
Defines functions assert_rush_workers assert_rush_worker assert_rushs assert_rush

Documented in assert_rush assert_rushs assert_rush_worker assert_rush_workers

#' @title Assertion for Rush Objects
#' @description
#' Most assertion functions ensure the right class attribute, and optionally additional properties.
#' If an assertion fails, an exception is raised.
#' Otherwise, the input object is returned invisibly.
#' @return Exception if the assertion fails, otherwise the input object invisibly.
#' @name rush_assertions
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # This example is not executed since Redis must be installed
#' \donttest{
#'    config_local = redux::redis_config()
#'    rush = rsh(network_id = "test_network", config = config_local)
#'    assert_rush(rush)
#' }

#' @export
#' @param rush ([Rush]).
#' @param null_ok (`logical(1)`).
#'  If `TRUE`, `NULL` is allowed.
#' @rdname rush_assertions
assert_rush = function(rush, null_ok = FALSE) {
  if (null_ok && is.null(rush)) invisible(return(NULL))
  assert_r6(rush, "Rush")

#' @export
#' @param rushs (list of [Rush]).
#' @param null_ok (`logical(1)`).
#'  If `TRUE`, `NULL` is allowed.
#' @rdname rush_assertions
assert_rushs = function(rushs, null_ok = FALSE) {
  if (null_ok && is.null(rushs)) invisible(return(NULL))
  invisible(map(rushs, assert_rush))

#' @export
#' @param worker ([RushWorker]).
#' @param null_ok (`logical(1)`).
#'  If `TRUE`, `NULL` is allowed.
#' @rdname rush_assertions
assert_rush_worker = function(worker, null_ok = FALSE) {
  if (null_ok && is.null(worker)) invisible(return(NULL))
  assert_r6(worker, "RushWorker")

#' @export
#' @param workers (list of [RushWorker]).
#' @param null_ok (`logical(1)`).
#'  If `TRUE`, `NULL` is allowed.
#' @rdname rush_assertions
assert_rush_workers = function(workers, null_ok = FALSE) {
  if (null_ok && is.null(workers)) invisible(return(NULL))
  invisible(map(workers, assert_rush_worker))

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rush documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:15 p.m.