file <- system.file("extdata/labeled_data.txt", package="rtmpt")
data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)

data_list <- to_drtmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)

rtmpt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:01 a.m.