trim: Estimate TRIM model parameters.

View source: R/trim.R

trimR Documentation

Estimate TRIM model parameters.


Given some count observations, estimate a TRIM model and use these to impute the data set if necessary.


trim(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  count_col = "count",
  site_col = "site",
  year_col = "year",
  month_col = NULL,
  weights_col = NULL,
  covar_cols = NULL,
  model = 2,
  changepoints = ifelse(model == 2, 1L, integer(0)),
  overdisp = FALSE,
  serialcor = FALSE,
  autodelete = TRUE,
  stepwise = FALSE,
  covin = list(),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
trim(object, data = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'trimcommand'
trim(object, ...)



Either a data.frame, a formula or a trimcommand. If object is a formula, the dependent variable (left-hand-side) is treated as the 'counts' variable. The first and second independent variable are treated as the 'site' and 'time' variable, in that specific order. All other variables are treated as covariates.


More parameters, see below in the details


[character] name of the column holding species counts


[character] name of the column holding the site id


[character] name of the column holding the time of counting


[character] optional name of the column holding the season of counting


[numeric] Optional vector of site weights. The length of


[character] name(s) of column(s) holding covariates


[numeric] TRIM model type 1, 2, or 3.


[numeric] Indices for changepoints (‘Models’).


[logical] Take overdispersion into account (See ‘Estimation options’).


[logical] Take serial correlation into account (See ‘Estimation details’)


[logical] Auto-delete changepoints when number of observations is too small. (See ‘Demands on data’).


[logical] Perform stepwise refinement of changepoints.


a list of variance-covariance matrices; one per pseudo-site.


[data.frame] Data frame containing at least counts, sites, and times


[character] name of the column in data which respresents weights (optional)


All versions of trim support additional 'experts only' arguments:


Logical switch to temporarily enable verbose output. (use option(trim_verbose=TRUE)) for permanent verbosity.


Numerical value to control overdispersion.

  • A value in the range 0..1 uses a Chi-squared oulier detection method.

  • A value >1 uses Tukey's Fence.

  • A value of 1.0 (which is the default) results in unconstrained overdispersion.

See vignette ‘Taming overdispersion’ for more information.


Convergence criterion. Used within the iterative model estimation algorithm. The default value is 1e-5.). May be set to higher values in case models don't converge.


Number of iterations. Default value is 200. May be set to higher values in case models don't converge.


Choose between a more precise (method 1) or a more robust (method 2) method to estimate site parameters alpha. The default is the the more precise method; but consider setting it to the more robust method 2 if method results in warnings.


Probability of removal of changepoints (default value: 0.2). Parameter used in stepwise refinement of models. See the vignette 'Models and statistical methods in rtrim'.


Probability of re-entering of changepoints (default value: 0.15). Similar use as premove.


The purpose of trim() is to estimate population totals over time, based on a set of counts f_{ij} at sites i=1,2,\ldots,I and times j=1,2,\ldots,J. If no count data is available at site and time (i,j), a value \mu_{ij} will be imputed.

In Model 1, the imputed values are modeled as

\ln\mu_{ij} = \alpha_i,

where \alpha_i is the site effect. This model implies that the counts vary accross sites, not over time. The model-based time totals are equal to each time point and the model-based indices are all equal to one.

In Model 2, the imputed values are modeled as

\ln\mu_{ij} = \alpha_i + \beta\times(j-1).

Here, \alpha_i is the log-count of site i averaged over time and \beta is the mean growth factor that is shared by all sites over all of time. The assumption of a constant growth rate may be relaxed by passing a number of changepoints that indicate at what times the growth rate is allowed to change. Using a wald test one can investigate whether the changes in slope at the changepoints are significant. Setting stepwise=TRUE makes trim automatically remove changepoints where the slope does not change significantly.

In Model 3, the imputed values are modeled as

\ln\mu_{ij}=\alpha_i + \beta_j,

where \beta_j is the deviatiation of log-counts at time j, averaged over all sites. To make this model identifiable, the value of \beta_1=0 by definition. Model 3 can be shown to be equivalent to Model 2 with a changepoint at every time point. Using a wald test, one can estimate whether the collection of deviations \beta_i make the model differ significantly from an overall linear trend (Model 2 without changepoints).

The parameters \alpha_i and \gamma_j are referred to as the additive representation of the coefficients. Once computed, they can be represented and extracted in several representations, using the coefficients function. (See also the examples below).

Other model parameters can be extracted using functions such as gof (for goodness of fit), summary or totals. Refer to the ‘See also’ section for an overview.

Using yearly and monthly counts

In many data sets will use use only yearly count data, in which case the time j will reflect the year number. An extension of trim is to use monthly (or any other sub-yearly) count data, in combination with index computations on the yearly time scale.

