Man pages for rwunderground
R Interface to Weather Underground API

alertsWeather Alerts for United States and Europe
almanacAverage and record high and low temperatures for current date...
as.numeric.nonemptyas.numeric with special handling for length 0 (NULL) objects
astronomyMoon phase, sunrise and sunset times for today.
base_urlBase URL for wunderground API
build_urlBuild wunderground request URL
conditionsCurrent conditions including current temperature, weather...
current_hurricaneCurrent hurricane - within the US only. Note: all times in...
dst_POSIXctReturn POSIXct time from 7 variables.
dst_repeat_starttimeFind the text to POSIXct ambiguous interval.
encode_NAProcesses data.frames and replaces wunderground's -9999/-999...
forecast10dayForecast for the next 10 days.
forecast3dayForecast for the next 3 days.
geolookupLists nearby weather stations for a given location
get_api_keyReturns the wunderground API key
has_api_keyDetects if wunderground API key is set
historyHourly weather data for specified date.
history_dailySummarized weather data for specified date.
history_rangeHourly weather data for specified date range.
hourlyHourly forecast for the next 24 hours.
hourly10dayHourly forecast for the next 10 days.
is_fall_back_dayCheck if a date is a "fall back" transition from DST.
is_valid_airportChecks if airport code is valid
is_valid_territoryChecks if country/state is a valid one
list_airportsReturns a data.frame of valid airport codes (ICAO and IATA).
list_countriesReturns a data.frame of valid countries with iso...
list_statesReturns a data.frame of valid states with abbreviations and...
lookup_airportLookup airport code (IATA and ICAO code). weatherunderground...
lookup_country_codeLookup ISO country code weatherunderground API doesn't...
measurement_existsCheck if a variable exists for a PWS. If not set the value to...
nonemptyreturn object, or NA for length 0 (NULL) objects
plannerWeather summary based on historical information between the...
rawtideRaw Tidal data with data every 5 minutes for US locations...
satelliteReturns image URL for satellite imagery
set_api_keySets the wunderground API key
set_locationSpecifies location of request
stop_for_errorDetect and stop for any wunderground request errors
tideTidal information for a location within the USA. Tidal...
webcamReturns locations of personal weather stations along with...
wunderground_requestwunderground api requests
yesterdayWeather data for yesterday
rwunderground documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:46 a.m.