Man pages for ruimtehol
Learn Text 'Embeddings' with 'Starspace'

dekamerDataset from 2017 with Questions and Answers in the Belgium...
dekamer_theme_terminologyDataset containing relevant terminology for each theme of the...
embed_articlespaceBuild a Starspace model for learning the mapping between...
embedding_similarityCosine and Inner product based similarity
embed_docspaceBuild a Starspace model for content-based recommendation
embed_entityrelationspaceBuild a Starspace model for entity relationship completion
embed_pagespaceBuild a Starspace model for interest-based recommendation
embed_sentencespaceBuild a Starspace model to be used for sentence embedding
embed_tagspaceBuild a Starspace model to be used for classification...
embed_wordspaceBuild a Starspace model which calculates word embeddings
predict.textspacePredict using a Starspace model
range.textspaceGet the scale of embedding similarities alongside a Starspace...
starspaceInterface to Starspace for training a Starspace model
starspace_dictionaryGet the dictionary of a Starspace model
starspace_embeddingGet the document or ngram embeddings
starspace_knnK-nearest neighbours using a Starspace model
starspace_load_modelLoad a Starspace model
starspace_save_modelSave a starspace model as a binary or tab-delimited TSV file
ruimtehol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:26 a.m.