In this case, counts are given as f_{i,j,m} with m=1,2,\ldots,M the month number. As before, \mu_{i,j,m} will be imputed in case of missing counts.

The contibution of month factors to the model is always similar to the way year factors are used in Model 3, that is,

\ln\mu_{i,j,m} = \alpha_i + \beta\times(j-1) + \gamma_m for Model 2, and \ln\mu_{i,j,m} = \alpha_i + \beta_j + \gamma_m for Model 3.

For the same reason why \beta_1=0 for Model 3, \gamma_1=0 in case of monthly parameters.

Using covariates

In the basic case of Models 2 and 3, the growth parameter \beta does not vary accross sites. If auxiliary information is available (for instance a classification of the type of soil or vegetation), the effect of these variables on the per-site growth rate can be taken into account.

For Model 2 with covariates the growth factor \beta is replaced with a factor

\beta_0 + \sum_{k=1}^K z_{ijk}\beta_k.

Here, \beta_0 is referred to as the baseline and z_{ijk} is a dummy variable that combines dummy variables for all covariates. Since a covariate with L classes is modeled by L-1 dummy variables, the value of K is equal to the sum of the numbers of categories for all covariates minus the number of covariates. Observe that this model allows for a covariate to change over time at a certain sites. It is therefore possible to include situations for example where a site turns from farmland to rural area. The coefficients function will report every individual value of \beta. With a wald test, the significance of contributions of covariates can be tested.

For Model 3 with covariates the parameter \beta_j is replaced by

\beta_{j0} + \sum_{k=1}^Kz_{ijk}\beta_{jk}.

Again, the \beta_{j0} are referred to as baseline parameters and the \beta_{jk} record mean differences in log-counts within a set of sites with equal values for the covariates. All coefficients can be extracted with coefficients and the significance of covariates can be investigated with the wald test.

Estimation options

In the simplest case, the counts at different times and sites are considered independently Poisson distributed. The (often too strict) assumption that counts are independent over time may be dropped, so correlation between time points at a certain site can be taken into account. The assumption of being Poisson distributed can be relaxed as well. In general, the variance-covariance structure of counts f_{ij} at site i for time j is modeled as

  • \textrm{var}(f_{ij}) = \sigma^2\mu_{ij}

  • \textrm{cor}(f_{ij},f_{i,j+1}) = \rho ,

where \sigma is called the overdispersion, \mu_{ij} is the estimated count for site i, time j and \rho is called the serial correlation.

If \sigma=1, a pure Poisson distribution is assumed to model the counts. Setting overdispersion = TRUE makes trim relax this condition. Setting serialcor=TRUE allows trim to assume a non-zero correlation between adjacent time points, thus relaxing the assumption of independence over time.

Demands on data

The data set must contain sufficient counts to be able to estimate the model. In particular

  • For model 2 without covariates there must be at least one observation for each time segment defined by the change points.

  • For model 2 with covariates there must be at least one observation for every value of each covariate, at each time segment defined by the change points.

  • For model 3 without covariates there must be at least one observation for each time point.

  • For model 3 with covariates there must be at least one observation for every value of each covariate, at each time point.

  • For montly data, there must be at least one observation for every month.

The function check_observations identifies cases where too few observations are present to compute a model. Setting the option autodelete=TRUE (Model 2 only) makes trim remove changepoints such that at each time piece sufficient counts are available to estimate the model.

See Also

rtrim by example for a gentle introduction, rtrim for TRIM users for users of the classic Delphi-based TRIM implementation, and rtrim 2 extensions for the major changes from rtrim v.1 to rtrim v.2

Other analyses: coef.trim(), confint.trim(), gof(), index(), now_what(), overall(), overdispersion(), plot.trim.index(), plot.trim.overall(), plot.trim.smooth(), results(), serial_correlation(), summary.trim(), totals(), trendlines(), vcov.trim(), wald()

Other modelspec: check_observations(), read_tcf(), read_tdf(), set_trim_verbose(), trimcommand()


m <- trim(count ~ site + time, data=skylark, model=2)

# An example using weights
# set up some random weights (one for each site)
w <- runif(55, 0.1, 0.9)
# match weights to sites
skylark$weights <- w[skylark$site]
# run model
m <- trim(count ~ site + time, data=skylark, weights="weights", model=3)

# An example using change points, a covariate, and overdispersion
# 1 is added as cp automatically
cp <- c(2,6)
m <- trim(count ~ site + time + Habitat, data=skylark, model=2, changepoints=cp, overdisp=TRUE)
# check significance of changes in slope

rtrim documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:39 a.m.